
News | News

Woke NJ School Board Rebuked into Submission Over Calendar Holidays

In a stern rebuke to “woke-ism,” a group of parents in Randolph Township, New Jersey, were successful in pushing back against a woke...

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Joe Biden Poised To Turn 9th Circuit Court Hard Left, As It Was Before Trump’s Appointees Made It Centrist

During President Donald Trump’s tenure, he successfully weakened the power of Democrats on the 9th Circuit Court, the largest jurisdiction

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AOC, Squad Promise ‘Climate Justice’, ‘Retroactive COVID Relief’, ‘Survival Checks’, and 

In the aftermath of what appears to be a shocking victory for radical Democrats in Georgia’s twin US Senate run-off

Politics | Politics

The Absurd Crusade against the Salvation Army | National Review

You don’t have to be a Christian to appreciate the goodness of the people who run and work for it.