
Health & Fitness | Health

Slideshow: 8 Habits That Are Bad for Your Heart

You want your heart to be strong and healthy. But are you making any of these mistakes? It’s time to get back on track!

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Terrapins turn to yoga for rejuvenation, recovery - The Washington Post

“Yoga’s one of those things, you don’t really want to do it. But we know it’s good for you," Maryland DL A.J. Francis says.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Affirmations? on the App Store on iTunes

Need a supportive, subversive, or often meaningless affirmation? This application will deliver a dose of what you need to reach your zen state. Click open and touch the feel button to get your wisdom. Facebook to share this affirmation with your friends and family.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

The 10 Healthiest Restaurant Chains in America

The website, called Grellin, uses nutrition information from meals at 100 of the nation’s restaurant chains, and ranks the restaurants based on the proportion of their meals that qualify as “healthy.”