
Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

10 Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make With Puppies

Raising a puppy isn’t always as easy as it seems. Avoid these common mistakes and help your new furry friend grow into a well-behaved dog.

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

Study Finds Dogs Learn More Efficiently When Rewarded with 2 Specific Things

A new study finds that if you're trying to help your dog learn something more efficiently, there are two better rewards than giving them a treat.

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

32 ways to build more fun into your dog’s routine

Things getting a bit boring? Here's how to build more fun into your dog's routine

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Off Leash Training: Building Reliability - Whole Dog Journal

The off leash training goal: Enjoying a walk with your dog running free by your side. The tips in this article may help you gain the reliability you want.

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

What to do when your reactive dog barks and lunges, according to an expert trainer

If your dog reacts to certain triggers when you're out and about, try this trainer's simple tips for a calmer stroll...

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

This Is The Secret To Helping An Anxious Dog Feel Calmer At Home, According To My Veterinarian

This Adaptil diffuser emits dog-appeasing pheromones to help relieve some anxiety in dogs due to separation, fireworks and more.

Pets & Animals | Animals

6 Effective Ways to Stop a Dog From Digging Holes

Get expert advice from vets and trainers to find out why dogs dig and how to stop them from digging holes in your yard.

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

Canine trainer reveals a simple solution to stop repetitive barking, here’s what to do

Learn how to break the cycle of demand barking and foster a stronger relationship with your four legged friend

Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

Dog barking when the doorbell rings? Try this trainer’s creative tip to keep your canine calm

Help your dog feel more relaxed when the doorbell rings and prevent excessive barking with this trainer's clever tip

Pets & Animals | Pets!

Trainer reveals six tips for a better behaved dog — and it all comes down to structure

Get the best out of your dog with these trainer-approved tips that will help your dog feel calm and settled

Pets & Animals | Animals

Three things that will improve your puppy’s behavior, according to an expert trainer

Trainer shares some simple things you can do to help your puppy master new skills and behaviors that much quicker

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Five Steps to Stopping Unwanted Behavior - Whole Dog Journal

Whole Dog Journal‘s mission is to provide dog guardians with in-depth information on dog food, training, behavior, health, and more.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Are Dogs Really Eager to Please?

The first time my husband and I took Emma, our newly adopted Beagle, out for a walk, we knew we were in trouble. Emma was terrified. Her tail was perpetually tucked, the wrinkles on her brow screamed misery, her pupils were dilated and she wouldn’t budg

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Tai Chi and Dogs | The Bark

It was a gorgeous day for a stroll down the animal shelter’s tree-lined driveway with Hope, a 120-pound Mastiff, walking pretty as a picture at my side. I had been volunteering with homeless dogs like her to help them improve their manners and social skil

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Ask the Trainer: Recall Redux | The Bark

Question: Recently, my dog and I were at the dog park and I called her to me.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Hand Signals for Dogs | Dog Training Hand Signals

Dog training hand signals should be taught to your dog as early as possible for better communication for the duration of their lives. Learn more.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Teaching Your Dog to Take Treats Gently | The Bark

Question: My dog takes treats so hard that she’s hurt my hands on occasion. I’ve had the same thing happen to me to varying degrees at the dog park or in classes when I give a treat to another dog. I dread training sessions with my own dog, and I’ve

Pets & Animals | Pets & Animals

9 Trainer Hacks That Make Dog Training So Much Easier

Training a dog is harder than it looks. That’s why we decided to lay out some of the best training hacks we’ve heard from licensed trainers.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

My Dog Is Misbehaving. What Should I Do? | The Bark

Every dog trainer in the world has been asked what to do when a dog doesn’t respond properly, though the wording of the query takes many forms: What should I do when my dog refuses to do what I tell her to do? My dog is so stubborn—how do I get her to

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Dog House Rules - Whole Dog Journal

Once upon a time, societal norms dictated that if pet dogs failed to comply with strict rules for their behavior indoors, they were banished to the outdoors. When I was a child, dog trainers of the day often told clients that allowing their dog on the bed

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

"Quarantrain" Your Dog: How to Train Your Dog While Staying Home - Whole Dog Journal

See that dog surfing your counter as you read this? You know, the one who jumps on you during your Zoom calls? That’s your ticket to 2020 happiness. The opportunity to “quarantrain” your furry friend – whether a new “pandemic pup” or your long

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Preventing Dog Aggression over Food | The Bark

“I’ve been putting my hand in his food while he’s eating since he was a puppy, so he’s never growled at me over his food.” This sort of comment sets my teeth on edge because repeatedly bothering a dog who is eating is actually an effective techn

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

How To Teach Your Dog 3 Basic Commands

Looking to train your puppy with basic dog commands? Here are step-by-step instructions for sit, down, stay and a bonus (paw).

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

On-Leash Reactivity—Give Me Space! | The Bark

It’s another exciting day in the life of a dog trainer. I come bearing my notes and a treat pouch stuffed with teeny-tiny pieces of cheese, ready to tackle my new client’s reactivity concerns. (For those looking for a description of reactivity, it is

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

How to Teach Your Dog to Play “Nose Games” - Whole Dog Journal

If competition isn’t your thing, you can do a simpler activity at home with your dog that we call Nose Games. You can do just the easy parts – hiding treats in a room while your dog watches – or go all the way to the advanced stages, where your dog

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

How to Teach Your Dog to Greet Nicely - Whole Dog Journal

passing by humans and/or dogs without fussing or pulling. Don't expect this to happen without practicing and rewarding your dog for the behavior you want!üThanks to Ally Padgett and Rosi Garcia (above)

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Five Steps to Stopping Unwanted Behavior - Whole Dog Journal

Most of the time, when dogs do something we don’t want them to do (such as stealing our socks or jumping on our elderly aunt), the first thing out of our mouths is “NO!” We’ve all done it. But you may have had a dog trainer or two tell you not to

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Five Steps to Stopping Unwanted Behavior - Whole Dog Journal

Most of the time, when dogs do something we don’t want them to do (such as stealing our socks or jumping on our elderly aunt), the first thing out of our mouths is “NO!” We’ve all done it. But you may have had a dog trainer or two tell you not to

Pets & Animals | Animals!

Dogs can tune out noise, just like people at cocktail parties

This discovery is useful for handlers of working dogs, who often have to summon their canines in chaotic situations.

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

4 of the Most Common Dog Behaviors, Decoded

What’s up, Fido? Get the scoop behind four common dog behaviors to understand what your furry friend is trying to say to you.

Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets

13 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Dog Show Handlers

Here's how they know you should never put liver in your pantyhose—and why that Busy Bee scene in 'Best in Show' may not be so far-fetched.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

The 10 Most Important Things to Teach A Puppy | Whole Dog Journal

The primary puppy socialization window is alarmingly small: from three to four weeks, to about 13 to 14 weeks.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

How Much Training Does Your Dog Really Need?

Teaching a dog new behaviors can be lots of fun, and there are tons of people and dogs who thoroughly enjoy daily training and engaging in various canine sports or activities. However, it s equally important to give yourself permission to take the pressur

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

A Guide to Dog Behaviors and What They Mean

Have you ever wanted a doggie translator? A dog’s actions speak a thousand words, and this guide will teach you about dog behaviors and what they mean.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Do You Know How to Get a Dog to Lie Still for Tests?

Here's the incredible story of how these gifted scientists gained the trust of study animals to accomplish what seems to be the impossible.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Kingdom of Pets!

Kingdom of Pets is the place for all your Pet Care and Training needs. For a better relationship with your pet check out our premium multimedia packages.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

7 Puppy Training Tips to Make You a Master Trainer

Learn the secrets to training a new dog with these 7 puppy training tips. By certified dog and cat behaviorist Arden Moore.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Tips for Picking a Dog Trainer | The Bark

If you live in a big city like I do, you’re overwhelmed with choice for just about any service you can think of. I could get a different coffee and haircut every day of the week and never leave my local neighborhood. This is great, in theory, but how do

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

New Study Finds Key to Faster, More Effective Dog Training

Most owners focus on the training session itself, but researchers are now realizing that good training methods may not be enough for success.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Why 70 Percent of Dogs Flunk Service Dog Training

Scientists are honing in on what it takes to make a good service dog, following failure rates of up to 70 percent of dogs entering the program.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

It's All in Your Dog's Eyes | Whole Dog Journal

Teaching our dogs to look at us is important for training; if we have their attention, we can get them to work with us. If we can keep their attention, we can keep them working with us even in the face of distractions. These things are big accomplishments

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Dog Adoption: When Is the Best Time to Adopt a Dog?

The best time to adopt a dog is different for everyone. Find out what’s right for you. Read more...

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

How to walk a dog

How to walk a dog is a crucial step in managing dog behavior, says Doggy Dan, expert dog trainer and behaviorist.

Pets & Animals | I Love Dogs

There's No Such Thing as a Good Dog

People love to tell me how lucky I am to have a good dog like Wiley. But they're dead wrong—there was no luck involved. Wiley's good behavior and good temperament are products of four years of hard work, nothing else. When more people understa

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Loose Leash Walking

How do you stop a dog from pulling on his leash? Teach your dog loose leash walking with simple positive reinforcement techniques! These loose leash walking tips will get your dog to stop pulling on his leash and strengthen your connection with him.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

De-Bunking the "Alpha Dog" Theory

Whole Dog Journal helps dispel the myth of alpha dog behavior and explains why its very mention is dangerous to all dogs.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Training Aggressive Dogs: Understanding Dominant and Fearful Aggression

Training aggressive dogs sounds like a daunting task, but it’s not as bad as is seems. Read more...

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

How to Stop These Bad Habits in Pets |

Learn causes and solutions for cat and dog bad habits such as stealing food, begging, jumping, leash pulling and indoor urination.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Training a Dog to Make Choices | Whole Dog Journal

One would expect that the rise of force-free training methods and the increased awareness of and respect for dogs as sentient creatures would make life easier for them. We should expect to see a corresponding rise in the number of calm, stable, well-adjus

Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research

Dog Behavior and Training - Important Lessons from the Presidential Election

The 2016 election is an example of how assumptions can cause us to develop tunnel vision. You may be wondering, what does this have to do with dog behavior

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Dog Training - Achieving Greatness Takes Hard Work

To be great at anything in life requires some genetic talent and hard work. As a dog trainer I see these same dynamics with dogs and dog training every day.

News | Animal Links

Dogs Can Understand Both What We Say and How We Say It

"Asking questions is one of the best ways to ensure you and your doctor are on the same page."

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

6 Benefits of Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

Some people believe that positive reinforcement dog training does not work as well as aversive or punishment training. There are a lot of dog training

Pets & Animals | Pets

Crate Training a Puppy or Dog

What is Crate Training? Learn how to safely, effectively and humanely use a crate for training your puppy or older dog.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

“Do As I Do” Dog Training

As the recently departed Yogi Berra famously said, “You can observe a lot just by watching.” Our dogs probably understand that as well as anyone can, because dogs are able to learn a new behavior by seeing a person demonstrate it. Imagine being able t

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Is Verbal Praise Enough Reward for Dog Obedience Training?

Old-style dog training relied mostly on verbal praise and occasional petting as rewards. Just how effective are those techniques?

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

The Best Way to Train Your Dog According to Science

Clicker training is widely popular method by professional dog trainers, but is it the most successful and efficient way to train your canine best friend?

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Too Much of a Good Thing: Overexcitement in Exercise

Physical exercise is necessary and healthy for all dogs. However, there are a few common problems we see in client's dogs who are not exercised properly. Today we'll discuss one of the biggest problems, overarousal due to exercise, and the myth that you s

Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets

ASK A TRAINER: How Do I Stop My Dog from Stealing Toys at the Dog Park?

A mixed-breed dog loves stealing toys and balls from other pooches at the dog park. Ask a Trainer Nikki Moustaki offers expert advice to stop this thief.

Pets & Animals | Animals & Pets

ASK A TRAINER: How Do I Make My Cavalier-Chihuahua Mix Stop Barking?

Trainer Erica Wittenberg offers expert advice to a frustrated dog mom whose Cavalier King Charles Spaniel-Chihuahua mix barks at everyone and everything.