
News | News Items

Elon Musk's call for Germany to 'move beyond' Nazi guilt is dangerous, Holocaust memorial chair says

Musk's AfD support, followed a gesture many said resembled a Nazi salute, and came as leaders are due to observe the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation.

Psychology | Personality

The fusion of two sisters into a single woman suggests that human identity is not in our DNA | Science | EL PAÍS Englis

The biologist Alfonso Martínez Arias defends that genes do not define the uniqueness of a person, citing the example of Karen Keegan, who has two genomes

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Food, Stress, and Epigenetics

A brief look at the emerging science of epigenetics, understanding how diet and stress can turn on or off disease genes

Psychology | Personality

Trauma Effects the Brain of Survivors and Their Offspring

The inhumanity and cruelty of the Holocaust can not be overstated, and a new European study reports that holocaust survivors have dealt with lifelong negative changes to their brain structures.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

NASA’s Twins Study reveals effects of space on Scott Kelly’s health | Science News

Ten research groups studying the twin astronauts found long-term spaceflight can alter a person’s physiology and gene activity.

Health & Fitness | Health

Can the Damage of Alzheimer’s Be Undone?

With epigenetics, there’s new hope for doing just that.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Can Trauma Be Inherited Between Generations? - The Atlantic

A new study on Civil War prisoners adds to the evidence suggesting that our parents’—and even grandparents’—experiences might affect our DNA.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Dads Pass On More Than Genetics in Their Sperm | Science | Smithsonian

Seminal research reveals that sperm change their cargo as they travel the reproductive tract—and the differences can have consequences for fertility

Psychology | Personality

New Study: The Genetics of Staying in School - The Atlantic

Researchers have found 1,271 gene variants associated with years of formal education. That’s important, but not for the obvious reasons.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

The Medicine of the Future is Here – And It’s Alive! | FTI Journal

The FTI Journal is a quarterly publication from FTI Consulting, Inc., the global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations protect and enhance their enterprise value.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Genetic Testing and Family Secrets

Welcome to the Monitor on Psychology digital edition! This interactive format allows you to easily read, share with friends, and click on web links to get further resources.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Trauma travels through generations

Untangling ourselves from the trauma of previous generations is not always easy, but it’s worth it

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

Free Podcast on Epigenetics with Rachel Yehuda

Great talk with Rachel Yehuda on epigenetics and how trauma impacts our bodies, brains, and how it gets passed on AND how we can heal it.

News | News Items

Rachel Yehuda Discusses How Trauma Can Affect Our DNA

The James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center in the Bronx is one of those out-of-the-way places where America warehouses the casualties of its wars. It’s a functional place, surrounded by a high fence, that looks like a cross between an urban com

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Growing Pains for Field of Epigenetics as Some Call for Overhaul

Studies of so-called epigenetic marks, crucial to our development, have met with growing skepticism over their findings.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are

by Mark Wolynn Traumas Lost and Found The past is never dead. It’s not even past. — William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun A well-documented feature of trauma, one familiar to many, is our inability to...

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

Grandma's Experiences Leave Epigenetic Mark on Your Genes

Your ancestors' lousy childhoods or excellent adventures might change your personality, bequeathing anxiety or resilience by altering the epigenetic expressions of genes in the brain.