
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Do You Understand What Normal Blood Pressure Is? Many Americans Wrongly Assume They Do

Many Americans wrongly assume they know what normal blood pressure is, and that false confidence can be deadly.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Fatty15 as Your Longevity Supplement: A Science Deep Dive

Here at fatty15, we’re a crew of nerdy do-gooders who made the groundbreaking discovery of C15:0 as The Longevity Nutrient. Our doctors and scientists have spent a decade to research, optimize and deliver fatty15: your pure, award-winning, bioavailable

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Do You Understand What Normal Blood Pressure Is? Many Americans Wrongly Assume They Do

Many Americans wrongly assume they know what normal blood pressure is, and that false confidence can be deadly.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

6 Misleading Food Labels - Consumer Reports

Don't fall for misleading food labels. Consumer Reports explains what six common claims really mean.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Here’s How Much of Your Daily Diet Should Come From Processed Foods

Energy gels and packaged snacks are convenient, but what do they mean for your heart health?

Recipes | Recipes

10+ Heart-Healthy Breakfasts to Help Reduce Inflammation

These breakfast recipes are heart-healthy and packed with anti-inflammatory ingredients like fruits and veggies to help you start your day off strong.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Dr. Héctor Pérez explains the secrets to achieving better heart health

Learn from Dr. Pérez as he explains how making healthy lifestyle changes is key to having a healthier heart and avoid heart disease.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Pomegranate Offers Heart-Protective Benefits | NaturalHealth365

(NaturalHealth365) Discover the many health benefits of pomegranate, including improved heart health and lower risk of cancer.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

The Human Heart Can Repair Itself, And We Now Know Which Cells Are Crucial For It

Our bodies are pretty ingenious when it comes to self-repair, and scientists have been studying in detail the ways in which the heart patches itself up after a heart attack (myocardial infarction). They hope to find clues that could lead to better

Health & Fitness | Health

11 Strange Heart Disease Causes and Risk Factors

You probably know the usual heart disease causes: too many pounds, lack of exercise, eating too much fat and salt. But much stranger things can also increase the risk of heart disease.

Health & Fitness | Health

12 Surprising Things That Hurt Your Heart

Do you know what raises your risk of heart disease? This WebD slideshow can show you 12 surprising -- and simple -- ways to protect your ticker.

Food & Drink | Recipes and Food Related

What is Vinegar and How Can You Use It for Your Health?

If you've ever wondered what vinegar is or how to use it, this article examines the types, health benefits, and potential side effects of vinegar.

Health & Fitness | womens health

12 Surprising Things That Hurt Your Heart

Do you know what raises your risk of heart disease? This WebD slideshow can show you 12 surprising -- and simple -- ways to protect your ticker.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Fat Around Arteries May Keep Blood Vessels Healthy, Surprising Study Reveals

Fat located around an arterymay actually be a good thing. That's the surprising conclusion of a recent study that focused on blood vessel health.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Want To Lower Your Risk Of Heart Attack? Try Walking Or Cycling To Work If You Can - Study Finds

A study by two former Olympic athletes suggests that walking or cycling to work on a daily basis may lower one's risk of suffering a heart attack.

Food & Drink | Recipes and Food Related

Is Red Meat Dangerous?

Food researchers are starting to change their tune on the heart risks of red meat, news that will be warmly greeted by steak lovers everywhere.

Health & Fitness | Health

12 Surprising Things That Hurt Your Heart

Do you know what raises your risk of heart disease? This WebD slideshow can show you 12 surprising -- and simple -- ways to protect your ticker.

News | Animal Links

Owning a Dog (or a Pet!) Improves Heart Health

Researchers say that pet owners in general seem to be in better cardiovascular health, but dog owners were a cut above the rest.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Mild Sleep Problems May Cause Elevated Blood Pressure in Women, Study Finds

Previous research has indicated that chronic sleep deprivation can cause cardiovascular problems, but a new study shows that, for women, even less worrisome sleeping issues may lead to higher blood pressure.

Health & Fitness | Health

Atrial Fibrillation ECG Test Pictures: Symptoms, Causes, Tests, and More

See inside a heart during atrial fibrillation. WebMD shows the causes, tests, and treatments for this common heart rhythm problem through illustrations and photos.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Statins can benefit all ages, including those over 75, study finds

A new study reverses current thinking on giving statins to people over 75, finding the cholesterol-lowering drugs benefit people of all ages with minimal risk.

Health & Fitness | Health

Slideshow: 8 Habits That Are Bad for Your Heart

You want your heart to be strong and healthy. But are you making any of these mistakes? It’s time to get back on track!

Health & Fitness | Health News

Should You Take a Daily Aspirin to Prevent Heart Disease? | Mental Floss

Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com.

Health & Fitness | Health

Listening to yoga music before bed could prevent deadly heart attacks | Daily Mail Online

Researchers from Sunil Memorial Superspeciality Hospital, Jaipur, India, found that hearing soothing, meditative tunes just before a person nods off increases their heart rate variability.

Health & Fitness | Health

Women's Heart Disease and Risks Explained in Pictures

Heart disease affects men and women. But symptoms in women -- and the conditions they’re likely to get -- can be very different. Learn symptoms and risks.

Health & Fitness | Health

Heart Quiz: Heart Attacks and Cardiovascular Disease Myths and Facts

Do you know how to keep your heart healthy? Take this WebMD quiz and find out.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Hearts Get 'Younger,' Even At Middle Age, With Exercise : NPR

As early as your mid-40s, especially if you're sedentary, your heart muscle can show signs of aging, losing its youthful elasticity and power. But moderately strenuous exercise can change that.

Health & Fitness | Health

Heart Disease Slideshow Habits to Boost Heart Health

Simple lifestyle changes like eating (a little bit of) chocolate can boost your heart health.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Everyday ways to keep your heart healthy, according to a cardiologist

James Beckerman, M.D., cardiologist and medical director of prevention at Providence Heart Institute, offers everyday ways to keep your heart healthy and strong.

Health & Fitness | Health News

What’s the difference between a Holter monitor and QardioCore?

Have you ever needed to monitor your heart for a prolonged period of time? Learn what's the difference between a Holter monitor and QardioCore here.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

By squeezing and twisting, new robot could keep hearts pumping | Fox News

Like Wall–E, a new robot may soon find its way into– or rather onto– your heart.

Health & Fitness | Health News

What’s Happening When Your Heart Beats Too Hard or Too Fast

When your heart is beating too hard or too fast, do you have reason to worry? Understanding possible causes of a racing heart can help you assess your risk.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Even if you exercise, too much sitting time is bad for heart health

"Regardless of how much physical activity someone gets, prolonged sedentary time could negatively impact the health of your heart and blood vessels," expert says

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Wag more: A tale of healthy living - Harvard Health

Owning and caring for a dog can lead to better heart health. As a group, people with dogs are more likely to get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week. In addition, benefits include reductions in weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol lev...