News | News
The truth about Ireland’s hatred for Israel
Why Dublin’s woke elites are so hostile to the Jewish State.
News | Israel
Trump urges Israel to take out Iran nuclear facilities first, rips Biden for urging Jewish state to not attack at all
"I think he's got that one wrong, isn't that the one you're supposed to hit," Trump said.
News | News
Steve Kramer – Gaza: The Hellhole & Gathering Our Forces
Steve Kramer – Gaza: The Hellhole & Gathering Our Forces Gaza: The Hellhole More than a week has gone by since the infamous sneak attack by Hamas terrorists from Gaza on October 7. I have reported that Michal and I are doing ok, with no missiles str
News | Iran
The Iran Crisis Is Here
As if we didn't have enough to worry about: This week Iran escalated its war against the West.
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
A Palestinian Celebration of ‘Empress of Terror’ Fusako Shigenobu
In 1969, members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror group are pictured flaunting their weapons …
News | Antisemitism Watch
Elder Of Ziyon - Antisemitic CAIR defines all pro-Israel Jews as "Islamophobic"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Opinion
The Squad Is Rooting for Hamas
Hamas has a booster club in one of our political parties, and no major Democrat dares criticize it.
News | Antisemitism Watch
A wave of blatant antisemitism - and the "anti-racists" of the Left are sickeningly silent
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | News
Bassam Tawil - Why Hamas Loves Human Rights Watch
Bassam Tawil – Why Hamas Loves Human Rights Watch The HRW report focuses on only three Arab towns in Israel – Jisr al-Zarqa, Qalansawa and Ein Mahel, with a total population of 50,000. It deliberately ignores the other two million or so Arab Israe
News | News
WATCH: Israel Treats Critically Ill Kurdish Children
WATCH: Israel Treats Critically IllKurdish Children h/t unitedwithisrael.org Israel steps in to provide lifesaving treatment to Kurdish children, whose people have come under attack by Turkish thug Recep Erdogan. Denied a homeland of their own by brutal d