
Advice & Self-Help | Spiritual Awareness

The Secret Power of Sexual Transmutation & Sacred Sexual Energy | Who Are Your Chosen Partner(s)

Sexual energy and sex transmutation play a fundamental role in our lives. Sex today is an open topic as we see it everywhere incomparable to conservative time frames before the 60’s and 70…

Entertainment | Astrology

Pluto Generation Planet in Capricorn | March 2023 | Uranus Aries Aspect

Pluto has been traveling through the sign of Capricorn since January 25th 2008. The change of signs created a formal emergence of the economical crisis we saw manifest in 2008. Most importantly, pl…

Entertainment | Astrology

The Importance of The Rising Sun | Astrology History Pt 1

The song, “House of the rising sun” wasn’t deemed important for no reason. Literally the house of the rising sign will give you the most accurate reading you will ever get in your…

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Tonsillitis: The Power of Probiotics

Many people are dumb founded when I ask them: Do you use a probiotic? In recent weeks I have encountered many people who are unfamiliar with what a probiotic is and how a probiotic will increase yo…

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

No. 37: Big Wedding or Small? - NYTimes.com

News | News Items

'The Backwards Brain Bicycle - Smarter Every Day 133' on ViewPure

It took me 8 months to learn how to do this, but I was only picking up the bike and running to the end of the driveway and back every day. I wasn't 'ACTIVELY' trying to learn. Meaning... I wasn't struggling and trying to make my brain learn.