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Mahmoud Abbas’ Foolishness On Center Stage at the UN

Jonathan Feldstein – Mahmoud Abbas’ Foolishness On Center Stage at the UN Israel’s former Prime Minister, Golda Meir, once said that there would only be peace when the Arabs loved their children more than they hated ours. Unfortunately, that is

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the Real Catastrophes of Palestinian Arabs: Looking Beyond Blaming Israel

Jonathan Feldstein – The Real Nakba On May 15, Palestinian Arabs and their supporters commemorate what they call the “Nakba,” the catastrophe.  This year, sadly, it will even be commemorated in the halls of the US Congress. Indeed, Palestinian

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

Holocaust inversion: Abbas' longtime weapon of choice

Palestinian Holocaust Inversion will unfortunately not die any time soon, despite the international condemnations. It will just return to the more mundane daily incitement.

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

Why the Jerusalem Violence and Cancellation of PA Elections Are Closely Linked

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas hands the election decree to Chairman of the Palestinian Central Election Committee Hana Naser in Ramallah. …

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President Trump Checkmates PA President Abbas Who then Curses Trump "Son of a B***tch"

We are witnessing history live-streamed in epic proportions. The question is, who is noticing?

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Palestinian Media Watch - Abbas: "We are the Canaanites!... [Israel is] the enemy"

Palestinian Media Watch – Abbas: “We are the Canaanites!… [Israel is] the enemy” In a firebrand speech on Aug. 10, 2019, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas declared that the Palestinians are “the Canaanites,”

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Adam Levick - Walter Russell Mead Lays Out a New Paradigm for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Adam Levick – Walter Russell Mead Lays Out a New Paradigm for Israeli-Palestinian Peace Thanks to Alegemeiner News Service Reports in The Guardian and other British media outlets on the US-sponsored economic conference scheduled to take place next m

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Europe Jews’ 'role’ got them massacred, Abbas says - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post

Abbas also cited a theory that Ashkenazi Jews do not hail from what is modern-day Israel, but rather Khazaria.

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As Palestinians Praise Synagogue Atrocity, Mahmoud Abbas Walks Back His 'Condemnation' | Jewish & Israel News Algeme

Hours after this week’s terrorist atrocity at a synagogue in Jerusalem, in which four rabbis and a Druze police officer were murdered, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas issued a condemnation regarded by many Israelis as woefully compromised.

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Palestinian leader says Hamas caused prolonged war

The remarks by Abbas come a few days after Israel and Hamas militants reached a truce.

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Abbas to seek UN deadline for Israeli West Bank withdrawal

Unnamed Palestinian officials say that if the international community refuses, PA will bring Israel to ICC