
News | Articles By Me

We Need To Call It What It Is: Palestinianism - Joshua Namm

To effectively combat antisemitism, we need to start using more specific terms.

Politics | Opinion

Israel’s dangerous bet on deradicalization

The basis of the Palestinian national identity systematically erases all Jewish connection to our ancestral homeland.

Politics | Politics

The Palestinians deserve nothing

They have utterly failed to prepare themselves for a future living beside their Jewish neighbors in peace.

News | News

Arab Israelis march in Galilee in solidarity with Gaza

The march, in which protesters shouted anti-Israel slogans and waved Palestinian flags, coincided with Israel's 76th Independence Day.

News | News

Anti-Israel NGO behind impending US sanctions on IDF battalion

DAWN, a U.S.-based NGO, "has intensified its legal attacks against Israeli officials," says NGO Monitor's Gerald Steinberg.

Politics | Politics

Arab States Are Heavily Funding American Universities

Arab nations have poured billions of dollars into American universities with little scrutiny.

Politics | Judea & Samaria

Israeli wounded in northern Samaria terror bombing

Terrorists threw an explosive device at the car carrying five residents of Homesh, one of whom had survived a prior attack in the same area.

News | Antisemitism Watch

‘Nearly 10,000’ people complained about hostage awareness ad during Super Bowl, says US Arab head

Abed Ayoub of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee claimed Israel’s commercial “undermines the integrity of broadcasting standards.”

News | Antisemitism Watch

Three Attacked in Central London ‘For Being Jewish’ by Gang of Arabic-Speaking Men, Victims Claim Police Failed to Come to Their Aid

Three people were attacked in London "for being Jewish" by a gang of Arabic-speaking men, while police failed to come to their aid.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Elder Of Ziyon - 88% of the Arab world supports the 10/7 massacre as "a legitimate operation"

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Opinion

Elder Of Ziyon - How I grew up respecting all people, then came to Israel and learned not to trust Arabs

Many Israelis reluctantly find they can no longer assume that a nice Arab is really nice. It's a difficult lesson for nice people to learn.

History | History

Jews, Muslims, And An “Origin Story” Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict

The October 7, 2023, Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians, and the worldwide moral outrage that that day’s savagery generated were only paralleled by a gleeful schadenfreude that overtook many European capitals and other places around the globe, from the Ar

History | History

October 7 Happened Before, in Hebron

A brutal massacre nearly a century ago in Judaism’s second-holiest city makes clear that murderous Palestinian rage against Jews has little to do with Israel or Zionism

News | News

From the River to the Sea? Arab Citizens of Israel Say, No Thanks to ‘Liberation’

Palestinians and their allies have justified and even celebrated Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre in Israel as a blow against Jewish oppression. But the some 2 million Arab citizens of Israel have overwhelmingly responded by drawing closer to the Jewish state.

Politics | Opinion

Stop blaming the West for the Arab world’s anti-Semitism

The rampant anti-Semitism in the Middle East is rooted in a theology and a history that deems Jews inferior to Arabs.

News | Israel At War

Elder Of Ziyon - A collection of Arab and Muslim celebrations at the massacre

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Opinion

What have the Palestinian Arabs ever done to deserve concessions?

Why are they always treated like children from whom less is demanded than fron adults? Op-ed

News | News

Did the Mufti-Hitler photo row influence Netanyahu's plan to fire Yad Vashem head?

It is now believed  that the Netanyahu government has backed down from its plan to fire Dani Dayan, a political appointee head of Israel’s flagship Holocaust memorial museum at Yad Vashem, after an international outcry. Dani Dayan was the target of critic

Politics | Opinion

For the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, “Human Rights” Is a Tool to Manipulate the West

Currently consisting of 56 states in addition to the Palestinian Authority, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) began with an effort in 1969 to blame Israel and “Zionists”—falsely—for setting fire to al-Aqsa Mosque.

Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous

Palestinian: 'our parents always trusted Israeli leaders more than our own' • Point of No Return

You might have heard of  Quora – this is a website where anyone can pose any question (usually related to politics), and anyone who feels qualified to give an answer can do so. This particular question, by one Anne Frank, caught my eye: Are most Palestini

Politics | Opinion

Palestine and the Holocaust: What If?

I was scanning the news (a common Jewish activity), when a recent article by Marwan Bishara in Al Jazeera (Aug 18, 2022) caught my eye. The article, titled “The Palestinian misuse, and Zionist abuse, of the Holocaust,” was written after Palestinian leader

News | News

Palestinian terrorist kills Israeli in Tel Aviv attack

Security guard Chen Amir, 42, is survived by his wife and three daughters • Netanyahu: The swift action of Amir and his partner prevented a "much more serious" attack. • Islamic Jihad terrorist's home mapped for potential demolition.

Miscellaneous | Resources

Elder Of Ziyon Another large set of Palestinians who proudly trace their ancestry from elsewhere

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

History | History

Nazism and the Palestinians

Since Amin al-Husseini forged his alliance with Hitler, Nazism has profoundly influenced the Palestinian national movement.

News | News

Some Jews and Arabs are upset at promoting mutual respect and equality between Israeli Jews and Arabs

Some Israeli Jews and Arabs are upset at promoting mutual respect and equality. H/T Elder of Ziyon Atidna describes itself this way: Atidna is a coalition of educators and social entrepreneurs, Arab citizens of Israel together with Jews from the State-Zio

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

Palestinians: We Prefer Terrorism to Peace with Israel

The findings of the poll, which was conducted between June 7 and 11, show that the Biden Administration and all those who continue to talk about reviving the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians are living under an illusion. The results of

News | Antisemitism Watch

How antisemitism in Arab media infiltrates the West

English language editors are often unaware of the hate their platforms publish in Arabic.

Politics | Debunking Lies

Four Arab-Israeli conflict myths shattered by one terror incident

The confrontation between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian Arab terrorists in Jenin on May 29th might seem to have been a routine incident.

History | History

The ‘Nakba’ Narrative is Nonsense

JNS.org - In the years since Israel’s rebirth in 1948 a narrative has taken root, a story of well-armed and financed Jewish immigrants overrunning peaceful Palestinian villages, brutally expelling Palestinians from home and country. This narrative is summ

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Administration Pushing Arabs Towards Iran

Today, China is victorious by sponsoring the historic agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, while the US has a new president who comes to destroy agreements reached by his predecessor, and even brags about it during his election campaign and his

Politics | Judea & Samaria

Ancient ruins obliterated: PA Arabs pave road over First Temple relics, burial caves

Sebastia National Park in Samaria once again targeted by those seeking to deny ancient Jewish presence in Israel.

Politics | Debunking Lies

Elder Of Ziyon - No, Israeli rescuers didn't "steal" a megillah from Turkey

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Politics

We Must Put an End To Palestinian Apartheid

In Israel, the world's only Jewish state, the rule of law treats all as equals.


Watch: Arabs pelt police with rocks on Temple Mount

After Jews were forbidden from ascending the mount due to fears of provocation, Arab rioters continued attacking police.

News | News

Steve Kramer – Israel and the Problem of Homicides

Steve Kramer – Israel and the Problem of Homicides   Yes, there’s gang violence in Israel, but not nearly on the scale of American gang violence. Violent crime in Israel is predominantly found in Israeli Arab towns and in mixed Arab-Jewish ci

News | In The News

WATCH: Pro-Palestinian Mob Attacks Car on the Streets of London

BNigel Farage declared that "London in 2021 is not a safe place to be" following footage showing pro-Palestinian activists attacking a car.

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Two Roads Taken Towards Israeli Integration: Arabs & Haredim

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Two Roads Taken Towards Israeli Integration: Arabs & Haredim Israel has entered a new era with its two major non-Zionist sectors finally moving to integrate into general society. But the path taken by the ultra-Orthodox har

Politics | Politics

Arabs Warn Biden: Do Not Embrace Islamists

Several Arab political analysts and columnists, particularly in the Gulf, have voiced similar sentiments. The message they are sending to Biden and the Democrats: We do not want to go back to the bad old days when the US administration aligned itself with

News | News

Victor Rosenthal - Plan Z and Israel Bashed for Resisting Arab Colonization

Victor Rosenthal – Plan Z and Israel Bashed for Resisting Arab Colonization PLAN Z In the Fall of 2012, Bibi Netanyahu and then Minister of Defense Ehud Barak had a plan to destroy Iran’s capability to make nuclear weapons. The plan was not execut

News | News

Arab funding for Palestinian Authority down 85% in 2020

Arab aid for the Palestinian Authority plummeted by 85% in 2020, the New Arab reported Wednesday. According to the report,

Politics | Politics

The Media is Lying about Israeli Arab Parties and Israeli Democracy

Everywhere you turn, the headlines in mass media are celebrating the win of the joint Arab list in Israeli elections.

News | News

Rami Dabbas - Arabs Have Everything to Gain from Normalization with Israel

Rami Dabbas – Arabs Have Everything to Gain from Normalization with Israel H/T to United With Israel My people don’t understand that Israel is actually our friend and that if we followed the Jewish state’s example, then we, too, would become pro

History | History

The silence about black slavery in the Arab world | David Meir

In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in the US about a demand by certain black organizations (like Black Lives Matter) for a financial compensation by the “white” people for slavery.

News | News

Micha Danzig - Analysis: The true history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the 'Nakba'

Micha Danzig – Analysis: The true history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the ‘Nakba’ The Algemeiner Contrary to Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s fake narrative, the ‘Nakba’ is a catastrophe of the Arabs’ own making. To be clear, and contr

History | HISTORY

Elder Of Ziyon: Vile: US Rep @RashidaTlaib pretends Palestinians helped Jews after the Holocaust

This is unreal.

News | Fun With Islam

Arab Music Videos Mocking Jews And Making Light of Terror | Israellycool

Depicting religious Jews in grotesque fashion and making fun of the fact we are living under constant threat of terror

Politics | Politics

Supporting the new Arab-Israeli alliances in the Middle East is more important than the "Peace Process"--and T

Supporting the new Arab-Israeli alliances in the Middle East is more important than the “Peace Process”–and Trump Knows It

History | History

Arabs are torch-bearers for Nazi anti-Semitism | JNS.org

The myth of the Arabs as innocent bystanders, who had no responsibility for the Holocaust—and indeed, paid the price for a European crime when Israel was established—is widely believed.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Report: More Arabs Want to Vote in Jerusalem Municipal Elections, but Face Threats From Palestinian Terror Groups

Ahead of the upcoming Oct. 30 municipal elections in Jerusalem, Palestinian terror groups are pressuring Arab residents of the city...

Politics | Op-Ed

Dennis Prager - What the Arab World Produces

At least since the early part of the 20th century, aside from oil, the Arab world has produced and exported two products.

Politics | Op-Ed

What the Arab World Produces - The Dennis Prager Show The Dennis Prager Show

At least since the early part of the 20th century, aside from oil, the Arab world has produced and exported two products. It has produced essentially no technology, medicine or anything else in the world of science. It has almost no contributions to world

Politics | Woke Insanity

California school drops 'Arabs' for 'Mighty Arabs' | KFI AM 640

California high school retires 'Arabs' moniker to become 'Mighty Arabs,' adopts nobler logo

News | Fun With Islam

Harry Potter actress was beaten and branded a prostitute by her brother after dating man 'who was not a Muslim'

Afshan Azad, 22, who appeared in the blockbuster movies as Padma Patil, was attacked and branded a ‘slag’ when Muslim relatives found out about her boyfriend.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Hamas warns Obama: Don’t visit Temple Mount

Designated terrorist group Hamas has warned President Obama against visiting the holy Temple Mount site in Jerusalem when he visits Israel next month, saying the action would be “a diplomatic catastrophe.”