
Miscellaneous | Judaism

Chanukah Miracles - Chabad

Open your eyes. See the miracles and goodness in every coincidence of your day.

Recipes | Recipes

Basic Potato Latke Recipe - Potato Latkes - Kosher Recipe

Latke is Yiddish for “pancake.” On Chanukah, it is traditional to serve potato latkes fried in oil to celebrate the Chanukah miracle

News | News

Six13 – A Wicked Chanukah

Six13 – A Wicked Chanukah Nun, gimmel, hay, and… Shiz? That’s right! Because what would a Six13 Chanukah be without combining our traditions with the hottest cultural phenomenon or a classic masterwork? We’re thrilled that this yea

Miscellaneous | Judaism

8 Major Hanukkah Myths - Chabad

Let's bust some urban legends about this wintertime holiday.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What’s Special About the Fifth Night of Chanukah?

This night is reserved for celebration and (extra) gelt. Here’s the reason why.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Add a Light Each Night of Chanukah?

The Talmud gives two reasons: to indicate the night and because we always ascend rather than descend.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How to Light the Menorah - Chabad

Breeze through the Chanukah Menorah lighting with a step by step guide on everything from which menorah is kosher to how to arrange and light your own menorah.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Menorah lightings canceled around the world as towns remove Jewish symbols over Hamas war

For the first time in 20 years, the city of Moncton, Canada, decided to not have a menorah displayed outside of its city hall. In Williamsburg, Virginia, The

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Thanksgiving Meets Chanukah - . . . and they find they have a lot in common.

Hi, America, I’m Thanksgiving. And I’m also Chanukah. Hold my hand. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Now say, “Thank G‑d, we’re free.” Doesn’t that feel good?

Miscellaneous | Jewish Life

Why I Changed My Name from Rosenberg to Kohn - A family’s journey to reclaim their lost last name - Chabad

We are the Rosenbergs. Or rather, we were the Rosenbergs. As of Thursday, the 4th day of Chanukah, we are now the Kohns.

History | History

Why Hanukkah Made Western Civilization Possible

Hanukkah made western civilization possible by preserving idea of one God instead of pagan beliefs of many gods. Holiday is more than just a Jewish victory.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Nazi SS symbol carved into Beverly Hills menorah, suspect arrested

Beverly Hills Police Chief Mark Stainbrook said, “A despicable act such as this will never be tolerated in our City.”

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Is Chanukah 8 (Not 7) Days Long? - 13 answers to an age-old puzzle - Chabad

The 8 days are because it either took 8 days to become pure or to travel to Tekoa to get new oil. But why is the first day celebrated? Here are 13 reasons.

Politics | Campus Watch

Hanukkah and the new imperialist assault on Judaism

Campus antisemites are seeking to destroy not just Israel, but Jewish identity itself.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Light and Shadows: What Is Divine Reciprocity? - Chabad

We don't have to take on an army in order to experience miracles.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

A Photo Worth a Thousand Years - A Chanukah Message

Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson is the rabbi of Beit Baruch and executive director of Chabad of Belgravia, London, where he lives with his wife, Chana, and children.

News | News

Egyptian Jews on brink of extinction mark Hanucah • Point of No Return

Nine years ago, Magda Haroun organised a Hanucah service at Cairo’s Adly St synagogue. But in the absence of a rabbi she turned to Google to find instructions on how to lead the service, she tells CBS News. Now the ‘community’ she heads in Cairo is compos

News | Jewish Community

How to Light the Menorah - Light Up Your Environment!

Breeze through the Chanukah Menorah lighting with a step by step guide on everything from which menorah is kosher to how to arrange and light your own menorah.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

‘Let There Be Light’: First Night of Chanukah 2022 in Photos - Menorahs great and small brighten the world

“The essential thing is the deed,” wrote theRebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—in his public Chanukah letter for 1973. “First and foremost must come the practical act, the first mitzvah of [Chanukah] being the lighting of the candles … .”

Miscellaneous | Judaism

16 Menorah Facts Every Jew Should Know - Chabad

The word menorah is Hebrew for “lamp,” and generally refers to the eight-branched candelabra that we light on the Jewish holiday of Chanukah.

History | Archeology

2,200-year-old coin hoard gives hard proof of Book of Maccabees, say archaeologists

Trove of silver coins -- two months' average salary -- documents bloody persecution preceding the famous Hanukkah revolt when Jews fled to the desert, as written in I Maccabees 2:29

Miscellaneous | Chabad

At Site of London Attack on Jews, a Menorah Stands Tall

Full lights lit in response to last week’s antisemitic attack

History | Archeology

Ancient Hasmonean artifacts found in east Jerusalem at end of Hanukkah

The items were examined by officials of the Israel Antiquities Authority, and the suspect was arrested and taken in for questioning.

Miscellaneous | Chanukah

Were the Maccabees Wrong to Fight? - Chanukah

When we kindle our Chanukah candles each year, the light that glows is the spirit of faith and determination of the Maccabees.

History | History

A Call to Action: Join the Maccabees

A giant menorah is lit up to celebrate Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Dec. …

Miscellaneous | Other Stuff

"Eight Lights for Eight Nights" Chanukah Companion - A printable companion to help you celebrate Chanukah

To help you celebrate a most uplifting and joyous Chanukah, Chabad.org has prepared Eight Lights for Eight Nights, a night-by-night program to be printed and enjoyed.

News | News

Six13 – Watch West Side Chanukah Story | Presented by MJE

Six13 – Watch West Side Chanukah Story | Presented by MJE Jets? Sharks? Latkes? Sufganiyot? Doesn’t matter where your allegiance lies: finding the light is always worth the fight — for all #eightnights! Get #cool, boys and girls, to this Cha

Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous

Hey American businesses: Hanukkah is not the Jewish Christmas

Hanukkah celebrates Jewish freedom from assimilation; it doesn't need Jewish-Christmas decorations or Jewish-Christmas movies or Jewish elfs-on-the-shelf

History | Archeology

Israeli Archaeologists Just Unearthed A 2,100-Year-Old Fortress That Provides ‘Tangible Evidence’ Of The Hanukkah Story

Unearthed in the ancient city of Maresha, the 2,100-year-old fortress was destroyed by Jewish warriors rebelling against the Seleucids.

Miscellaneous | Chanukah

How This Rabbi Built 30,000 Public Menorahs

A Chabad emissary in New Jersey has taken menorah construction to new heights

Miscellaneous | Chanukah

Chabad: Chanukah Basics

The Chanukah story, Chanukah observances, Chanukah FAQs and the menorah lighting procedure in succinct form -- with a plethora of links that lead to the unabridged version...

Politics | Politics

This Chanukah Had An Antisemitic Attack For Each Day Of The Holiday - Jew In The City

As we publicized the miracle of Chanukah this week, there was, unfortunately, an antisemitic attack to number each day of the holiday. As our enemies rise up to destroy us, may we find renewed commitment to our heritage and pride.

Politics | Politics

French Cops Arrest Perpetrators of Violent Assault on Jewish Family Singing Hanukkah Songs in Their Car

A French police vehicle . Photo: Wikimedia Commons. French police arrested four individuals on Friday in connection with an “incredibly …

Miscellaneous | Chanukah

Why Insist on Depicting a Straight-Branched Menorah? - Questions & Answers

Despite the depiction of the Temple menorah on the Arch of Titus, Chabad makes a point of depicting the menorah with straight, diagonal branches. Why?

News | News

Bones of Hashmoneans were being destroyed by the Palestinian Authority; remains saved and re-interred during Chanukah

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Politics

Why the cultural elite truly despises Hanukkah

Well, because Hanukkah is about as out of step with the contemporary elite consensus as any religious tradition can be.

Miscellaneous | Chanukah

Chanukah: The Eternal Light - Daily Dose of Wisdom

The flames of the Temple Menorah have been dark for many centuries, but the flames of the Chanukah menorah can never be extinguished.

News | Antisemitism Watch

One Person Injured During Antisemitic Attack on Menorah-Lighting Ceremony at University of Kentucky

A police car outside the Chabad center at the University of Kentucky. Photo: Screenshot. Police in Lexington, Kentucky, have boosted …

Miscellaneous | Judaism

A Deeper Look at the Menorah Blessings - Chanukah, 5743

The three blessing we recite before kindeling the menorah carry deep inside them the timeless Chanukah lessons for our service of God, specifically in our times.

Music | Music

Meshugga Beach Part - Latkes

Provided to YouTube by CDBabyLatkes · Meshugga Beach PartyHot Rod Hanukkah℗ 2011 Meshugga Beach PartyReleased on: 2011-07-01Auto-generated by YouTube.

Politics | Politics

Western Wall Hanukkah candle lighting to continue amid COVID-19 pandemic

Tours of hanukkiot in Jerusalem will also take place throughout the holiday – both in person according to Health Ministry guidelines and online.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

The First Hanukkah Light in Bergen Belsen - Chanukah

A wooden clog became a hanukkiah; strings from a uniform, a wick; and shoe polish, pure oil.

Miscellaneous | Chanukah

Chanukah: How Is It Possible that Enlightened Reasoning Could Bring to Spiteful Bigotry?

This is the light of God’s wisdom. It’s not there for our use that we can manipulate it and modify it to fit our needs and desires. If we’re able to figure a little bit of it out, well, that’s pretty amazing. But if we can’t, that doesn’t change its truth


‘Goodbye to Hannukah,’ Says a Headline in the Post-Judaism New York Times

US Interior Secretary David Bernhardt (center) helps light the shamash (“helper candle”) of the National Menorah on the Ellipse near …

Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous

13 Hanukkah Facts Every Jew Should Know

Become an expert on this widely celebrated but barely understood Jewish festival.

News | News

UNPACKED - Watch Hanukkah, Hellenization, and Hasmoneans

UNPACKED – Watch Hanukkah, Hellenization, and Hasmoneans Faced with the might of the Greek Empire, some Jews in the ancient world tried to become more Greek than a tub of yogurt. Others, such as the Hasmoneans, stood up for their Jewish values — n

Miscellaneous | Diaspora

Fearing for his life, Jew secretly celebrates Hanukkah in enemy country

A Jew living in a hostile Arab country went out of his way to celebrate Hanukkah this week, despite the

News | Israel/Jewish Community

In Hanukkah Greeting, Trump Says He Will 'Continue to Stand With the Jewish People’

US President Donald Trump leaves after a Hanukkah reception at the White House in Washington, DC, Dec. 11, 2019. Photo: …

Politics | The "Squad"

‘Could she possibly be this rotten, this bigoted?’ Rashida Tlaib works anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism into her Chanukah

To mark Chanukah this year, Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib recorded a very special Chanukah message for the far-leftist anti-Israel (and anti-Semitic) group IfNotNow:


The Lesson Of Chanukah Is Deeply Relevant In 2019. Here’s Why.

The Jewish holiday of Chanukah — that’s properly spelled “Chanukah” and not “Hanukkah,” by the way — began last evening. At some point over the past century, as American Jewry grew in both rank and number and as a politically

Music | Music

Dreidel, Dreidel

Provided to YouTube by CDBaby Dreidel, Dreidel · Meshugga Beach Party Hot Rod Hanukkah ℗ 2011 Meshugga Beach Party Released on: 2011-07-01 Auto-generated by ...

Miscellaneous | Judaism

8 Old and New Chanukah Traditions!

Looking to expand beyond the bare-bones basics? Here are 8 deeply meaningful traditions
for you and your family to personalize.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

16 Menorah Facts Every Jew Should Know!

The word menorah is Hebrew for “lamp,” and generally refers to the eight-branched candelabra that we light on the Jewish holiday of Chanukah.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Hallmark’s making some Hanukkah movies. The only problem? They’re anti-Semitic.

These holiday specials are really Christmas movies with Jewish characters, and they draw on old, dangerous tropes.

Music | Music


I filmed this performance @ Otto's Shrunken Head in NYC as part of my Monthly SURF-ROCK SHINDIG. The date was December 5 2015. All three songs are traditiona...

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Hanukkah Is Not Christmas. This Year, Let's Embrace That

Hanukkah ought to be celebrated in its own right. And failure to see it for what it truly is means children will likely abandon Judaism

Miscellaneous | Judaism

8 Things to Enjoy This Chanukah

Chanukah is coming, and we want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very happy and inspiring eight-day Festival of Lights!

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

WATCH: Vandals twist Arizona family’s garden menorah into swastika

Seth and Naomi Ellis horrified to discover hideous display outside their house; supporters later gather to help fix and relight the festive candelabrum

News | News

Menorahs in France to Shed Light During State of Emergency
Public Lightings to Continue, Despite Terror Attacks

Chabad Houses across Paris and its suburban environs are preparing for outdoor public Chanukah menorah-lightings just weeks after terror attacks killed more than 120 people throughout the city.

Food & Drink | Chicago Food & Drink

10 new holiday doughnuts at Chicago doughnut shops

Peppermint, eggnog, cranberry and other holiday-flavored doughnuts are available at Chicago doughnut shops

History | HISTORY

Hanukkah and How War Should Be Celebrated | Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

For Jews, practicing our religion has never been as straightforward. Throughout history we have had to fight and die simply to observe our faith. Hanukkah represents a triumphant moment....

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Jewish Press » » Chanukah: Guide for the Perplexed 2014

Chanukah is the holiday of liberty, combining The Book (faith and dedication to God) and the sword

Food & Drink | Seasonal Recipes

Avoid Soggy Latkes with these tips! - Bon Appétit

Nobody likes a soggy latke. And yet, a perfectly crunchy, crispy, golden-brown potato pancake is hard to master. In the video below, Dawn Perry, Bon Appétit digital food editor walks us through the process for picture-perfect latkes.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

MEDVED: Correcting Mistakes About Hanukkah | Truth Revolt

Despite extensive media coverage and rising levels of public partying, the upcoming holiday of Hanukkah (that begins Tuesday night, December 16th) still causes confusion among both Jewish and non-Jewish Americans. No, it’s not a festival of tolerance or