Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
Please Don’t Put Your Suitcase on the Bed, Ever
The real reason there’s a luggage rack in your hotel room.
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
Clean Your Smart Phone! It's Covered in Germs
A new survey of 1,200 Americans and their cleaning habits finds that one in four (23%) have never cleaned their smartphone.
Health & Fitness | Health News
Is it better to shower in the morning or at night
There are two types of people—those who shower in the morning and those who shower at night. But, according to experts, each has different benefits. Here's how to decide whether or not it's better to shower in the morning or at night.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
The 5 Dirtiest Things You Touch Every Day
The first items that pop into your head probably don’t even rank.
Food & Drink | Recipes and Food Related
Things You're Not Washing Often Enough
Your kitchen harbors bacteria and mold in unlikely places. Here are eight of the dirtiest spots, and the best ways to keep them clean.