Miscellaneous | Diaspora
What the Melbourne synagogue attack shows us about antisemitism in the diaspora
In a world with blurred identities, how should we tackle antisemitic and antizionist attacks?
History | History
The Jews of Iran: 10 Amazing Facts
Dive into the rich and surprising history of the Jews of Iran.
News | Antisemitism Watch
The looming choice for diaspora Jews - Melanie Phillips
Apart from any dangers, the political choices they face will make for an uncomfortable ride
Politics | Opinion
Eliminate the ‘Diaspora mentality’
Israel and the Jews must accept that we will never be “normal.”
News | News
Tsvi Bisk: Israel – Time to Alter Course
Tsvi Bisk: Israel – Time to Alter Course Machiavelli famously wrote (I paraphrase) that “it’s nice to be loved but it’s better to be feared”. It’s time that Jewry in general and Diaspora Jewry in particular absorbed the
News | Antisemitism Watch
The failure of Holocaust education
For shocking numbers in the west, Jewish victimhood cannot be tolerated
Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority
Palestinian Authority “Martyrs Fund” May Soon Fund Killing Jews in the US and UK
Martyrs are a core part of the Palestinian Arab psyche which goes to the heart of the ceaseless violence in the region. It may soon go global.
News | News
TAU: The Jewish Wars? Jewish leaders from Israel and the Diaspora Meet
TAU: The Jewish Wars? Jewish leaders from Israel and the Diaspora Meet In light of the escalating crisis in the relations between Israel and world Jewry International emergency conference at Tel Aviv University: Jewish leaders from Israel and the Diaspora
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Do Jews In Exile Celebrate Passover?
Ever since the Exodus, every Jew possesses that innate, unbreakable sense of freedom.
Miscellaneous | Diaspora
Are Jewish groups truly concerned by 'Jewish priority'?
The question of which issues the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) designate as their “Public Priorities” is not
News | Antisemitism Watch
Recent antisemitic events should serve as a wakeup call for Israel
Antisemitic events include the Colleyville hostage-taking, Whoopi Goldberg's comments on the Holocaust and Amnesty International's report.
News | News
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – The Very Long History of Israel and Diaspora Jewry Moving Apart
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – The Very Long History of Israel and Diaspora Jewry Moving Apart Israeli and American Jewry have been slowly moving apart – for quite a while. But there’s nothing unusual about that as Jewish history shows, not to ment
Politics | Opinion
Faced with a tsunami of anti-Semitism, Diaspora Jews still cling to their bubble
A neo-pogrom is being facilitated by Western elites who, if they aren’t taking part in this war against the Jewish people either on the streets or in the media, are piously wringing their hands but not taking the necessary action to stop it. Op-ed.
Politics | Opinion
We recognize Haman. But where are Mordechai and Esther?
This week’s festival of Purim provided Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with an irresistible analogy. Follow Israel Hayom on Facebook
Miscellaneous | Diaspora
Don’t Get Too Comfy in the Diaspora (Ki Tavo 2020)
Baruch Gordon quotes a commentary on the First Fruits offering which delivers a powerful message to Diaspora Jews today...
History | History
Lamentation: The Second Temple-era list of Temple priestly families from a stone tablet in Yemen
Tonight and tomorrow is Tisha B’Av, the saddest day of the Jewish calendar that commemorates the destruction of the two Temples and many other tragedies that befell the Jews throughout the centuries.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Elder Of Ziyon - Report: Houthis arrest remaining Yemeni Jews of Kharif
.There are very few Jews left in Yemen as most of them have decided to leave in recent years because of the Yemeni civil war
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Should American Jews Speak Hebrew? – Tablet Magazine
Before 1948, David Ben-Gurion used to joke about Zionism’s future: How will we know when we have become a real country like the rest of the world? When Jewish thieves and Jewish prostitutes conduct their business in Hebrew—and Hebrew-speaking policeme
News | News
Victor Rosenthal - Unlearning the Lessons of the Diaspora
Victor Rosenthal – Unlearning the Lessons of the Diaspora If you won’t eliminate the Diaspora – the Diaspora will eliminate you. – Ze’ev Jabotinsky, 1936 For Jewish individuals and communities, life in the Diaspora can be fraught. They must
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
The real Birthright: Inheriting our Jewish story | The Jerusalem post
These sleights of hands and oversights rest on a bigger distortion – the barrage of claims that young American Jews are abandoning Israel.