Politics | Politics
Debunking Settler Colonialism
Wall Street Journal editor Adam Kirsch explains how the trendy ideology bashes Israel.
Politics | Politics
Reaffirm our belief in the promise of America
Radical ideologies are tearing down the ideals of the country and fueling antisemitism. That only makes the fight to preserve U.S. exceptionalism all the more important.
Politics | Politics
Internal Docs Show Entire Intelligence Community Warned To Avoid ‘Problematic Phrases’ On Islamic Terrorism
DW INVESTIGATES: Top intel agency's DEI newsletter states that terms such as 'Jihadist' and 'Radical Islamists' must be avoided
News | Jewish Community
The west’s abandonment of the Jews - Melanie Phillips
With every day that passes, it becomes ever clearer that western civilisation is no longer civilised.
Politics | Op-Ed
Victor Davis Hanson: The Damage of the ‘White Privilege’ Smear
One of the many satanic paradoxes of the Third Reich’s architecture of the Final Solution was the requirement—mandated after the 1939 outbreak of the war—that…
Politics | Op-Ed
Victor Davis Hanson: Post-Postmodern America
The Woke Revolution depends, one, solely on its advocates never having to experience firsthand any of the nonsense they inflict on others. And two, dangerous zealots with titles before, and letters after, their names prove to be quite stupid—and dangerous
Politics | Politics
The War Against Cars
There cannot be much doubt that the switch to electric vehicles is part of a wider war against cars.
Politics | Woke Insanity
California adopts new math framework emphasizing equity and cultural responsiveness
We thought things were bad when they were pushing Common Core. But then we came to a time when alleged intellectuals argued on Twitter that two plus two can equal five.
Politics | Climate Change
Climate Change Hysteria Is America's Biggest Mental Health Crisis
Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Krenwell’s desire to make the perfect pinwheel sandwich was continually hampered by his abiding fear of Pergo....
Politics | Politics
The inversion of history | The Spectator
It is 18 years since the last Colditz drama on British television, which apparently means we need a new one. And the times being what they are, it appears that the drama will have to reflect the values of our little cultural-revolutionary period. There is
Politics | Politics
Woke & Broke: Leftwing Publications Like 'Vice' Are Failing Left and —Well, Left
Once-thriving lefty webzine Vice is going into receivership with a George Soros organization, but the site’s stunning failure sits perhaps only at the middle of an ongoing trend best described a...
Politics | Politics
Victor Davis Hanson: Can We Do Anything About America’s Decline?
Twenty-first-century America was on a trajectory of gradual decline—until it began to implode. Was the accelerant the COVID-19 pandemic and unhinged lockdowns?
Politics | Liberal Fascism
The Left continues to whitewash its crazy, violent, and authoritarian history
About a week before Jeff Sharlet’s new book, The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War, was published in March, a new video was uploaded on YouTube. It was a short documentary from 1983 of when Harry Belafonte, an iconic American singer and actor, visite
Politics | Politics
Uncanny Similarities Between America’s Leftist Takedown of Trump and Israel’s Leftist Attempted Takedown of Bibi - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
It is a warning to conservatives everywhere: The rise of woke progressivism, amped by social media, threatens the future of democracy. The Israeli Left now is acting to circumvent free elections by trying to take down Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s pop
Politics | Blue State/City Life
San Francisco Board of Supervisors voices enthusiastic support for $5 million a person reparations
Oh, also houses for $1 a family.
Politics | Woke Insanity
NPR’s confusing Oscar mess: Michelle Yeoh ‘who identifies as Asian’ wins best actress
NPR, and other news outlets, created confusion by insisting on stating that Michelle Yeoh 'identifies as Asian' in their headlines. It's complicated.
Politics | The Decline Of America
Victor Davis Hanson: Life Among the Ruins
American society is facing three existential crises not unlike those that overcame the late Roman, and a millennium later, terminal Byzantine, empires.
Politics | Woke Insanity
Victor Davis Hanson: The Woke Wrecking Machine
Almost everything that has followed from the woke mass hysteria gripping the nation since 2020 has proved disastrous. Wokeism destroys meritocracy in favor of…
Politics | Woke Insanity
‘The Name Is Bond. James Bond. My Pronouns Are...’ 007 Novels Get Woke Makeover
The arbiters of acceptable statements want to close off every possible way for you to have a thought that strays from their orthodoxy. That's why Bond is dead.
Politics | Leftists Are Racists
White women advised that denying their own racism is violent
White women are just the worst.
Politics | Opinion
Intersectional Antisemitism in America
The internet has brought jihadists, neo-Nazis, and anarchists together through their shared hatred of Jews
Politics | Woke Insanity
Professor proposes ‘living mathematx’ which acknowledges that trees are sentient
Just like Latinx, there's now mathematx.
Politics | Media Bias
The New York Times’ Orwellian obsession with Israel
The Jewish state and Judaism received disproportionate negative coverage throughout 2022.
Politics | Liberal Fascism
'Pure Evil' -- Tony Blair Calls for Digital Vaccine Tracking at Davos
Tony Blair said that global "digital infrastructures" are needed to monitor who is vaccinated as he predicted a "slew" of new vaccines.
Politics | Op-Ed
Victor Davis Hanson: A Rendezvous With Rwanda?
“Despite being Black, he [Rep. Byron Donalds] supports a policy agenda intent on upholding and perpetuating white supremacy.”—Representative Cori Bush (D-Mo.)…
Politics | BDS
Anti-Israel boycotts masquerade as social justice
Morningstar refuses to take responsibility for how its “responsible investment” methods have targeted Israel, after yet another confusion between Social Justice and Anti-Zionism.
Politics | Gender Insanity
Report: 20 MLB Teams 'Promote or Fund' Groups that Perform Child Sex Change Operations
An analysis by 'National Review' shows an unseemly trend among 20 Major League Baseball teams for pushing gender "transitions" on children.
Politics | Opinion
The Soviet origins of left-wing anti-Zionism
Today’s haters of Israel are heirs to one of the longest and most effective anti-Semitic propaganda campaigns in modern history. Op-ed.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Parents share when their 2-year-old came out to them as trans
The 2-year-old apparently makes the decisions in the house.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
INSANITY: Seattle police stopped investigating new adult sexual assaults this year
Seattle police’s sexual assault and child abuse unit staff has been so depleted that it stopped assigning to detectives this year new cases with adult victims, according to an internal memo sent to interim police Chief Adrian Diaz in April.
Politics | Op-Ed
Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden and Racial Demagoguery
Joe Biden has had a long history of racist outbursts. Can we even remember them all? The “put y’all back in chains” insults to an audience of black…
Politics | Liberal Fascism
Ontario Freedom Convoy Donors Published on Google Maps
Locations of the Freedom Convoy donors in Ontario, Canada, have been published on Google Maps after names were leaked online.
Politics | Politics
Why The Left Always Projects › American Greatness
The Left is addicted to projection—the psycho-political syndrome of attributing all of one’s own sins to one’s opponents. The woke apparently do this out of…
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Could the Bubonic Plague Could Be the End Result of Progressive Urban Policies?
Poor sanitation in cities run by progressives is leading to increases in rat-borne diseases. If we are not careful, the Bubonic plague will be back in no time.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Eliminating ‘Racist’ Entrance Exam Led to More White Students, Fewer Asians at Top High School
The number of white students admitted to the freshman class of the nation's top high school skyrocketed—and the number of Asian students plummeted—after district officials nixed the school's entrance exam in an attempt to boost black and Hispanic enrollme
Politics | Op-Ed
Victor Davis Hanson: Tuning Out Wokeism
If wokeness should continue and “win,” by now we all know where it will end up. After all, this is not a prairie-fire, peasants-with-pitchforks…
News | News
Biden Is All Over the Board on Social Media's Attack on the First Amendment
In the aftermath of Facebook’s totalitarian decision to maintain their banishment of former President Trump, the Biden administration...
News | News
COVID Wasn’t Enough, Now We Have to Deal with Crashing Chinese Space Debris
As if unleashing the COVID virus on the world wasn’t egregious enough, now a chunk of launch debris from a Chinese rocket, measuring the...
News | News
Yet Another Black-on-Asian Attack; When Will the Black Community Act?
In yet another race-based and unprovoked attack, an Asian man, who was walking his 1-year-old child in a stroller, was attacked by a...
News | News
Why the ‛War on Police’?
Police officers take an oath of office to uphold the law. They do not take an oath to support a political party or ideology...
News | News
Black Communists Smear Anne Frank; Book Burn with Her Diary
A woke Black communist movement in Colorado has exhibited its core value of hate in a social media post that calls Anne Frank a...
News | News
The Systemic Racism & Hate Inside the Modern Day Democrat Party
In a demonstration of how Democrats embrace a two-tiered idea of justice, the chairman of the Lamar County Democrat Party of Texas was...
News | News
The Stupidity the Woke Movement Inflicts Upon Society
In a move that screams ‟lowest common denominator,” the California Department of Education’s mathematics curriculum framework for 2021...
News | News
In Portland, the Prosecution of Crimes Is Subjective
After almost a year of chaos and destruction in Portland at the hands of Black Lives Matter protesters and Antifa anarchists, it appears...
News | News
Who Does the Nation Turn to When the FBI Goes Rogue?
A joint letter from the ranking members of two prominent House committees to FBI Director Christopher Wray called on him to provide a...
News | News
Does the CIA Going ‛Woke’ Serve the Country Or Inane Special Interest?
A disturbing recruitment video produced by the Central Intelligence Agency was packed with political and ideological agenda items that...
News | News
Hansjörg Wyss: George Soros’ ‛Robin’
Lookout, George Soros, there’s a new anti-American philanthropist in town, and his name is Hansjörg Wyss. The Swiss billionaire is just...
News | News
Communist Chinese Companies Gamed the System to Glean COVID Relief Funding
As Americans continue to financially struggle because of the naïve choices made by elected officials in combating the COVID event, a...
News | News
The Pipe Dreams of the Biden Tax Man
The Biden administration is attempting to create a safety net, after the fact, to protect from a mass exodus of corporate taxpayers due...
Politics | Leftist lunacy
Cartoon shows the difference between ‘equality’ and ‘equity’
What the cartoon does not show is initiative, cooperation, or adaptability.
News | News
Did the DOJ/FBI Violate the Law in Wiretapping Trump & Giuliani?
In an action that suggests the Federal Bureau of Investigation may have acted outside the constraints of the law, former New York City...
News | News
Why Is The Black Community So Accepting of Violence As the New Normal?
If there is systemic malady affecting the Black community in the United States is certainly isn’t systemic racism, be it in law...
News | News
Housing Industry Feels the Pain of High Lumber Costs from Unnecessary COVID Shutdowns
Skyrocketing lumber prices that have tripled over the past 12 months have driven the price of an average new single-family home to rise...
News | News
Slain BLM Protester’s Family Sues Seattle for Not Policing ‛No Police’ Zone
The duplicity of the Black Lives Matter movement is on full display in Seattle where the mother of an activist who was gunned down last...
News | News
Manchin Throws a Constitutional Wrench into DC Statehood
The gerrymandering of the US Congress – and especially the US Senate, was dealt a blow Friday when US Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said he...
News | News
Midwestern Farmers Call Out Biden Administration on Their Overt Racism
In a heartland shot across the bow to the Biden administration, a group of White farmers from the Midwest has filed a lawsuit against the...
News | News
Florida Joins States That Reform Election Law Away from COVID Chaos
The State of Florida, fast becoming one of the freest states in the United States, is set to codify a new law that enacts several...
News | News
Oklahoma to Ban Teaching of Critical Race Theory in Public Schools
In a victory in the battle to expunge both racism and Marxism from our schools, the Oklahoma Legislature has voted to prohibit public...
News | News
Another Nail In the Coffin of Justice
I find myself in the strange position of agreeing with Alan Dershowitz and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, at least in part....
News | News
And When a Cop Does Do Something Egregious There Must Be Consequences
Law enforcement officers are facing an undeserved black eye from the media and various activist groups over a false narrative of...
News | News
Biden’s OPM Nominee Signals a Doubling Down on Woke-ism in Federal Government
The Biden administration – or at least the committee that makes the decisions in the Biden administration, appears to be re-committing...
News | News
Critical Race Theory Goes to the US Supreme Court; We Are the Jury
Those of us who lived through the Civil Rights movement celebrated the colorblind path that our nation committed to all those years ago...
News | News
No Blame for the Knife-Wielding Teen in Ohio, Just a Lawsuit by ‛Parents’
Seemingly absolving Ma’Khia Bryant of any culpability for her attempted stabbing of another human being, the family of the teenager, is...
News | News
Is Coca-Cola Getting Cold Feet in Its Wedding to Wokeness?
After taking a boycott hit because of their woke Critical Race Theory-based public policy stances, it appears they are back peddling so...
News | News
Airline Industry Insiders Understand COVID Passports Will Kill the Industry
Leaders from the aviation industry representing flight attendants and one of the nation’s biggest air carrier lobbyists testified before...
News | News
If the 2020 Election Was Free of Fraud, Why Fight An Audit?
The Arizona Democrat Party continues to obstruct transparency in the contest, now filing a lawsuit seeking to stop the state’s Senate...
News | News
The Destructive & Arrogant Ignorance of the Black Lives Matter Movement
The country continues to be plagued by violence and unrest facilitated by the false narrative of ‟systemic racism,” this lie advanced by...
News | News
The Biden Administration: Nothing Like a Heaping Helping of Crony Capitalism
It wasn’t too long ago that Democrats used to excoriate Republicans for their connections to big business and the corporate sector. But...
News | News
Finally, Light at the End of the Activist in Government Tunnel...Maybe
Just when you thought the old guard Republican leadership was set to sit back and do nothing but complain for the next two years...
News | News
The US Postal Service: More Than Mail Delivery, It’s Spying On You
If you’ve wondered why your mail service sucks and why the lines are so long at the post office, this little tidbit should get you pretty...
News | News
Why the Chauvin Verdict Won’t Stop the Urban Insurrection
The verdict has been passed. Former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin has been was convicted of all three charges in the death of...
News | News
When Political Disingenuousness Lights a Powder Keg
In the wake of the dangerous words of incitement used by US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), on the eve of the Chauvin verdict, Democrats and...
News | News
Re-Introduced Green New Deal Is Testimony to the Need for Standalone Legislation
Don’t look now, but Progressive Democrats, led by US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), are back hawking the Green New Deal and they...
News | News
UN Agency Continues Teaching Terrorism, Antisemitism; Biden Resumes Taxpayer Funding
The Biden administration’s resumption of taxpayer-funded aid to the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency was met with accolades by...
News | News
Proposed Anti-Riot Bill in Minnesota Signals That the People Are Done with Lawlessness
In a move that telegraphs the fact most Americans have exhausted their sympathies for the woke street agitators, a bill proposed by a...
News | News
Creating a Human-Monkey Hybrid? Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should
Ethical questions have been raised after scientists successfully grew monkey embryos containing human cells for the first time. The feat...
News | News
The Next Great Reset Domino to Fall: US Treasury Department
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has announced the creation of the department’s “climate hub,” an internal office to prioritize...
News | News
If We Expand Anything About the SCOTUS It Should Be Their Mandate to Engage
In an action that has become all too common, the United States Supreme Court has refused to hear two cases that they should have found an...
News | News
National Guard Troops Fired Upon in Minneapolis; What Are The Rules of Engagement?
Members of the Minnesota National Guard came under gunfire in Minneapolis early Sunday morning as protesters rioted and looted during...
News | News
Maxine Waters Incites Protesters Saying They Need to ‛Get More Confrontational’
Controversial US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), spewed incendiary language during a protest targeting the upcoming jury deliberations in the...
News | News
Antibody Treatment for COVID Finally Getting Utilized In of All Places Michigan
In a nod to what many outside of the CDC and WHO have been saying since the thick of the COVID “crisis,” Michigan intends to expand...
News | News
Democrats Throttle Back; Fearful of a Public ‘Radical Agenda Fatigue’
In an acknowledgment that their radical agenda clip has gone too far and too fast, leaders in the Democrat Party are seeking to both slow...
News | News
Woke-ism’s Critical Race Theory Invasion of Education Being Challenged
A growing number of parents and educators are pushing back against the destructive and divisive Critical Race Theory being inflicted on...
News | News
Cryptos Takes a Hit with Hash Rate Blackout, Unfounded Fed Rumors
The cryptocurrency market, led by Bitcoin (BTC) fell to sudden lows early on Sunday as two events in tandem led to an almost $10 billion...
News | News
Instagram for Kids? A Horrible Idea That Invites Further Indoctrination
A coalition of child safety advocates is opposing Facebook’s plans to launch a version of Instagram for children under 13 years of age...
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
The Growing ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary State’ Movement
Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a proclamation designating his state a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary State,” moving the idea of nullification.
News | News
Biden Wants An End to Immunity for Gun Manufacturers
In the wake of yet another mass shooting the White House intends to exploit, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Congress needs to act to end...
News | News
Florida’s Combating Public Disorder Bill Is a Move Back to the Rule of Law
Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis (R), is set to sign into law a measure that takes aim at the unbridled destruction and violence that...
Politics | Politics
Did the White House Bald-Face Lie About a Latin American Border Agreement?
White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was rebuked by one Latin American leader over claims the Biden administration secured commitments...
News | News
The Two-Tier Justice System: It All Depends on Who You Shoot
Two different scenarios and two police officer-involved shootings. But two very different processes as one police officer is charged in...
News | News
Coca-Cola’s Bottom Line Is Evidently More Important Than Woke-ism
Executives at the Coca-Cola Company are taking a more conciliatory tone about Georgia’s voting reforms after coming under pressure...
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Victor Davis Hanson: The 10 radical new rules that are changing America
There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.
Politics | Op-Ed
Victor Davis Hanson: Can the Great ‘Awokening’ Succeed?
We all know that we are living in revolutionary times. The origins, ascendence, values, laws, and future of the United States are all under assault by self…
Politics | Politics
Is One Boston Hospital Implementing Systemic Racism into Medicine?
A Boston hospital appears to have been infected with “woke-ism.” Brigham and Women’s Hospital has announced it will offer “preferential...
Politics | Politics
Victor Davis Hanson: Radical New Rules for Post-America
There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently. 1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate…
Politics | Politics
Parental Enemies List in Hand, School Committee Vows to ‘Silence Opposition’ on Critical Race Theory
A non-sanctioned group of public school officials in Loudoun County, Virginia, public schools has secretly pledged to “silence the...
Politics | Politics
Why Didn't the Man Wearing Body Armor with 6 Guns and Ammo at Grocery Store Get Coverage?
An Atlanta man was arrested after entering a major chain grocery store carrying an AR-15, five other weapons, and an extensive cache of...
News | News
Fourth Revision of Calif. ‘Ethnic Studies Curriculum’ Saturated with Critical Race Theory
Never wanting to be seen as not on the cutting edge of the educational abyss, California’s Department of Education has released a fourth...
News | News
UK Secretly Testing Controversial Web Data Mining Tool
For the last two years in Britain, law enforcement and internet service providers have been quietly colluding to build and test...
News | News
Over 1,000 Baltimore School Officials Make $100K a Year as Students Continue to Fail
An examination of city records reveals that a shocking number of school officials in Baltimore, Maryland are making more than $100,000...
Politics | Politics
New Cuomo Scandal Emerges Over Order Directing COVID Patients into Homes for Disabled
Yet another executive order issued by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), has been found to put the most vulnerable to the COVID virus at...
News | Censorship
Wall Street Journal Endorses Section 230 Reforms After Facebook’s 'Phony Fact-Check'
After a second instance where social media publisher Facebook has used partisan fact-checkers to challenge analysis, the Wall Street...
News | News
Drive to Claw Back Power from an Expanding Federal Government Gains Steam
Public sentiment is wide-spread and mounting to confront the unbridled expansion of the federal government’s authority over the sovereign...
News | News
150 Missing Children Recovered in Joint Operation
A joint law enforcement operation months in the planning has recovered 150 children who had gone missing in Tennessee...
News | News
K-12 ‘Woke Civics’ an Effort in Indoctrination
The Washington swamp establishment that brought the education system the Common Core standards and encouraged more federal intervention...
Politics | Demos
Democrats Block Amendment to Prevent COVID Relief-Stimulus Funds from Going to China
An amendment to the House COVID relief-stimulus package that would have prevented any funding from going to the Communist Chinese was...
News | Censorship
Amazon De-Platforms Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month
In an astonishingly racist and biased move the BigTech platform, Amazon has de-platformed a documentary about US Supreme Court Justice...
Politics | Demos
California's Bullet Train Over-Budget; Cost Now Over $100,000,000,000
California's massive high-speed rail project is more than a decade behind schedule and an example of grotesque overspending and mismanagement. Experts now say the project is a complete misreading of what the public needs. The so-called Los Angeles-to-San
News | Censorship
Amazon De-Platforms Book by Conservative Author on Transgenderism Without Explanation
In another move to digitally book burn, Amazon's web store has removed a best-selling book by a conservative author focusing on the science, social science, and politics of transgenderism. Amazon did so without notifying or informing the author why the bo
Politics | Politics
France Now Considers America’s Woke Leftism, Cancel Culture A Global Threat
French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters that the chief threat to national cohesiveness around the world is the extreme woke
Politics | Woke Insanity
New York Times Claims Oscars Might Be ‘Most Diverse Ever,’ But ‘Problem Isn’t Solved’
It's awards season again and The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recently released shortlists for this year's Academy Awards.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Titania McGrath presents a list of all the times she (ze?) was ahead of the curve, and it’s stunning
Satirist Titania McGrath is consistently one to two years ahead of reality.
Politics | Op-Ed
The Unapologetic Bias of the American Left
Some yearn for the ancient monopolistic days of network news, the adolescent years of public radio and TV, and the still reputable New York Times—when once upon…
Politics | Corruption
Ilhan Omar and the Diversity Conundrum - American Greatness
At a recent rally in Pennsylvania, President Donald Trump made some remarks about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.
Politics | BLM
Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic
Rather than serve help heal the nation, critical race theory has proven to be poisonous to liberty, true community, and our common humanity.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Minnesota Town Goes Woke, Pledges Not To Call Cops, Is Now ‘Overrun’ By Homeless Encampment
A Minneapolis community, just a few miles away from where George Floyd died while in the custody of the Minneapolis Police Department, pledged to “check its privilege,” allowing hundreds of transients and homeless individuals to take up reside
Politics | Op-Ed
The dangerous liberal ideas for censorship in the United States | TheHill
Democrats now use the coronavirus crisis to make the case.
Politics | Op-Ed
A Total Mess: What Democratic Party Rule Will Do to America
ecent and ongoing events, historic by any standard, have emphatically refuted anyone who thought a black swan event could not possibly disrupt America’s 2020 election. Recent events might also suffice to remind us that yet another Black Swan event could t
Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism
Why the Left won't tolerate liberal Zionists
The Columbia Journalism Review touts itself as “the voice of journalism.” While the magazine, which is published by the Columbia
Politics | The "Squad"
AOC Says Businessmen Are Lazy Parasites Who Steal And Exploit. No, That's What Politicians Do.
As reported by The Daily Wire, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently launched into a particularly delusional rant about billionaires. While being interviewed for a MLK Day event, Ocasio-Cortez claimed that all billionaire businessmen get rich on slave la
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Leftists’ Favorite Debate Moment: Atheist Ron Reagan’s Commercial Chortling He's ‘Not Afraid Of Burning In Hell’
During the CNN/Des Moines Register Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night, a prominent atheist organization reupped its 2014 commercial featuring Ron Reagan Jr, the son of President Ronald Reagan, trumpeting his support for the organization and boas
Politics | Woke Insanity
CBS News searches for ‘a better way to raise boys to avoid toxic masculinity’
Maybe start by defining "toxic masculinity" before lecturing us on healthy, respectful masculinity.
Politics | Op-Ed
HAMMER: Remember Those Who Told Us Gay Marriage Would Not Lead To Polyamory? They Were Wrong.
“Slippery slope theory is a form of logical fallacy.” – Knaves and fools The concerted social push is now unequivocally on to normalize non-monogamous, polyamorous relationships. Just yesterday, CBS News ran a rather disturbing story en
Politics | Op-Ed
Leftism Makes People Meaner: Reflections on the Torture of Paul Manafort | News and Politics
The sadistic treatment of Paul Manafort illustrates something I have believed since I attended graduate school in the 1970s and saw the behavior of left-wing students: Leftism makes people meaner. There are kind and mean conservatives and kind and mean li
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Watch this video of some ‘passionate’ young people fighting for the Green New Deal no one voted for
So what mode of transportation will these activists be using on their Green New Deal tour?
Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism
'Intersectionality' and the New Anti-Semitism
The real Ilhan Omar scandal isn't that a high-profile member of a powerful House committee hates Jews and Israel.
Politics | Op-Ed
PRAGER: Explaining The Left, Part VI: Do Leftists Believe What They Say?
Truth is not a left-wing value. I first discovered this as a graduate student studying the Soviet Union and left-wing ideologies at the Russian Institute of Columbia University School of International Affairs. Everything I have learned since has confirmed
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Guess Which Woke Coffee Chain Won't Have Plastic Straws Anymore
The iconic green plastic straw sipped by so many Americans, woke and unwoke alike, are going the way of unconscious bias at Starbucks.
Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"
No Whites Allowed At Vermont College Racism Workshop
For 'students of color only'
Politics | Op-Ed
PRAGER: Whatever The Left Touches It Ruins
The only way to save Western civilization is to convince more people that leftism — not liberalism — is a nihilistic force. Quite literally, whatever the left touches it ruins. So, here is a partial listing of the damage done by the left and the Democ
Politics | Op-Ed
Intersectionality: Religion for Deep-Blue America | National Review
Intersectionality and Moral Therapeutic Theism are the new religions of post-Christian America.
Politics | Op-Ed
Political Correctness Has Peaked | National Review Online
If you’re Social Justice Warrior, you’re a liar. You actively spread absurd falsehoods about the nature of men, women, sex, and culture that can’t withstand even the slightest scrutiny. You change history and conceal facts to fit preferred narratives, even when it costs human lives.