
Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Tough Love—What if the manager needs it as well as the “star in his own mind” employee? | Workplace Coach Blog

tough love for an employee who's a star in his own mind and for a manager who's "had it"

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Omicron and the Supervisor as Duct Tape | Workplace Coach Blog

Omicron hits the workplace and supervisors have to duct tape the workplace together

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Documentation That Makes the Case The Employee Deserved to be Fired - Workplace Coach Blog

As an expert witness (qualified in Court in management best practices, HR, and workplace issues), I’m often handed documentation by …

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Performance Reviews: Dread Them? Ditch Them? Replace Them? - Workplace Coach Blog

Performance reviews; why don't they work and what's a GREAT alternative?

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

If Your Employee Won't Admit the Truth, You Need To - Workplace Coach Blog

You know your employee tells little white lies; the ball's in your court, what do you do?

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Want to be a Great Supervisor: Do a 180: Coach - Workplace Coach Blog

If you want to be a great supervisor, become a trusted coach who respects employees

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

We have two flawed managers, which one should we promote? - Workplace Coach Blog

You can't promote a flawed maanger unless you fix him/her

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

I Supervise An Employee So Different From Me I Can't Get A Read On Him - Workplace Coach Blog

Question: I inherited three new direct reports when our management team downsized. One of them worries me. I don’t understand …

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Employee Thought He Deserved the Job I Landed...Now Gunning for Me - Workplace Coach Blog

Question: I recently landed a dream job managing a department for a strong, growing company. On my first day, I …

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

A Performance Improvement Plan Means Your Manager Plans to Fire You, Right? - Workplace Coach Blog

Question: I’m been ordered to call you. Nothing personal against you, but I’m not having any. For the last year, …

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Be a Coach, Not a Supervisor; Here's What It Takes - Workplace Coach Blog

Be a coach, not a supervisor What’s the difference between coaching and supervising? Most of us value those who coach …

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Failing Grade in Office Politics - Workplace Coach Blog

Note: This post responds to questions posed in the Ask a Coach section of workplacecoachblog.   Question: I’m getting a failing …

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Managing a Team When You Have No Firing Authority - Workplace Coach Blog

Question: I supervise 15 employees, the largest crew in our company. I’m expected to handle employees who don’t show up …

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Employee Threw Me Under the Bus - Workplace Coach Blog

Question: I’m a new supervisor and one of my employees threw me under the bus even though I’ve repeatedly helped …