Politics | Blue State/City Life
Want to Be a Teacher in This Blue State and Can't Pass a Reading or Math Test? No Problem
One of the things Donald Trump has said he wants to do in his second term is to abolish the Department of Education and give the task of educating America's children back to the states. Local school districts have been held hostage by powerful teachers' unions, who have negotiated all sorts of goodies for their members and indoctrinate students on things like diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), critical race theory (CRT), and transgenderism but can't seem to find the time to teach them to read and write. Now, as people flee blue states, one of them has given parents one more reason to do so.
News | News
Principal Lied To Punish Jewish Teacher Who Reported Muslim Student For Praising Hitler
A Maryland school system knowingly used false information to discipline a Jewish teacher in response to her reporting to her principal that at a pro-Palestinian walkout — which the principal called “fantastic” — students praised Adolph Hitler and called for the death of Jews.
Politics | Leftists Are Racists
Massachusetts School Districts Roll out 'Anti-Racist' Struggle Session Groups for White Teachers
Of all the ridiculous ideas progressives are pushing in the education space, the idea of racial "affinity groups" has to rank among the top five.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
If You Call Teachers 'Heroes,' You're Part Of The Problem
We should reserve the word 'hero' for those who pull people from burning buildings or dodge bullets on the battlefield.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Guess What Teachers Union Groomers Are Assigning as Summer Reading
America’s preeminent teachers union is now recommending that its members add Gender Queer – a treatise on the merits of transgenderism – to their summer reading list, presumably in order for any...
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
The Emerging Alliance Between America's Leading Socialist Organization and Teachers' Unions
Five years ago, the Democratic Socialists of America declared that infiltrating teachers' unions would be a prime way for socialists to boost the far-left movement's power and numbers. The "strategic" decision appears to be paying off, with unions across
News | News
PODCAST | Honestly Dissecting The Trans Movement
LISTEN NOW | I wanted to expound a little bit on what we talked about in the first two segments, which is an incredible article by Dr. Robert Malone titled, Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. This article examines the transgender craze and breaks down the num
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Utah school gives kids 'disgusting' insects to eat in class for climate assignment on cows killing the Earth
Spring Canyon Middle School in Utah's Nebo School District said humans should eat bugs to protect the environment from climate change disaster wrought by cows.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Non-binary teacher proud that her outreach helped a first-grader come out as transgender
The teacher thanks her "accomplices" who invited her to speak to their classes about her sexuality.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Los Angeles public schools training teachers that 'merit,' 'individualism' rooted in 'whiteness'
Los Angeles public schools mandated all employees to undergo "implicit/unconscious bias training," which teaches that "merit" and "individualism" are rooted in whiteness.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
The Enduring Teacher Shortage Myth
“Many teachers have left the profession and gone into other work of various kinds because they could make more money. Frequently the best teachers are the ones…
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
The First Rule of Gay Club Is You DO NOT Talk About Gay Club! Groomer Teachers Plot on Zoom
The groomer teachers just will not stop trying to indoctrinate your kids into the rainbow cult behind your back. It’s amazing to me that they object to the term “groomer” and then ac...
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Teacher says she has her preschoolers pick a pronoun pin every day to wear
Some preschoolers like to mix it up a bit.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
School goes private after first-grade teacher tells kids that sometimes the doctor is wrong when he makes a guess as to baby’s sex
All of that expensive schooling and doctors can only guess the sex of a newborn baby.
Politics | Leftist Lies
Teacher explains why so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law will require signs to be taken off restrooms
Here's another riff on "Don't Say Gay" also meaning "Don't Say Straight."
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Teacher says it’s up to adults to make the classroom welcoming to kindergarteners who identify as transgender
Kindergarteners have cell phones and are going to know about this stuff anyway.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Here’s a great thread on those ‘nice-sounding programs’ being used to ‘create little activists’ at school
It's no secret that activist teachers believe they're "saving" children from their parents.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Florida first-grade teacher in tears over the devastating effect the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law will have on her
Is this teacher supposed to pretend she's single?
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Report: Fourth-grade teacher says 20 of her 32 students have come out to her as LGBTQIA+
We'd bet most of them have been guided to the "questioning" element of LGBTQIA+.
Politics | Covid 19
Teachers Union Will Force L.A. Kids to Wear Masks Even as Mandate Ends
The teachers union will compel children in the LAUSD to continue wearing masks to school Monday even as the county's mask mandate expires.
Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting
How Public Schools Are Sneaking Woke Ideology To Your Kids Behind Your Back — And In Your Own Home
"It found a way to smuggle propaganda into your home right behind your back, from its perch in our schools."
News | NEWS
NYC teacher calls for vehicular attack on mourning NYPD officers
In case you missed it, the funeral for slain NYPD Detective Jason Rivera was held on Friday. The procession route for the funeral was lined with thousands upon thousands of police officers and other first responders. They created a type of human wave as the hearse passed by, all raising their hands to salute their fallen comrade. Some of the aerial views of the tribute were truly stunning.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
WATCH: School Board Squirms As Mom Reads Them The Gay Porn In Books Available To Students
A Virginia mom found that books graphically depicting pedophilia were in her child’s school as part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion — so she read from them, verbatim, to the school board.
Politics | Leftist Lies
'There's No Such Thing as Learning Loss,' Says L.A. Teachers Union Chief
Cecily Myart-Cruz, head of United Teachers Los Angeles told Los Angeles magazine in a recent interview, "There's no such thing as learning loss."
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
THIS –> Patricia Heaton DROPS harpy-teacher mocking the American flag and telling students to pledge allegiance to pride flag
This teacher, sadly, is far from unique.
News | News
PODCAST: CRT, IMF & WEF: The Hostile Takeover of the United States
A small group of organized and steadfast ideologues are on a quest to fundamentally transform the United States of America from a Constitutional Republic to an oligarchy, run by the global elites based in the Communist Chinese economic model of control. W
Psychology | Education
Opinion | The Cost of the School Shutdowns
A new McKinsey study documents the severe student learning loss.
News | News
San Francisco's Teacher Union Outs Themselves as Anti-Semitic
In a move that has nothing – zero – to do with education, the United Educators of San Francisco’s voted to endorse the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, accusing Israel of committing “apartheid and war crimes.” The m
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
After Teachers Claimed They Were Too Scared To Work, Many Never Got Vaccinated
Only about 70% of school staff in Montgomery County, Maryland, chose to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, despite the teachers union objecting to opening schools for most of the year by citing educators' commitment to extreme cautionary measure
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Anti-racist teacher stopped teaching Spanish because white supremacy
Anti-racist teacher stopped teaching Spanish because white supremacy. Jessica Bridges from Oklahoma State University preaches anti-racism during Women's Gender Studies Conference.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Teachers Compile List Of Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum, Plot War On Them
A group of current and former teachers and others in Loudoun County, Virginia compiled a lengthy list of parents suspected of disagreeing with school system actions, including its teaching of controversial racial concepts — with a stated purpose in part t
News | News
California Schools Using Federal, State, Local COVID Relief Money for Staff Bonuses
If you thought hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars to foreign entities in the COVID Relief package was outrageous, how...
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
WATCH: NYC Mom Livid When Teacher Plays Rap Videos in Zoom Class
A Queens mom was outraged when she realized her son's Zoom class featured rap videos of drug deals, prostitutes, and off-color language.
Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"
Illinois Teachers Shamed For Color Of Their Skin In Taxpayer-Sponsored ‘Antiracist’ Training
The Countywide Equity Institute featured 10 speakers alleging 'white privilege.' Illinois has just mandated this kind of instruction in all public schools
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Student in Baltimore high school ranks near the top half of his class with a 0.13 grade point average
He's actually outperforming almost half of his class.
Politics | Op-Ed
Democrats Don't Care About Your Children and They Never Have. School Lockdowns Prove It.
The Biggest Lie the Democrats Ever Told
In my three plus decades of conservative political activism I’ve pretty much learned every go-to trick in the Democrats’ playbook. As leftism is &#...
News | The News
California school board members mock parents in video: 'They want their babysitters back'
The superintendent of a California school district board apologized for board members' "truly inappropriate comments" after a group published a video that appeared to show board members complaining about parents who want teachers to return to classrooms,
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Chicago public school teachers use interpretive dance to ‘express their desire to feel safe’ upon returning to classroom
We're waiting for the shelf-stockers at the grocery store to do their interpretive dance.
Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration
Joe Biden makes a great argument for reopening the schools immediately
Dr. Jill Biden's been vaccinated, let's get her back into a classroom.
News | News
Unions Force Chicago Schools to Hire People to Supervise Kids in Class While Teachers Work Remotely
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has decreed that their rank and file will not return to the classrooms with the
Politics | BLM
Teachers’ union adopts ‘Black Lives Matter at School’ resolution calling for ‘disrupting the … nuclear family’
New York City teachers have adopted the 13 principles of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Politics | Politics
Teachers: The New Nazi Regime | The Black Sphere
DId you know that like all other white people, you are a racist? Well, it's true. But don't worry, help is already available.
Politics | Politics
Chicago Teachers Union Tweets Reopening Schools Would be Racist, Sexist, AND Misogynistic - And Then Deletes It!
The CTU unleashed an epically bad tweet; too bad we preserved it for them.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Teacher’s Union Demands Schools Be Closed Until August 2021, Promote Virtual Learning Only
The Fairfax Education Association (FEA) is demanding all in-person instruction be banned until at least August of 2021. A petition sponsored by the labor
News | NEWS
Arizona school district forced to close classrooms again as teacher 'sickout' continues
The J.O. Combs Unified School District was forced to shutter classrooms for another two days as teachers refused again to return to school for in-person learning.
Politics | Education or Indoctrination?
Educator worries how conservative ‘helicopter’ parents affect virtual race discussions
Teachers should NEVER have a ‘what happens here stays here’ mindset…
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
Teachers' Unions Take to the Streets With the Radical Left, Even While Insisting It's Not Safe to Return to School
Teachers’ unions in many major metros, and other places that might surprise you, have thrown in completely with the radical left. They have partnered with the Democratic Socialists of America and other extremist groups to make some astounding demands in order to allow your children to return to school.
Politics | Other Politics
American Federation of Teachers to members: Support Warren, Sanders or Biden in 2020 election
The nation’s second-largest teachers union, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), said it will encourage local and state chapters to back Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Sen.
News | Education News
Kindergarten Teacher Talks Quitting Job in Controversial Post: My Mental 'Health Was in Jeopardy'
Jessica Gentry says she loves children, but had to leave the profession for the sake of her mental and physical health
Politics | Corruption
Top Dems Help L.A. Teachers Union Push Annual $500 Million Property Tax ‘To Make Demands On’
Top Democrats and organized labor are pushing a ballot measure that would levy a tax on property owners within the expansive boundaries of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the second-largest public education system in the nation.
Politics | Op-Ed
Opinion | Teachers Unions Don’t Really Strike for ‘the Kids’
When the United Auto Workers walk off the job, no one pretends they care about car buyers.
Politics | Woke Insanity
Florida Teacher Fired After Not Giving Students Credit For Work Not Turned In
A Florida teacher says she was fired from her job at West Gate in Port Saint Lucie earlier this month for refusing to give students credit for a project that students did not turn in,
Politics | Politics
Bill Bennett, Karen Nussle: Supreme Court's Janus decision could change everything for our schools and kids | Fox News
In 20 to 30 years, we may look back on this week as the turning point when everything changed for America’s teachers and their students.
Politics | Politics
Colorado: Marijuana money isn't the pot of gold voters hoped for
School district officials are often asked why they need more funding since taxes on marijuana go toward education.
News | NEWS
Teacher put on leave for questioning school walkout
A California high school teacher says she was “aghast” to learn she was placed on leave over comments she made about National School Walkout Day. Julianne Benzel, a Rocklin High School …
News | News
What it's like for one teacher who already carries a gun
At least four states are considering legislation that would allow educators to carry a concealed firearm in schools -- and eight states already do
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links!
Evidence mounts that laptops are terrible for students at lectures
Time to reconsider the notebook and pen
Science & Technology | Technology
Google's 'superpower' for teachers: AR and VR
So far, Google's AR program has taken 2 million kids to the coral reefs and space.
History | History
Teacher traces dad's World War II past, finds 75-year-old plane wreckage
The story started to come together when Ken Elder Bledsoe organized the letters his father had written to his mother in 1942.
News | Good News!
At 102, Nation’s Oldest Working Teacher Has No Plans To Retire
Teachers and students at a NJ school said they hit the jackpot with one of their teachers who's been with the school for more than 20 years.
Politics | The American Experiment
The governor who didn't bark | UTSanDiego.com
On July 1, 2013, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law the Local Control Funding Formula, depicting it as a “truly revolutionary” change in California public schools. Instead of the previous basic formula of paying districts based on average daily attendan
Politics | Woke Education
Gutfeld Savages Common Core: ‘Making The Lives Of Kids And Their Parents Hell’ [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
'Another government experiment sinking under its unbearable complexities'