
Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Real-Life Tractor Beam Tech Could Revolutionize Medicine

Scientists have taken steps toward building a real-life tractor beam, promising less invasive medical procedures and transforming healthcare.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Scientists Actually Built a Working Tractor Beam: How It Works

Scientists built a working tractor beam—the first example of one that pulls objects visible to the naked eye. That's a huge deal.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Scientists Actually Built a Working Tractor Beam: How It Works

Scientists built a working tractor beam—the first example of one that pulls objects visible to the naked eye. That's a huge deal.

Entertainment | Miscellanneous Trek

Scientists come a step closer to making Star Trek's tractor beam a reality | Public Radio International

Science fiction has long envisioned "tractor" beams that could grab and move physical objects using a laser or other stream of energy. Now scientists have created one, at least on a small scale. And we have some advice if you use heat in the win

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Scientists Create Water-Based Tractor Beam That Can Control Floating Objects

From Yahoo News: Physicists at Australian National University have taken a bold step toward “Star Trek” tech with their latest invention — a water-based tractor beam that could eventually be used to clean up oil spills and control floating objects.

Entertainment | Star Trek News

Star Trek 'tractor beam' created by scientists

A team of scientists has created a real-life miniature tractor beam - as featured in the Star Trek series - in a development which may lead to more efficient medical testing.