
Miscellaneous | Gardening

8 Gardening Pros Pick Their Favorite Must-Have Trees - FineGardening

Discover the top must-have tree choices recommended by horticultural experts for your landscape. Find the perfect tree for your garden.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Trees Have the Potential to Live Indefinitely - Scientific American

Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.

News | Animal Links

Restoring eucalyptus trees to secure a future for koalas

IFAW and Bangalow Koalas held a eucalyptus tree planting event to secure habitat for koalas.

News | Animal Links

Plants 'Talk' To Each Other When A Threat Is Nearby, Study Finds

Researchers at Cornell University have discovered that plants can indeed communicate among each other to warn of nearby threats and pests.

Science & Technology | Science

Trees that traveled to space now live on Earth. Here's where to find them.

Grown from hundreds of seeds that went to the moon on Apollo 14, the arboreal oddities were almost lost to history.

Advice & Self-Help | advice and self help

The Secret To Staying Happy Is Getting Whatever Exposure To Nature You

A new study finds that even just seeing a tree or hearing a birdsong will up your state of mind.

Miscellaneous | Local Flavor

How Did L.A. Become a City of Palms? And Other Questions About California's Trees

Q&A with historian Jared Farmer, author of "Trees in Paradise: A California History."

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Roots: Where does Sickness Start?

The title of this post starts in acknowledging where sickness starts. Today I decided to write about this not because sickness is the focal point but rather focus on why it starts and how we can el…