
Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Bias and Emphasis

One of the most common errors in judging a matter true or false has nothing to do with truth and error but personal preference, based on the happenstance of one’s experience. Most people prefer the positive (emotions, discourse, memes, etc.) not because

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

How to reverse the alarming trend of health misinformation

Experts are studying how false information spreads, who is most vulnerable, and how to end the 'infodemic.'

News | News Items

Israeli hostages in Gaza face daily threat of sexual violence by Hamas

Hamas used rape as a weapon on Oct. 7 and continues to violate hostages. These are facts. We as a country have to decide what we will do about it.

News | News

PODCAST | Oh, You’re A Change-Agent Activist? (Yawn)

Before we get into this current segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to preface a point that we touch on, which centers on the obnoxious trend of everyone needing to be a change-agent activist.

News | News

There’s A Big Difference Between Capitalism & Corporatism

Suppose you can get past the hateful throngs of ideologically brainwashed antisemitic protesters on college campuses and in our urban areas. In that case, you will find yourself at the second layer of the indoctrination onion which compels today’s youth

News | News Items

'At least 40 babies killed': Foreign reporters taken to massacre site in Kfar Aza | The Times of Israel

With terrorists' bodies still lying in the grass, international press witnesses firsthand the shocking aftermath of Hamas's slaughter of Israeli civilians

News | News Items

Hostages in Israel update: Families of loved ones taken by Hamas share their horrific stories

The list of suspected hostages taken by Hamas in Israel has grown to children, elderly people and military service members.

Music | Music

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

When I first came across Oliver Anthony and his music, I was blown away to say the least. He had a whole collection of songs that I could listen to for hour...

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Israel's Finance Minister Tells the Truth, Enraging Biden's Handlers

Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has aroused the ire of all the worst people in the world by enunciating a simple truth that has been widely obscured.

Politics | Leftist Lies

Lying Liars | PragerU

How many times can someone lie to you before you stop believing him? Popular podcaster Tim Pool applies this question to a source you might be trusting a…

News | News

PODCAST | In Washington There Is No Truth And No Consequences

Listen now | I wanted to talk a little bit about honesty and government. It makes me cringe to use those two words in the same sentence, especially when we're talking about the federal government.

News | News

Laid off: Newspapers drop office cartoon 'Dilbert' over creator's racial remarks

Racial comments made by "Dilbert" creator Scott Adams have spurred a number of newspapers to drop the office comedy comic strip in protest. The cartoonist then doubled down on Twitter.

Politics | POLITICS

The New Age of Uniformity - The American Mind

We shouldn't fall for the postmodern Left's self-evident lie that they speak nothing but the truth on all political matters.

News | News

VIDEO | Our Birthright Can Only Be Protected Symbiotically

Watch now (7 min) | Our nation is divided. That is, perhaps, the understatement of the millennium, young as it is. From race relations to the economic divide to every disjointed political identity the manipulators of the narrative have conceived, if the p

Music | Music

Jeff Beck Group - Let Me Love You

An orsum track from the original Jeff Beck Group. This is on their debut album, Truth. A great example of the late '60s British Blues Rock.Lyrics:(Over here)...

Music | Music

ROCK MY PLIMSOUL (1968) by the Jeff Beck Group

This song was off Beck's first solo album, 'Truth'. It appears to have been borrowed from 'Rock Me Baby', although lists Beck and singer Rod Stewart as co-wr...

Humor | Humor

Republicans Gather In Congress To Vote On Who Will Fail The Voters This Time

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Republicans in Congress are gathering to vote for their preferred politician who will let the voters down over the next two years.

News | News Items

Psychologists are taking aim at misinformation with these strategies

Conspiracy theories and other forms of dis- and misinformation continue to worm their way into the American psyche. Psychologists are on a mission to fight them with these science-backed methods

Politics | Op-Ed

Victor Davis Hanson: The Pathetic Democratic Pantheon

Over the last few months the four icons of the Democratic Party—Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi—have hit the campaign trail. They’ve weighed in on everything from “right…

Politics | Politics

Who Is the Real Threat to Democracy? - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

We hear the lament from the Left continually, even more so as election season dawns, and endlessly as election day approaches: “If you vote for the Republican, it will mark the end of democracy.” We know this mantra by now....

News | News

Sabine Sterk – Time To Stand Up for Facts&Truth: Israel

Sabine Sterk – Time To Stand Up for Facts&Truth: Israel Prof. Albert Einstein was one of genius Jewish people that played a mayor role in rebuilding Israel. For Example, Einstein was among the founders of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a sup

Humor | Humor

Drug Company Unveils New Drug To Fix Side Effect From Other Drug That Fixed Side Effect From Other Drug

TOKYO — Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has announced a new drug to fix the side effect from their last new drug, which was developed to fix the side effect from the one before that.

News | News

PODCAST INTERVIEW: Freedom of Religion?

For what amounts to a lifetime, the ideological Left has created the myth that neither politics nor religion should be discussed in "polite company." But the fact of the matter is this. Because our society has fallen for this spiritual hobbling because th

News | News

The Sacramento Shooting Is a Product of Society Not the Gun Industry

In the ongoing promotion of the false narrative that inanimate objects are the reason for deadly vio

News | News

One Florida Democrat Burns When She Should Have Fiddled

We hear about wildfires all the time out West in California and Colorado. But the State of Florida has a significant amount of undeveloped land thick with trees and underbrush that routinely sees a risk of wildfire. Given that long-ago understood reality,

News | News

SUNDAY DIGEST: Democrats Plan to Close Enthusiasm Gap By Paying People to Nag Their Friends About Politics

Democrats Plan to Close Enthusiasm Gap By Paying People to Nag Their Friends About Politics A group of Democrat strategists is trying to spread an organizing tactic in this year’s election called “paid relational organizing.” It boils down to paying

News | News

PODCAST: From Mass Graves to No Man's Land

As more mass graves are discovered in Bucha, Ukraine along with proof the atrocities are being perpetrated by Russian soldiers, we must return at least a portion of our attention to the US Southern border as the Biden administration prepares to re-open th

News | News

Why the Elevation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court Means Very Little

Whether you support President Biden’s choice to replace US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer or not, Ketanji Brown Jackson’s elevation to the position of Supreme Court Justice will have very little effect on the direction of both the High Court and

News | News

The Sacramento Shooting Is a Product of Society Not the Gun Industry

In the ongoing promotion of the false narrative that inanimate objects are the reason for deadly violence, the usual suspects on the Left and far-Left are once again calling for more unconstitutional restrictions to be placed on law-abiding citizens.

News | News

The Mass Graves of Bucha

As the Biden administration waffles on whether or not to label what Vladimir Putin is doing to civilians in Ukraine genocide, Human Rights Watch has interviewed survivors and captured chilling images of mass graves in Bucha, just outside of Kyiv, mass gra

News | News

SUNDAY DIGEST: Russian Medical Watchdog Group Reveals Data Suggesting Putin Is Being Treated for Thyroid Cancer

Russian Medical Watchdog Group Reveals Data Suggesting Putin Is Being Treated for Thyroid Cancer A report from a Russian health watchdog group, Proekt (The Project) reveals that Vladimir Putin secretly took visits from a doctor specializing in thyroid can

News | News

Diving into the Biden Administration's Rolodex of Blame

It's a legitimate question. Has the Biden administration taken responsibility for anything they have launched or affected since it took the helm in Washington, DC? From the energy crisis to Afghanistan, the devastation of the economy to the deepening

News | News

The Moscow-Beijing Axis Is a Troubling Alliance Toward a New World Order

There has always been a lot of talk about the threat of a “new world order” in contemporary America. From talk about the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg to the Council on Foreign Relations, there has always been a shadow in which organization

News | News

Biden's Proposed Billionaire Tax Spotlights the Unconstitutionality of Our Current Tax System

The Biden administration continues to prove, with each passing day, that they have little regard for the US Constitution when it comes to governing the nation. President Biden’s proposed “billionaire minimum income tax” not only thumbs its nose at t

News | News

AOC Speaks an Unspoken Truth and Targets the Activist Left on the US Supreme Court

US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), has unwittingly opened the door to a process that few among us realize is at our disposal. The US Constitution makes it clear that justices of the United States Supreme Court can only serve during “times of good

News | News

We Must Move Away from the Cult of Personality in Politics Before It's Too Late

The transformative Left, or the fascist left (same thing), has done a great job of duping the country into believing that our political system is simply the clash of cult titans; the politics of cult personalities. Moving forward in these very dangerous t

News | News

SUNDAY DIGEST: White House Executes Egregious Spin on Straight-Forward Statement by Biden; Putin 'Cannot Remain in Power'

White House Executes Egregious Spin on Straight-Forward Statement by Biden; Putin 'Cannot Remain in Power' President Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power," as he declared the Russian invasion of Ukraine a "strategi

News | News

There’s Something Happening Here, What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear...

In a world where it is impossible to fully believe we are getting even a portion of the truth from the mainstream media, and where divining the facts online about any given matter is a dubious task, points of view with solid arguments are a premium.

News | News

Biden Allows the Mask to Slip; Exposes a Key Tactic of the Transformative Left

It was a comment that almost certainly found Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod – as well as the army of far-Left activists and operatives at their disposal – cringing. Of all of the gaffes and misstatements President Biden has made in the short time h

News | News

Federal Reserve's Powell, Global Financiers Demonstrate Ignorance & Fear on Cryptocurrencies

Demonstrating either a significant fear through a lack of knowledge on the subject or an understanding that has produced well-warranted fear, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins, present risks to the US financi

News | News

The Fascist Scheme of Federally Centralized Government

The word has been so misused over time that its meaning has been turned on its head. Fascism is not a product of right-wing ideology. It is – and there is no disputing this if you are being honest – a political philosophy more intricately aligned with

News | News

PODCAST | Russia: A Paper Tiger or a True Force to Be Reckoned With

With Russia facing increased resistance in its efforts to take over Ukraine, Putin has exposed the Russian military as less than what it was during the Cold War. But with the Biden administration weak and pushing a domestic policy centered on destroying t

News | News

How Is the US Mainstream Media Any Different from Soviet-Era Pravda?

In the era of the Soviet Union, the Russian people were fed, exclusively, a steady informational diet of propaganda; an anointed version of the “news” that advanced a preferred narrative vetted by their totalitarian government. Once the Soviet Union c

News | News

If Only the Biden Administration Was Serious About the Sanctions Against Russia and Clean Fuel

All of the chest-tumping rhetoric about sanctions against Russia’s energy sector appears to be just that: rhetoric. While the European Union waffles on an end date to its dependence on Russian oil, the Biden administration is withholding the key to free

News | News

The Failure of Globalism: It's Not About Isolationism; It's About Self-Reliance

As the leaders of the European Union scramble to figure out how to wean themselves from Russian energy dependence we, too, in the United States are feeling the kneejerk repercussions of the energy market’s upheaval, warranted or not. This is leading a r

News | News

PODCAST: Putin Recruits Islamofascist Mercenaries; The Atlantic Focuses on Nuclear War's Effect on the Climate

While Russian despot Vladimir Putin continues to target civilians in his unprovoked war in Ukraine, the fascist-Left darling publication The Atlantic features an article panicking about how a nuclear war would be harmful to the climate. Honestly, you can

News | News

SUNDAY DIGEST: According to The Atlantic Nuclear War 'Would Hurt the Climate'

According to The Atlantic Nuclear War 'Would Hurt the Climate' The Atlantic, a far-left magazine owned by Apple founder Steve Jobs's billionaire widow Laurene Powell Jobs, published an article by Robinson Meyer warning that if the Russian i

News | News

Soros Calls for Regime Change; Wants a Culled Field for the Great Reset

In an eyebrow-raising moment, George Soros – a fascist, globalist, and a habitual supporter of the radical Left in the United States, has penned an opinion editorial that calls for regime change in both Russia and China. His declaration comes as Vladimi

News | News

Congress, Biden Must Couch All Special Interest Spending to Correct the Economy

The US House of Representatives has passed a massive $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill meant to avoid yet another government shutdown. The chamber, marshaled by US Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), also passed a short-term Continuing Resolution as a stopgap spe

News | News

PODCAST: Biden Ignores His Policy's Roll in High Gas Prices; Blames Oil Companies, Putin

As the American people continue to have their household budget’s decimated by the costs of gasoline

News | News

Biden Ignores His Policy's Roll in High Gas Prices; Blames Oil Companies, Putin

As the American people continue to have their household budget’s decimated by the costs of gasoline and fuel oil, the Biden administration has launched an egregious gaslighting campaign to deflect from their transformative and opportunistic energy polic

News | News

SUNDAY DIGEST: US Meets with Venezuela in Effort to Cajole the Socialist Nation Away from Russia

US Meets with Venezuela in Effort to Cajole the Socialist Nation Away from Russia A delegation of senior US officials is in Venezuela for meetings with President Nicolas Maduro's government in a bid to peel Caracas away from Russia amid Moscow's

News | News

The Political Class and Mainstream Media Have Destroyed the People's Ability to Divine the Truth

We have all heard it and many of us have said it. We live in a moment in time when accurate, unmanipulated, and truthful information is at a premium. We cannot trust our mainstream media nor can we trust our elected class. Even advocates and activists are

News | News

The Distrust of Politicians & Mainstream Media Facilitate Western Support of Putin?!

In a perfect example of how an opportunistic and manipulative political class and a disingenuous and agendized media has endangered the world, some on the Right in the United States are so jaded to the consumption of information they are refusing to accep

News | News

What Good Is International Law If Is Is Always Ignored?

In the days after Russia launched its invasion into Ukraine, there is accumulating evidence that Vladimir Putin has ordered warfare tactics that facilitate the commission of war crimes with deadly attacks on civilians and the use of banned munitions.

News | News

PODCAST: We Must All Guard Against Mass Formation Psychosis as the Powers Propagandize About Ukraine

Every military and societal conflict - throughout the history of man - has seen adversaries utilize the tool of propaganda to advance their causes. The conflict in Ukraine is no exception. But the thing that makes this conflict unique is that we have a di

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

You Didn’t Tell the Truth Before; Start | Workplace Coach Blog

Tell the truth, you didn't tell the truth before, start now

Politics | Politics

Republicans back 'hero' Space Force commander fired for speaking out against 'Marxism' in military

Several prominent GOP lawmakers threw their support behind Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier, the Space Force commanding officer who was relieved of duty Friday for denouncing Marxism and the highly controversial idea of critical race theory on a recent podcast.

Politics | Thoughts, Ideas, Discourse

Lockdowns Could Reshape American Politics for a Generation, or Several

"Anti-lockdownism need not be partisan. The victims of these policies are all over the political map. They are united only in their general belief in human rights, constitutional restraints on government, and the need to keep society functioning in the mi

Politics | Politics

Donald Trump: Reelect me and I will continue to deliver safety, prosperity and opportunity for all Americans

As president, I pledge to safeguard the progress my administration has made over the past four years and build on our historic success for as long as I am in the White House. I will continue doing everything in my power to ensure that this great country p

Advice & Self-Help | Politics

When You Want to Talk Politics at Work - Workplace Coach Blog

We need to talk politics at work. Here's how.

Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research

Speak Your Truth

Take an honest look at yourself and ask yourself: “Why have I kept part of myself hidden from those I love?”

News | News

Barry Shaw - Does Anyone Tell the Truth Anymore?

Barry Shaw – Does Anyone Tell the Truth Anymore? As an outsider, I have been witnessing the weaponizing of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the United States to try and fraudulently win an election, and then attempt to stage a politi

Politics | Op-Ed

Belief Outweighs Truth in the Kavanaugh Hearings | National Review

When proof is subordinated to mere belief, the standard of evidence is reduced to whatever bolsters that belief.

News | News Items

Does Truth Still Exist, or Are There Just Alternative Facts?

Kellyanne Conway, advisor to President Trump, introduced a new term into most people’s lexicon: “alternative facts.” What does this phrase tell us about what it means to be human?

Miscellaneous | Social Media

Did Media Literacy Backfire?

Anxious about the widespread consumption and spread of propaganda and fake news during this year’s election cycle, many progressives are…

Entertainment | Astrology

The Importance of The Rising Sun | Astrology History Pt 1

The song, “House of the rising sun” wasn’t deemed important for no reason. Literally the house of the rising sign will give you the most accurate reading you will ever get in your…

Miscellaneous | Truth

The Lost Art of Preferring Others

Advice & Self-Help | Life Studies

Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?

Telling the truth is usually right. But can it also sometimes be wrong? If so, when? And why? Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, a bestselling author and renowned scholar, explains when honesty isn't the best policy.

Politics | Politics

Thomas Sowell - Who Shut Down the Government?

Even when it comes to something as basic, and apparently as simple and straightforward, as the question of who shut down the federal government, there are diametrically opposite answers, depending on whether you talk to Democrats or to Republicans.