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05-25-2024 Titusville, FL - Lightning sparks wildfire near NASA Kennedy Space Center

***NOT FOR BROADCAST***Contact Brett Adair with Live Storms Media to license.brett@livestormsmedia.comBREVARD COUNTY, Florida - A large wildfire broke out at...

Travel | Tourism

Canaveral National Seashore Contains Cultural Resources that Reflect History in Florida Since 2000 BC - Space Coast Daily

Cape Canaveral and the central Florida coast were some of the first North American lands encountered by European explorers at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Spanish adventurers named the cape area Cañaveral, meaning canebrake. The area north of

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Four-phase Warbird Museum expansion forges ahead

Plans are moving forward for a four-phase expansion of Titusville’s Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum, which features an extensive vintage aircraft collection and event space rentals at Space Coast Regional