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Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Here's NASA's New Design for a Warp Drive Ship

In 2010, NASA physicist Harold White revealed that he and a team were working on a design for a faster-than-light ship. Now he's collaborated with an artist to create a new, more realistic design of what such a ship might actually look like.

    Science & Technology | Science & Technology

    Jupiter's Great Red Spot is mysteriously shrinking in a dramatic way

    Scientists have noticed something dramatic happening in the Solar System: Jupiter's famous Great Red Spot, the crimson monster storm that once was so large that it could eat three Earths, is mysteriously shrinking at high speed. Now it's only the

      Science & Technology | Science & Technology

      See Earth from Space With a Pink Floyd Soundtrack (Video)

      If you've ever wondered what the view of Earth from space would be like set to a Pink Floyd soundtrack, wonder no more. The English band is using amazing views from the International Space Station to countdown to the May 20 launch of something.

        Science & Technology | Science & Technology

        Deep Underground, Oceans Of Water May Be Trapped In A Crystal 'Sponge'

        Scientists have discovered evidence of a vast reservoir of water, maybe three times the volume of all the world's oceans, hiding up to 400 miles beneath the Earth's surface.