The goal of this page is to share the truth suppressed in the mainstream media. I started this page after being cancelled by LinkedIn for sharing the truth about COVID-19.

Dr. Stephen Sammut

Articles 104
Views 34.5K

Politics | Politics

Politics | Politics

Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies

News Analysis The Biden administration is preparing to sign up the United States to a “legally binding” accord ...

Politics | Politics

Jaishankar's Fitting Response After George Soros Attacks PM Modi | Calls Soros "Old & Dangerous"

"George Soros is old, rich, opinionated and dangerous."External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar didn't hold back in responding to billionaire and Open Society Foundations founder, Geroge Soros's attack on PM Narendra Modi. Jaishankar added that p

Politics | Politics

Gen Z Loves Big Brother

Gen Z’s apparent response to three years of controlled demolition of their freedoms and opportunities betrays a Stockholm syndrome-like affection for one’s abusers that is breathtaking.

Politics | Politics

War on the Human Spirit | The Dark Origins of Communism

Everyone desires a good life, but this desire has been exploited by movements promising a utopian idea of ...

Politics | Politics

‘My Body, My Choice’: How Vaccine Foes Co-Opted the Abortion Rallying Cry

The abortion advocates cannot take the fact that the phrase is actually used correctly for the vaccine and inappropriately for abortion - because of the fact they are killing another person.

Politics | Politics

'Green policies keep people in poverty': Ian Plimer

Geologist Professor Ian Plimer says green policies “kill economies” such as in Germany and the United Kingdom and are on the way to doing the same to Austral...

Politics | Politics

Proposed US amendments to World Health Organization treaty would erode American sovereignty - LifeSite

We know that, if passed, these amendments would sound a death knell to our sovereign independence as a nation.

Politics | Politics

ACOG Guide to Language and Abortion

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) came out with a clinical politically correct description for abortion related terminology. They claim this is medically appropriate and also unbiased, but it is nothing other than political propoganda utilized to hide the evil of abortion.

Politics | Politics

Catholic Nun Sues Washington D.C. for Forcing Christian Medical Workers to Get COVID Vaccine -

A beloved Roman Catholic nun, who is also a physician-surgeon and a retired U.S. Army colonel, is suing Washington, DC, over its COVID-19 vaccination mandate for health care workers. Thomas More Society attorneys filed suit on March 9, 2022, in the fed

Politics | Politics


Politics | Politics

Battleground Melbourne Documentary 'FRIENDS & FAMILY' Pre-Release

Please watch the Official 4k Remastered version of Battleground Melbourne here: watch on FB:

Politics | Politics

BREAKING: Conservative reporters beaten and shot by Ottawa police with gas canister gun - LifeSite

Rebel News is suing Ottawa police after a female reporter said she was beaten with police clubs and shot with a tear gas canister.

Politics | Politics

Hunter Biden Tried to Broker Energy Deal With China’s State-Owned Oil Company: Emails

Hunter Biden, the second son of U.S. President Joe Biden, tried to broker a $120 million oil agreement ...

Politics | Politics

Ottawa police intentionally link truckers' freedom convoy in Canadian capital city into January 6

Watch the Ottawa police chief intentionally link the truckers freedom demonstrations in Ottawa to January 6 and promise harsh reprisals against demonstrators, and those who enable them. Read more here

    Politics | Politics

    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Opening Statements @ Grand Jury Trial - Covid Vaccine Crime Against Humanity

    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich gives an opening statement summarising the findings of the court. Nuremburg 2 Trial Crimes Against Humanity A group of International Lawyers lead by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich give open

    Politics | Politics

    Oregon's Newly Imposed Permanent School Mask Mandate Draws Criticism

    Even as nations around the world are easing their pandemic restrictions, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) on Jan. ...

    Politics | Politics

    COVID-19 Literature Document

    Return to Table of Contents 1.    Putting SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19 in Perspective – the reality of COVID-19 morbidity and recovery Summary:Putting COVID-19 in context of:- other …

    Politics | Politics

    US Coal Stockpiles Near Historic Lows

    The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) says in its latest short-term energy outlook (pdf) that coal inventories in ...

    Politics | Politics

    Some New Zealanders with Covid could be eligible for assisted dying | MercatorNet

    When the Covid-19 pandemic began last year, I speculated in MercatorNet that “Perhaps a healthy by-product of the pandemic will be to renew our emphasis on caring for others. The widespread death toll of the virus forces us to recognize the preciousness

    Politics | Politics

    Goodbye Pandemic, Hello Endemic

    Commentary In early 1918, when World War I entered its final year, the H1N1 influenza A virus infected ...

    Politics | Politics

    LIVE: Purging Patriots from the Military: THE PROOF

    This press conference will reveal the horrific extent to which the US military has violated our service members’ medical and religious rights—as well as their human dignity. You will not want to miss

    Politics | Politics

    Dumbing Down Education Key to Dismantling America: Alex Newman

    There is a global effort coming from the United Nations and from China to build a single world system.

    Politics | Politics

    Fauci: Vaccine Mandate for Domestic Air Travel ‘Would Be Welcome’

    White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci said the U.S. government should consider vaccine requirements for domestic air travel. ...

    Politics | Politics

    Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Signs ‘Born Alive’ Abortion Bill

    Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, signed a bill Wednesday that imposes criminal penalties on doctors who do not administer medical care to a baby that is born alive after

      Politics | Politics

      Biden: 'It's Your Patriotic Duty' to Get Vaccinated This Holiday Season

      Federal government setting up more vaccination and testing sites, boosting hospital supplies

      Politics | Politics

      "A Global Coup Has Been Carried Out Across the World - Has Destroyed the Very Foundations of the Rule of Law" - Archbishop Vigano's Message to America (Transcript and Audio)

      Italian Archbishop Vigano shared with The Gateway Pundit his transcript and audio message to the American people this week.   Italian Archbishop Vigano sent a message to the American people.  He continues to speak out against the globalist threat this

        Politics | Politics

        Efforts to Stop Biden's Vaccine Mandate for Private Businesses Reach US Supreme Court

        Three companies and Missouri's attorney general are asking the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) to stay the Biden administration's ...

        Politics | Politics

        2 Teachers Accused of Encouraging Girl's Clandestine Gender Transition

        School staff reportedly changed a student’s name and personal pronouns and called Child Protective Services when the parents objected.

          Politics | Politics

          Scenarios For The Future Of Technology and International Development (2010) AND The Spars Pandemic 2025-2028 - A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communications (2017) : Rockefeller;GBN;Johns Hopkins School ; Emily K. Brunson ; Tara Kirk Sell ; Gigi Kwik Gronvall ; Matthew P. Shearer ; Sanjana Ravi ; Hannah Chandler - PDF : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

          Two documents relating to the 2020 COVID-19 crisis scenarios and planning.

          Politics | Politics


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            Politics | Politics

            Alexander Tschugguel raises the alarm on COVID tyranny, demonstrations in Austria

            Direct from Austria, Alexander Tschugguel gives us the latest on Europe's most extreme COVID tyranny. To help LifeSite continue sharing videos on important and vital topics, consider donating here: ht