I believe in Aliens, want the zombie apocalypse, drive an Outback, fashion lover, endurance sports enthusiast, all around weirdo.


Articles 69
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Health & Fitness | Miscellaneous

    Miscellaneous | Health & Fitness

    Better Cardio Health Linked to Less Cognitive Decline

    Not too long ago, when we thought about cardiovascular health, we thought mainly about the heart. After all, that’s what “cardio” means, as derived from the Greek word kardio. We tended to overlook the “vascular,” from a Latin word referring to

      Miscellaneous | Health & Fitness

      New Swedish Popsicle Looks Like a Penis, Pops in Your Mouth

      If you ever worry that your popsicle doesn't look enough like a penis, it may be time to take a trip to Sweden where a new icy treat promises to satisfy all your cravings by popping its creamy center in your mouth.

        Miscellaneous | Health & Fitness

        Visit the Witch's House in Beverly Hills | Video | abc7.com

        The iconic Witch's House in Beverly Hills draws over 3,500 trick-or-treaters every Halloween.