Love my family, dogs, nature, golf and gardening. And my country. I love my country.

Mary Newcome

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Gardening | Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous | Gardening

What You Need to Know About Genetically Modified Plants - Fine Gardening

Discover the latest innovations in genetically modified plants, from a pink pineapple with lycopene to a glowing Firefly petunia. Learn more about GMOs and their impact now.

    Miscellaneous | Gardening

    The Best Shrubs for Your Yard

    If you've been wanting to add some foliage and color to your yard, look no further. These are the best shrubs to grow, according to our expert.

      Miscellaneous | Gardening

      Inspiration for Your Springtime Nursery Shopping List

      The following collection of articles highlights the best spring plants—from perennials and shrubs that put on a show from mid to late spring, to trees that look good year-round but […]

        Miscellaneous | Gardening

        Why Aren’t You Growing More Baptisias? - Fine Gardening

        The latest baptisias not only have an expanded color palette but a rock-solid garden performance. Read on to learn why to grow baptisia.

          Miscellaneous | Gardening

          Garden To Do List January

          The weather outside may be wintry, but there is still plenty you can do to stay connected to the garden. Check out this list of garden related tasks and

            Miscellaneous | Gardening

            How to Make a Holiday Wreath - Fine Gardening

            Why spend your money on wreaths during the holiday season when you can make them from cuttings from your backyard? Learn how to make a holiday wreath.

              Miscellaneous | Gardening

              Plant Keystone Plants to Help Rebuild Ecosystems

              Discover how gardeners contribute to the environment by planting keystone species. Learn about native plants in the U.S. and their role in rebuilding ecosystems.

                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                Monty Don to design garden for dogs at Chelsea Flower Show

                The BBC Gardeners’ World presenter will design a canine-friendly haven to be shown next year — the installation will then be moved to Battersea Dogs and Cats Home

                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                8 Fall Chores That Can’t Wait - Fine Gardening

                Discover eight fall garden chores that will make winter a truly guilt-free rest for you and have your garden ready to go in spring.

                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                How to Make a Succulent Pumpkin - Fine Gardening

                In this video tutorial, learn how to make a one-of-a-kind autumn masterpiece of your own.

                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                  12 Perennials to Cut Back in Fall

                  Find out what perennials to cut back in fall to reduce plant diseases and pests, while helping your garden look tidier.

                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                    How to Change Hydrangea Color: pH Isn’t the Only Factor - FineGardening

                    The color of the blue or pink flowers on bigleaf and mountain hydrangeas is determined by the soil in which they are planted.

                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                    How to Get Big Flowers from Bigleaf Hydrangeas - FineGardening

                    Learn how to get big hydrangea flowers by understanding how bigleaf hydrangeas grow and selecting the right varieties for your climate.

                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                    How to Grow 10 Perennials for Continuous Summer Blooms - FineGardening

                    The following group of strong summer bloomers flower at the onset of summer and keeps going all season long, many even going right into fall.

                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                      Peak-Season Perennials for Your Region - FineGardening

                      To help your summer garden really shine, garden experts shared their favorite perennials for their region. Check them out here.

                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                        What's the Best Height to Cut Grass? Here's How to Set Your Mower Correctly

                        The best height to cut grass depends on the type of turf grass you have and the season. Here's how to adjust your lawn mower height settings so your lawn looks its best.

                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                        Perennials to cut back in June for compact and neat plants |

                        Discover some herbaceous perennials to cut back in June in your flower beds as we reveal the benefits of compact, neat plants and long flowering periods

                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                        The #1 Herb to Decrease Inflammation

                        Did you know some foods have anti-inflammatory properties? Find out why dietitians recommend consuming rosemary to help decrease inflammation.

                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                        35 Summer Flowers You Don't Have to Water All the Time

                        These colorful summer flowers thrive in the garden without a lot of watering.

                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                        Designing a garden from scratch in 17 steps | House & Garden

                        A beginners guide to gardening and landscape design from garden designer Angel Collins, who takes us through everything you need to know when planning a garden from scratch.

                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                        What Is Perlite? And How to Use It in Your Garden

                        Perlite's properties mean it can aid in optimal soil drainage, aeration, and healthy plant growth. Our experts share what perlite is, how it works, and how you can use it for houseplants and in your garden for happy, healthy plants.

                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                        32 Plants for Sun and Shade That the Deer Won’t Devour - FineGardening

                        Discover deer-resistant plants to protect your garden from hungry deer. Find alternatives for roses, hydrangeas, tulips, hostas, and more.

                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                          10 Chores That Can’t Wait at the Start of Gardening Season - FineGardening

                          Tackling these tasks earlier rather than later will give your garden a head start on the season. Here are the 10 chores that can't wait.

                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                          Garden To Do List March

                          Wondering what you should do in your garden during the month of March? Check out P. Allen Smith's Garden To Do List for the month.

                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                          Maintaining Healthy Garden Soil - FineGardening

                          Discover the current state of your garden soil and learn how to nourish it so that you can make sure you are keeping it healthy.

                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                          Garden To Do List January

                          The weather outside may be wintry, but there is still plenty you can do to stay connected to the garden. Check out this list of garden related tasks and

                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                            How to Protect Broadleaf Evergreens from Winter Damage - FineGardening

                            Proper protection goes a long way in keeping these prized plants going strong. Learn how to protect broadleaf evergreens in winter.

                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                            Evergreen Perennials for Your Region - FineGardening

                            Choice perennials that stay green year-round make snowless winters much more attractive. See evergreen perennials for your region.

                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                            Peony Gardening Tips By P. Allen Smith - Gilbert H. Wild & Son

                            I’m a hopeless collector… of everything, you name it. Books, funky art, even funky friends, chickens, daffodils, and lots of other flowers.

                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                            Phenomenal Lavender, Lavandula | American Meadows

                            Phenomenal Lavender has it all: exceptionally tolerant of both high heat and harsh winter, this easy-to-grow lavender even shows resistance to the effects of humidity. Highly fragrant with concentrated essential oils, Phenomenal's spikes of purple-blue fl

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              8 Gardening Pros Pick Their Favorite Must-Have Trees - FineGardening

                              Discover the top must-have tree choices recommended by horticultural experts for your landscape. Find the perfect tree for your garden.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              Learn to Spot and Treat Summer Plant Diseases - FineGardening

                              Learn how to diagnose and manage summer plant diseases. Get tips for identifying and treating common diseases.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              Maximize Your Harvest With Succession Planting - FineGardening

                              By watching the calendar and practicing succession planting, you can get multiple harvests from your vegetable garden this year.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              Shade Plants With Shiny Foliage - FineGardening

                              Silver foliage is a useful tool in garden design, as it provides subtle variety that easily pairs with almost all other foliage and flower colors.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              Bring in the Beneficials - FineGardening

                              If you want plants that look great and keep pests in check, our experts have some suggestions for you here.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              These 6 Methods Will Prevent Rabbits from Chewing Up Your Beloved Garden

                              Tried-and-true ways that will work all season long.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              How to Identify a Drought-Tolerant Plant - FineGardening

                              Characteristics such as size, color, and texture can help you determine whether a plant might be drought resistant. Learn more, here.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              23 of the Most Beautiful Gardens in America

                              Need a breath of fresh air? From cherry blossoms and azaleas, to cacti and rock art, these stunning gardens around the country are calling your name.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              No Mow May? Good intentions, bad approach, critics say

                              If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve heard about the #NoMowMay movement that’s been gaining steam on social media and in eco-conscious circles these past few years.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              Healthy Soil Is at the Heart of a Thriving Garden   - FineGardening

                              Learn how to create healthy soil for the garden. Keep soil health at the top of your mind with these practical tips. 

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              Hummingbirds in the Garden

                              I have always loved hummingbirds but my relationship with them changed dramatically in 2014. This was the year that I decided to take the plunge and focus an entire episode of the program “Expeditions with Patrick McMillan” on hummingbirds and their i

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              20 Great Plants for Butterflies - FineGardening

                              Bring beauty and pollinators to your garden with a mix of these of annuals, perennials, and woody plants. Find great plants for butterflies.

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              Peony Gardening Tips By P. Allen Smith

                              Here are some of my notes and takes aways from the field to consider if you’re serious about peonies. Hopefully, you’ll find them helpful:

                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                              Itching to start spring garden cleanup? Not so fast!

                              When the blare of the year’s first leaf blower awakened me one morning last week, I realized spring cleanup had commenced -- no matter that March could still roar like a lion here in my Long Island, New York, neighborhood.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Plants for Soggy Spots - FineGardening

                                Lots of gardeners have at least one area of their property that never seems to dry out. It is, invariably, in a location that screams for a garden, but most […]

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Use Geometry to Create a Beautiful Garden Plan - FineGardening

                                In this article, learn how to use geometry in your garden to create a beautiful plan that will change your design perspective every season.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                How to Protect and Revive Plants After an Unexpected Freeze - FineGardening

                                If cold weather has wreaked havoc on your lawn and plants, take these steps to save what you can. Learn how to deal with unexpected freeze.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                4 Simple Upgrades That Make a Big Difference in the Garden - FineGardening

                                Have you always wondered what makes a garden truly stunning? Learn from these 4 simple garden upgrades that make a big difference.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Plant Grafting 101 - FineGardening

                                Nearly every gardener has purchased a plant propagated with grafting. Learn the science behind plant grafting and ways to do it at home.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Plants That Bloom in Late Winter or Early Spring - FineGardening

                                Treat yourself to some plants that will liven up the garden from late winter to early spring. Start the year with flowers in your garden.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Perennials That Bloom Through Late Fall - FineGardening

                                With beautiful, long-lasting flowers, these plants will extend your garden’s season of interest. Find late fall perennials, here.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                10 Uncommon Holly, Winterberry, and Inkberry Varieties to Spark Winter Garden Interest - FineGardening

                                From deciduous to evergreen, these 10 outstanding options demonstrate what this diverse genus has to offer. Find holly and more here.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Perennials for Fall Color - FineGardening

                                Herbaceous perennials can provide amazing fall color. Choose selections with vivid, long-lasting interest to brighten your fading garden.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Fall Bulb Planting for Your Region - FineGardening

                                Bulb-ordering season is here for much of the country, and many gardeners are rushing to nurseries and getting their online orders ready. It’s important to plan ahead and make your […]

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                3 Autumn Favorites to Anchor Your Garden Design - FineGardening

                                After more than 25 years working in a public garden, I have discovered some great plants. Here are a few that make attractive anchors for great displays.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Regional Picks for Best Native Woodies - FineGardening

                                Gardeners love native plants, which are built to thrive in the conditions of a specific region, often without complaint, and are an essential component in the preservation of wildlife and the overall ecology of a region.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                9 Fall Shrubs that will Transform your Garden

                                Shrubs have always been the backbone of good garden design, but with recent improvements to flowering, foliage color and plant form they are becoming popular for more than their structural assets. …

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                How to Attract Hummingbirds to the Garden

                                There is something extra special about seeing a hummingbird. I don’t know if it’s their beauty, speed or dexterity that makes them so fascinating, but I just love spotting one in my gar…

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Garden To Do List August

                                It’s hard to believe that it’s back-to-school time. By the end of the month yellow school buses will be rumbling down roads across the country. It’s a not so subtle reminder that …

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Surprise Lilies

                                Have you ever heard of a plant called surprise lily. It looks like a lily plant. I first saw this plant when I was in Georgia and found it in S. Carolina also, however I could not find it for sale …

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Pruning Lavender, Sage and Other Subshrubs

                                Learn how to prune lavender, sage, thyme, geranium, wormwood, and other subshrubs to keep plants healthy, growing well, and looking good.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Learn to Prune Japanese Maples

                                Japanese maples are elegant in all seasons, with delicate leaves, fine fall color, and the loveliest branch patterns in the world.

                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                Tips for Surviving a Texas-Sized Drought and Heat Wave - FineGardening

                                Records for heat waves and drought seem to be broken regularly now. As a gardener in Texas, I have some tips for getting through these events.

                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                  10 Shrubs for Summer Color - FineGardening

                                  These shrubs give it their all during the warmer months, providing fantastic flowers and, in some cases, interesting foliage or fruit.

                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                  Growing Mountain Hydrangeas: The Tougher Hydrangea - FineGardening

                                  For a tougher hydrangea that blooms more reliably, look to this lesser-known species. Learn more about mountain hydrangeas here.

                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                  Grow Native Milkweeds to Bring Pollinators to Your Garden - FineGardening

                                  Monarch butterflies rely on milkweed (Asclepias spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) as their primary host plant.

                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                    Bring the Buzzzzz Back to Your Garden - FineGardening

                                    Enliven your beds with flowers that attract, nurture, and nourish bees

                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                    Save Your Peony Blooms For Later

                                    This simple trick for saving peony blooms for later means you get weeks of fresh peony bouquets for even longer than the typical blooming period!

                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                    Maintaining Healthy Garden Soil - FineGardening

                                    Discover the current state of your garden soil and learn how to nourish it, so you can make sure that you are keeping your soil healthy.

                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                    Regional Picks: Deer-Resistant Plants - FineGardening

                                    Don't let your hard work become a buffet for the next passing herd. Discover here which deer-resistant plants will grow well in your region.

                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                    Peony Gardening Tips By P. Allen Smith

                                    Here are some of my notes and takes aways from the field to consider if you’re serious about peonies. Hopefully, you’ll find them helpful:

                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                    Plants for Your Region to Add to Your Shopping List - FineGardening

                                    Wondering what plants to add to your shopping list this year? Find four expert-picked plants for your region that everyone should buy.

                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                      10 Combinations for Shade - FineGardening

                                      Shade is always a difficult condition to garden in, but it's far from impossible. Here are some plant combinations for the shade.

                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                      Gardening for Pollinators: Everything You Need to Know and Grow for a Gorgeous Pollinator Garden - FineGardening

                                      Pollinators play an integral part in the food chain that we simply cannot replicate for impact. Learn what you can do to help pollinators.

                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                      Spring Planting Ideas - FineGardening

                                      Spring is a magical time. Our winter-weary spirits lift as hints of green begin to appear. We notice even the smallest patches of snowdrops and crocuses as we drive by […]

                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                      Growing Species Tulips for Early Spring Blooms - FineGardening

                                      Species tulips exist in vibrant or subtle pinks, reds, buttery oranges, and purples, just like the big guys. This is definitely an option you want to explore.

                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                      The Best Flowers for Your Cutting Garden - FineGardening

                                      If you only grow a handful of vaseworthy flowers, these are the ones you need

                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                      MyOnlineSchool | Hanging plants, Clematis, Hanging garden

                                      Feb 26, 2016 - Looking to grow clematis in hanging baskets? In this interview with internationally renowned clematis grower Ray Evison, we look at 3 varieties of clematis suitable for hanging planters.

                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                      Everything You Need to Know About Conifers - FineGardening

                                      Conifers form the structural backbone of gardens all year round. But not every conifer works in every situation. Learn more here.

                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                      Designing With Grasses - FineGardening

                                      Grasses can act visually like shrubs. Some are arching, while others are stiff and formal. Learn more about designing your garden with grasses.

                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                      Monty Don urges you to collect ‘every last’ leaf this October – to enrich your soil for free

                                      ‘Nothing makes a better soil conditioner,’ according to the garden expert – here’s how he uses them

                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                        (Don’t) Put the Garden to Bed for the Season - FineGardening

                                        Most of us were taught to get a jump on spring by putting the garden “to bed” in fall. But what if we told you tidying up was overrated? Learn why here.

                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                          8 Fall Chores That Can’t Wait - FineGardening

                                          By the time that October rolls around, most gardeners are ready to throw in the trowel, retreat indoors, and curl up by the fire with a good book. But if […]

                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                            Pruning - FineGardening

                                            Expert advice on where, when, and why to trim your plants

                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                            Time to Order Spring Bulbs - FineGardening

                                            Thinking of spring-blooming bulbs in August? They are planted in the fall, and ordering now is one way to ensure you have the best selection.

                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                            September Garden To Do List

                                            “In the garden, Autumn is, indeed the crowning glory of the year, bringing us the fruition of months of thought and care and toil. And at no season, safe perhaps in Daffodil time, do we get s…

                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                              How to Get Season-Long Performance Out of Your Shade Containers - FineGardening

                                              These five care tips will answer your questions and keep your shade containers looking full and luscious all season long.

                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                A Naturalistic Garden Is Better for the Environment and Requires Less Work - FineGardening

                                                Naturalistic gardens give you the feeling of being in nature. Learn how to design a stunning naturalistic garden here.

                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                  Native Plants for the Birds - FineGardening

                                                  The right native plant species can make your garden an avian haven. Find beautiful and beneficial plants for birds here.

                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                  Tying It All Together - FineGardening

                                                  If you garden, you love plants—especially the newest and most unusual ones. After bringing these treasures home, they often end up plopped in various places without a lot of pre-planning […]

                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                    Beautiful Hydrangeas for Every Garden - FineGardening

                                                    Hydrangeas add drama to the garden like no other plant. In this collection of articles, find beautiful hydrangeas to suit nearly any condition.

                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                    The Secret to Fresh Cut Flowers - FineGardening

                                                    In this video from the experts at Gardeners’ World, you’ll learn how to snip and keep fresh cut flowers happy in a vase for days.

                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                      An English Country Garden in Summer - FineGardening

                                                      During his time designing and maintaining this English country garden, Istvan Dudas has wholeheartedly embraced the cottage garden style.

                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                      How to Grow Lavender in Every Climate | Gardener’s Path

                                                      Lavender adds soft beauty to any landscape and has endless medicinal purposes for home use. Find tips to grow lavender in any climate on Gardener’s Path.

                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                      17 Plants to Control Pests

                                                      One of the great things about gardening is that in some ways your garden can take care of itself. Now I’m not endorsing abandoning your garden chores completely, but there are a few things th…

                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                        Garden To Do List July

                                                        The dog days of summer are upon us, which means plenty of hot weather. Between now and mid August everything slows down in the garden so we can start spending less time doing and more time enjoying…

                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                        Vitex Trees 101

                                                        Allen shares tips about his Vitex Trees, otherwise known as ‘Chaste trees.’ He talks about how pruning in the late winter helps to make the Vitex tree bloom ...

                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                        Grow Native Milkweeds to Bring Pollinators to Your Garden - FineGardening

                                                        Monarch butterflies rely on milkweed (Asclepias spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) as their primary host plant.

                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                        The Easy Way to Divide Plants in Pots - FineGardening

                                                        Learn how Monty Don, host of Gardeners’ World, splits perennials straight from the nursery into pieces and repots those plants to grow on.

                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                          The 12 Most Romantic Flowers for Your Garden

                                                          From roses to sweet peas, we’ve gathered the most romantic flowers to grow in your garden (including how to care for them!).

                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                          The Path to Yearlong Fragrance - FineGardening

                                                          Most garden plants look good, but how many offer a scent as capti­vating as their appearance? And how often do we actually detect a scent? A kind breeze sometimes brings […]

                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                          Peony Planting

                                                          For me, one of the peony’s biggest attractions is its long life. I’ve heard of herbaceous peonies blooming reliably for more than 50 years, sometimes outliving the gardeners who planted…

                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                          Tools for Working the Soil - FineGardening

                                                          Forget the rototiller. An experienced gardener recommends five tried-and-true hand tools for preparing seedbeds and moving dirt around.

                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                          16 Perennials That Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden! - Finding Sea Turtles | Hummingbird garden, Hummingbird plants, How to attract hummingbirds

                                                          Oct 5, 2019 - Perennials for hummingbirds. Love having hummingbirds visit your garden? Expand your garden space to attract hummingbirds. And if you don’t have hummingbirds then, create a place for them. We all love seeing those magnificent little hummin

                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                          Growing Lily of the Valley: Tips and Tales - Longfield Gardens | Longfield gardens, Plants, Container gardening

                                                          Apr 9, 2020 - Lily of the valley is an easy and adaptable ground cover with fragrant white flowers that have inspired stories, songs, festivals and traditions.

                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                          Best New Plants for 2021 - FineGardening

                                                          It was especially nice to see that breeders still rolled out new plants for 2021 despite challenges, and they did not disappoint.

                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                            All About Pollinators - FineGardening

                                                            Pollinators play an integral part in the food chain that we simply cannot replicate for impact. Learn what you can do to help pollinators.

                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                              Outstanding Spring Plants for Your Region - FineGardening

                                                              There are several iconic spring plants, but standbys and frequent features can be boring. Here are some uncommon spring plants for your garden

                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                              All About Pollinators - FineGardening

                                                              Pollinators play an integral part in the food chain that we simply cannot replicate for impact. Learn what you can do to help pollinators.

                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                              Hydrangeas | Growing Tips & FAQ: Garden Home VLOG (2019) 4K

                                                              In this VLOG, Garden Home Television Host P. Allen Smith talks about one his favorite perennials, the Hydrangea. In front of a live studio audience at Moss M...

                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                Pruning Hydrangeas - FineGardening

                                                                Knowing if your shrub blooms on old or new wood will help you make timely cuts.

                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                Welcome toads to your garden | Diy garden projects, Garden projects, Garden crafts diy

                                                                Jan 6, 2019 - Welcome toads to your garden: Toads aren't just friendly creatures to have around the garden; they can control unwanted pests by munching on grubs, slugs and more!

                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                The Best Perennials to Start from Seed for Your Region - FineGardening

                                                                Home gardeners often assume that starting perennials from seed is more difficult than sowing annual flowers or vegetables, when in fact, it is as easy to start a primrose as […]

                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                  The Science of Seed Starting - FineGardening

                                                                  Seeds are little miracles that transform the world. In the wild, these tiny amalgamations of DNA can be stored away for years, waiting for the right conditions.

                                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                    What to do with your Holiday Cactus

                                                                    I inherited my grandmother’s Christmas cactus, which is easily 75 years old. My mother repotted it once in my memory, but now it is beginning to look a bit tired. I’m determined to save…

                                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                      Mixing the Cottage Garden Style With the New Perennial Approach - FineGardening

                                                                      Why choose between a cottage garden and the New Perennial design? Merge elements from each for more interest. Learn more about mixing garden styles here.

                                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                          15 Deer-Resistant Plants - FineGardening

                                                                          John Van Etten, former grounds superintendent at the Mohonk Mountain House in upstate New York, recommends 15 deer-resistant plants.

                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                            12 Spring Bulb Designs to Plant Now

                                                                            Fall is around the corner, and while you are probably getting ready to start decorating your garden with pumpkins and hay bales, this is also the time to think ahead—way […]

                                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                              Favorite Autumn Gardens from Garden Photo of the Day - FineGardening

                                                                              Fall is often a favorite time of year for gardeners. Winter is dreary. Spring is frenetic, filled with garden chores. Summer is hot, and we’re constantly worried about if we […]

                                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                Bring It In! - FineGardening

                                                                                No overwintering methods come with a guarantee that every plant will survive every winter. But if there is a plant worth attempting to save, start here.

                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                  Showy Shrubs for Fall - FineGardening

                                                                                  With the growing season coming to a close and winter just around the corner, fall is a bittersweet time of the year. When shopping for plants during the cacophony of spring, it is difficult to also plan for fall in the garden.

                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                    Classic Daffodils - FineGardening

                                                                                    An experienced bulb grower recommends 11 of her favorites

                                                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                      How to Plant Tulips in Pots - FineGardening

                                                                                      Growing these spring classics in pots lets you dodge most of their drawbacks

                                                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                        Amazing Fall Container Inspiration - FineGardening

                                                                                        Are those summer-planted annuals looking a little haggard right about now? Or perhaps you’ve already experienced a dip in temperatures that prompted the moving of tender treasures inside. If either […]

                                                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                          Fall Bulb Planting for Your Region - FineGardening

                                                                                          Bulb-ordering season is here for much of the country, and many gardeners are rushing to nurseries and getting their online orders ready. It’s important to plan ahead and make your […]

                                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                            Plants That Can Weather Winter’s Worst - FineGardening

                                                                                            These tough perennials come back strong no matter the challenges of your coldest season

                                                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                              10 Drought-Tolerant Shrubs - FineGardening

                                                                                              Because we are constantly faced with the challenge of drought, we have committed ourselves for the past 15 years to identifying traits in shrubs like drought tolerance and performance history in addition to their natural attraction. Here are the standout

                                                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                Designing in Layers - FineGardening

                                                                                                These five principles will help your garden get more depth and dimension

                                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                  The Science Behind Plant Division - FineGardening

                                                                                                  Understanding how and why a plant reacts to dividing may help you achieve greater success

                                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                    Out-of-the-Ordinary Dahlias - FineGardening

                                                                                                    Many are familiar with common dahlia varieties, but fewer ever see lesser-known options. The varieties here are both beautiful and sturdy.

                                                                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                          75 Plants for a Great Garden - FineGardening

                                                                                                          Fine Gardening has put together this collection of plants that are sure to catch your eye for their appearance, their performance, or both.

                                                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                            10 Ground Covers for Shade - FineGardening

                                                                                                            Filling in under a shady spot, can be tough, but these 10 ground covers stand the test of time and shadow! Learn what will grow and thrive under the trees.

                                                                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                              Bulbs for Summer and Fall - FineGardening

                                                                                                              You can plant these in spring for an array of bold flowers later in the year

                                                                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                How to Attract Hummingbirds to the Garden

                                                                                                                There is something extra special about seeing a hummingbird. I don’t know if it’s their beauty, speed or dexterity that makes them so fascinating, but I just love spotting one in my gar…

                                                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                  The Best New Plants for 2020 - FineGardening

                                                                                                                  Find out what's new and improved for the 2020 gardening season. Check out collection of the best new plants of 2020.

                                                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                    Mix and Match for a Meaningful Design - FineGardening

                                                                                                                    Cohesion in a garden can be difficult to achieve. A design can appear either too homogenous or too disparate. Learn how to master meaningful garden design.

                                                                                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                      Planting the Right Way - FineGardening

                                                                                                                      The best way to get a new plant off to a healthy start is to ensure you're planting it correctly. Learn here how to properly plant.

                                                                                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                        Five bulbs to plant in February

                                                                                                                        Get ahead with your summer flower display by planting these five beautiful bulbs in February.

                                                                                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                          20 plants for dry shade | Dry shade plants, Flower quotes, Plants

                                                                                                                          Discover some of our favourite plants to grow in dry shade, including picks for flowers and foliage.

                                                                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                            15 Tips to Make Seed-Starting Easier - FineGardening

                                                                                                                            Starting Seeds Starting seeds is an easy and affordable way to get more plants, but getting them off to a good start can be tricky if you’ve never done it […]

                                                                                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                              January Regional Garden To-Do Lists - FineGardening

                                                                                                                              Make sure you’re starting the new year on the right foot with the help of our regional experts. They’ve compiled detailed lists of exactly what you should be doing in […]

                                                                                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                December Regional Garden To-Do Lists - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                Find out exactly what you should be doing in your garden, in your region, this month. Yes, there is plenty to do in the garden in December.

                                                                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                  Designing With Grasses - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                  Grasses can act visually like shrubs. Some are arching, while others are stiff and formal. Learn more about designing your garden with grasses.

                                                                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                    Project FeederWatch Begins in Early November - Horticulture

                                                                                                                                    Back-yard birdwatchers can help the scientists at Cornell University track the movements of North America’s birds every winter by participating in Project FeederWatch. This 21-week-long program begins the second Saturday in November each year. (That’s

                                                                                                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                      Regional November Garden To-Do Lists - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                      Regional differences really make themselves known in the November garden. See what to do in your garden this month to get ahead of the cold.

                                                                                                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                        Use These Fall Ingredients to Make Compost in Time for Next Year's Garden | Gardening

                                                                                                                                        The structure that compost provides helps the soil retain moisture and enables the roots of the plants to

                                                                                                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                          3 Things That Don’t Work (Reliably) as Deer Repellent - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                          These three things simply don't work reliably as deer repellent, so you can skip them when considering your options for battling your local grazers.

                                                                                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                            October Regional Garden To-Do Lists - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                            Now that fall is here, what is there to do in the garden? Fall is the time of harvest, of closing the garden, of gathering leaves, of bringing plant debris […]

                                                                                                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                How to Use Annuals and Tropicals in a Fall Garden - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                Tim Erdmann, horticulturist from Longwood Gardens in PA, offers some tips for how to use annuals and tropicals for a great late-season show in the garden.

                                                                                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                  Autumn Pots Minus the Mums - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                  Forgo fall’s most overused plant for a more sophisticated design

                                                                                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                    Pink Plants for Fall - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                    Using this unexpected autumn color creates an instant focal point

                                                                                                                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                      10 Plants that Shine at Night - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                      With the right lighting and the right plants, a beautiful day-time garden can also shine at night. Night-time gardens are commonly called “moon gardens” because they typically feature an abundance […]

                                                                                                                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                        Summer Stars that Beat the Heat - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                        There is an ample palette of thriving plants out there that can make August heat look audacious. Search out these performers and you’ll plant your way toward a garden that defies—and even celebrates—the high summer season.

                                                                                                                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                          Fourth of July Cutting Garden - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                          The following plants were used in our Fourth of July bouquet video, but many plants can be grown and used for a Fourth of July cutting garden. If you want […]

                                                                                                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                            10 Ground Covers for Shade - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                            Filling in under a shady spot, can be tough, but these 10 ground covers stand the test of time and shadow! Learn what will grow and thrive under the trees.

                                                                                                                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                              Garden Design Basics: Designing with Bold Colors

                                                                                                                                                              The basics of dynamic garden design. Learn how to choose and combine bold colors that won't clash, but which will bring warmth to your garden.

                                                                                                                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                Fast-Growing Trees for Impatient Gardeners - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                It doesn’t take a lifetime for these strong trees to reach their full potential

                                                                                                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                  10 No Fail Drought Tolerant Perennials for Low Water Gardens | The Garden Glove

                                                                                                                                                                  If you live in drought stricken or prone areas, it's a must. While I love a gorgeous hydrangea, and roses are amazing, there are plenty of flowering plants that don't suck down our water resources. These ten no fail perennials for low water gard

                                                                                                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                    The Only Weed Identification Guide You'll Ever Need

                                                                                                                                                                    Don't let weeds rob your garden of its beauty. Use our guide to help identify and control these troublesome pests.

                                                                                                                                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                      Fast-Growing Fillers - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                      Say good-bye to bare spots with these eight herbaceous dynamos

                                                                                                                                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                        Plants Can Help Boost Your Immune System, According to Research

                                                                                                                                                                        Pop quiz: Can you name three plants you encountered today? Greenery makes for a beautiful backdrop at home and during strolls through the park and neighborhood, but there's another reason why scientists want you to be more in tune with your surroundi

                                                                                                                                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                          12 Principles of Garden Design

                                                                                                                                                                          These universal principles have become the set of tools I use to create gardens that embody all the key elements of the world’s greatest landscapes but are scaled to each individual’s s…

                                                                                                                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                            Protect Your Local Pollinators With A DIY Bee Watering Station - Off Grid World

                                                                                                                                                                            If we want our plants to reproduce, we need to give bees all the help they can get. Bees and other pollinators are the third party gamete delivery service for millions of plant species across the globe, and especially those plants that feed our exploding

                                                                                                                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                  Bird’s Nests and Baby Birds in the Garden - Horticulture

                                                                                                                                                                                  What to do if there's a bird's nest in your potted plant, or if you find a baby bird on the ground in your yard.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                    PLANTING HYDRANGEAS IN POTS AND URNS - StoneGable

                                                                                                                                                                                      Let me introduce you to my very favorite hydrangea for using in the urns and pots. It has been so successful on the porch here at StoneGable. THE ORIGINAL is a gorgeous, easy to grow hydrangea that is part of the Endless Summer Collection. It’

                                                                                                                                                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                      The 15 Most Underused Perennials

                                                                                                                                                                                      Most gardeners are familiar with classic perennials such as daylilies, peonies, hostas, and iris, but there's a whole host of lesser-known, underused perennials that can add color and interest to your garden. You may have to search for them at your g

                                                                                                                                                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                          Colorful Selections for Shade - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                          With these striking plants, you'll never need to settle for a sea of green again

                                                                                                                                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                            15 Deer-Resistant Plants - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                            John Van Etten, former grounds superintendent at the Mohonk Mountain House in upstate New York, recommends 15 deer-resistant plants.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                              Plants for a Wow-Worthy Container - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                              So many of us love to look at all the beautiful colors, textures and shapes of plants in the garden center, but we have a hard time visualizing combinations. Don’t …

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                  10 Water-wise Plants - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                  With drought and water-shortages threatening again this year, pick plants that require less hydration and keep the landscape growing even when it's dry. Here are 10 water-wise plants that will look great in your yard.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                    New Regional Reports - March To-Do Lists - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                    For many of us, it’s just warming up enough to get going in earnest in the garden. Below, you will find some suggestions from our new regional reporters to help …

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                        How to Grow Beautiful, Bountiful Kale - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Kale is a popular vegetable to eat and easy vegetable to grow. This cold-hardy green is a wonderful addition to a garden any time of year. Here are a few tips for growing kale.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Top 7 Garden Trends That Made the Cut for 2019

                                                                                                                                                                                                            For the past few years we have reported on the shifting consciousness of gardeners toward an embrace of nature, the impact of all things digital in our lives,

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Forcing Branches - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bring spring indoors early for winter color and fragrance

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wonderful Winter Containers - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Container gardening doesn’t have to stop when the growing season is over. Taking advantage of strong plants and seasonal cuttings keeps your winter containers going into spring.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lessons Learned From a 25-Year-Old Garden - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  There’s no such thing as perfection. Even the most beautiful gardens need constant tweaking and editing. The owners of this gorgeous space learned that early on in their landscaping adventures. Mary and Lew Reid never looked back after abandoning a beau

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      How to Plant Tulips in Pots - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Growing these spring classics in pots lets you dodge most of their drawbacks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Autumn Garden Decoration: Succulent Pumpkins

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Do you love fall and also love succulents? Combine your favorite things with this easy, beautiful, autumnal craft. Learn how to craft a succulent pumpkin and use it as an autumn centerpiece or decoration, straight from the garden.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Improve Your Soil by Raking Less - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          If you dread the annual fall leaf-raking marathon, I have good news for you: Raking and collecting leaves every autumn is a tradition without scientific basis. Research has proven that mowing leaves into your lawn can improve its vigor.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            10 Plants for Year-round Containers - FineGardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Amazing plants that last season after season. These ten survivors can stay in pots for years, lending consistency to your designs, and ease to your gardening schedule.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Attracting Butterflies To Your Garden

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Planting milkweed is the key to creating the habitat that monarchs need to survive. We cover the top ten plants to have in your garden for attracting butterflies.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Miscellaneous | Gardening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Butterfly Garden

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                One of the pleasures I enjoy about a garden is watching all the wildlife that comes to visit. I am particularly fond of those little acrobats of the sky: b