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Psychology | Psychology

Psychology | Psychology

Singing from memory unlocks a surprisingly common musical superpower

Psychologists from UC Santa Cruz wanted to study "earworms," the types of songs that get stuck in your head and play automatically on a loop. So they asked people to sing out any earworms they were experiencing and record them on their phones when prompte

Psychology | Psychology

Spread the love (online): Study reveals in-party positivity drives online engagement more than out-party hostility

Looks like Kamala Harris' campaign is getting it right when it comes to social media, according to a new study. As democrats are playing up their sunny outlook in their presidential campaign, a study published in Scientific Reports suggests that emphasizi

Psychology | Psychology

Power And Pitfalls Of Analogies In Modeling Belief Dynamics

From polarization to conspiracy theories, Mirta Galesic and Henrik Olsson explore how methods from other disciplines can help us understand belief dynamics

Psychology | Psychology

Photon entanglement could explain the rapid brain signals behind consciousness

Understanding the nature of consciousness is one of the hardest problems in science. Some scientists have suggested that quantum mechanics, and in particular quantum entanglement, is the key to unraveling the phenomenon.