The goal of this page is to bring the truth to as many people as possible - the truth that is so often suppressed.

The Truth

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Faith | Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous | Faith

Cardinal Dolan: Catholics More ‘Hung Up’ on Abortion as Joe Biden Administration Looms

The Archbishop of New York explained in a Jan. 13 column at Catholic New York that “actually, we’re obsessed with the dignity of the human person and the sacredness of all human life!"

Miscellaneous | Faith

Catholic Church Is Infiltrated by Globalists: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

“There is a group of conspirators who have worked and still work in the heart of the Church” ...

    Miscellaneous | Faith

    Fr. Heilman: Rebellion Against Tyrants is Obedience to God

    On December 29, 2020, Fr. Richard Heilman delivered a powerful homily citing President Trump's declaration regarding St. Thomas Becket.

    Miscellaneous | Faith

    BREAKING – Cdl. Burke: COVID is being used for ‘Great Reset’ to attack ‘freedom’ and ‘families’

    The worldwide spread of Marxist materialism, which has already brought destruction and death to the lives of so many, and which has threatened the foundations of our nation for decades, now seems to seize the governing power over our nation.

    Miscellaneous | Faith

    Bishop Robert Barron: Genesis


    Miscellaneous | Faith

    Chaput Corrects the Record on Communion for Pro-Aborts - Crisis Magazine

    In his letter to a confused Church in the city of Corinth, Saint Paul wrote this exhortation: Whoever… eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be answerable for the body and blood of the Lord. Examine yourselves, and only

    Miscellaneous | Faith

    D.C. Archbishop Adopts ‘McCarrick Doctrine’ for Pro-Abortion Politicians

    Washington D.C. Archbishop Wilton Gregory said he will not deny Communion to Joe Biden, upholding the practice of former Cardinal McCarrick.

    Miscellaneous | Faith

    George Washington’s Vision Offers Hope in Dark Times

    Dear Readers, Some of you have called us, anxious and confused about the current state of election affairs. ...

      Miscellaneous | Faith

      Terminally-Ill Priest Warns: COVID Is Being Used by the Enemy to Drag Souls to Hell; We Must Fight! - OnePeterFive

      By Fr. Dana Christensen About a year ago, I was diagnosed with ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. It has already taken much from me, like the ability to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, feed myself, or […]

      Miscellaneous | Faith

      Priest talks about Biden

      St. Paul, Leo XIII, and Biden

      Miscellaneous | Faith

      Pope Francis extends ‘blessings and congratulations’ to pro-abortion Joe Biden

      Election results have not yet been certified, although the media on Saturday projected Biden to win.

      Miscellaneous | Faith

      Bishop J. Strickland on Twitter

      “A dark cloud has descended on this nation when the USCCB and Planned Parenthood speak in unison in support of a Biden-Harris administration that supports the slaughter of innocents by abortion for all 9 months of pregnancy.”

        Miscellaneous | Faith

        Viganò: America is in midst of ‘colossal electoral fraud,’ we must pray NOW to defeat enemy

        I ask you to make an act of trust in God, an act of humility and filial devotion to The Lord of Armies. I ask that all of you pray the Holy Rosary, if possible in your families or with your dear ones, your friends, your brothers and sisters, your colleagu

        Miscellaneous | Faith

        Patriotism | Bishop Fulton J.Sheen


        Miscellaneous | Faith

        full text: Archbishop Viganò's Open Letter to President Trump: GREAT RESET - Taylor Marshall

        Here is the official English version of Archbishop Viganò’s open letter to President Trump warning him of Deep State/Deep Church and the Great Reset of 2021: Official Vigano OPEN LETTER TO THE POTUS download. Full text here: DONALD J. TRUMP Sunday,