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Standing With Israel | News

News | Standing With Israel

IDF soldier born to Gaza parents commended for excellence

His mother and father moved to Israel 30 years ago and had two sons here, both of whom chose to convert to Judaism and enlist in Israeli military after being encouraged at home; on Independence Day, 21-year-old Sergeant A., will receive a citation of e

News | Standing With Israel

Muslim stands up for Israel at UN Human Rights Council

“This council has repeatedly demonized Israel while ignoring Palestinian terror attacks and the real victims of human rights abuses across the globe,” Hafeez said.

News | Standing With Israel

New Group Seeks to Bolster Support for Israel in US Congress

A new organization has been established with the goal of bolstering support for Israel in the US Congress — a task that has received greater impetus following the election last November of several representatives with unsympathetic views toward the Jewish state.

News | Standing With Israel

Celebrities who are pro-Israel

The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement has plenty of money flowing in, mostly from Europe, to pressure businesses and investors from engaging with Israeli organizations in an effort to isolate the Jewish state from the rest of the world. Th

News | Standing With Israel

Polish swimmer refuses to coach Malaysian team over its Israel athlete ban

'There is no place for that in sport,' says Bart Kizierowski; PM justifies his country's stance, which has led to it being stripped of hosting major event