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Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Pack Those Authentication Fears Away: Authentication -

Certain 2FA solutions help make the transition to stronger authentication easy. PortalGuard’s Crossroads tech brief, Navigating the Authentication Crossroad

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

False Positives – Bane to Users and Admins Alike -

With regards to security software, false positives create ambiguity that is confusing in its most benign form and dangerous in its most malevolent . . .

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

A Call to Arms: Password Management -

IT Hero, diligence and fortitude has created a Utopia of safety . . . Without proper Password Management rules in place, all your efforts are for not.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Let the Professionals Build: SaaS Tech Brief -

Countless SaaS providers are facing a similar issue today except without the Lincoln Logs. They might have the experience and resources - SaaS Tech Brief

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Client App Nirvana -

App stores are relatively new, so they have learned from the decades of . . . As an example, PortalGuard’s PassiveKey feature is a two-factor implementation

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

It's Me! I Just Forgot Who I Am! Password Recovery -

UGH! I knooow I forgot my password, but I know my mother’s maiden name! I just want my password back! Password recovery is nothing new. As a matter a fact

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

The Yin and Yang of Single Sign-On -

User’s that must have access to multiple protected resources during their work day will see this same type of conundrum. Single Sign-On will be put in . . .

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Stop Being the Victim of Data Breaches, Start Being the Hero! -

Data breaches are becoming increasingly more costly for companies. One way that companies can increase security is increasing . . .