
Science & Technology | Science

Imagining Faster-Than-Light Travel | National Air and Space Museum

After the 1950s, fictional depictions of space travel needed to suggest conceivable ways to cross interstellar distances to seem plausible. Some authors suggested faster-than-light drives, hyper drives, jump drives, worm holes, and black holes.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

The Universe Has A Speed Limit, And It Isn't The Speed Of Light

Nothing can go faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. But particles in our Universe can't even go that fast.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Is Cause & Effect Limited By The Speed Of Light? - Forbes

How fast can a cause make an effect? Is there a speed limit? How much of the universe can you influence with any given action?

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Can You Really Go Back in Time by Breaking the Speed of Light? - The Nature of Reality — The Nature of Reality | PBS

Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. But if it could, the conventional wisdom goes, it would travel back in time. Is the conventional... Read Full Post

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Can You Really Go Back in Time by Breaking the Speed of Light? - The Nature of Reality

Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. But if it could, the conventional wisdom goes, it would travel back in time. Is the conventional... Read Full Post

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Has NASA Really Created A Warp Drive?

Forget blowing bubbles, NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that will open up every corner of the universe for human exploration. We have broken the speed of sound, but now NASA scientists are tentatively announcing they may have broken t