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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Arab Extremist Peacebreaking Since Nov. 29, 1947
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Arab Extremist Peacebreaking Since Nov. 29, 1947 Exactly 77 years ago this past Friday, the U.N. passed the Partition Plan for dividing the British Mandate into two countries – Israel and Palestine. The soon-to-be Israel relucta
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Michael Oren: Field of Fire: Fifty Years in Middle East Studies
Michael Oren: Field of Fire: Fifty Years in Middle East Studies Credit to Clarity with Michael Oren Michael Oren @michaeloren לשעבר שגריר ישראל בארה״ב • חבר כנסת וסגן שר במשרד ראש הממשלה • Former Israe
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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Israel and its Arab Neighbors in Light of the Book of Genesis
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Israel and its Arab Neighbors in Light of the Book of Genesis Jews and Muslims consider the Bible to be a major source for teaching personal and national behavior. Unfortunately, Israeli Jews and their Muslim neighbors aren’t re
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Rami Dabbas – Interview with Arab Muslim Journalist about Islam and Science.
Rami Dabbas – Interview with Arab Muslim Journalist about Islam and Science. In an attempt to conduct a press interview with a religious Muslim about Islam and science, as he refused to do the interview with an Israeli newspaper for religious reason
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Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar - No Longer United Against Israel: The New Arab World
Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar – No Longer United Against Israel: The New Arab World BESA Center-The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Arab states are no longer a single bloc opposing Israel but are divided into tw
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Jack Cohen - Arab World in Disarray
Jack Cohen – Arab World in Disarray Many Arab countries are in disarray, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen. One must ask why, when the rest of the world is comparatively peaceful? Of the 22 Arab countries, few are without violent conflict, perhap