
Articles 12
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Israeli Opinion | Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous | Israeli Opinion

'The New York Times' trying to eulogize Hassan Nasrallah is abhorrent - opinion

The New York Times’ anti-Israel bias and apparent sympathy with terror groups is disturbing but not surprising.

    Miscellaneous | Israeli Opinion

    Unhiding Jewish Pride on Columbia University’s Lawn

    Jewish Culture Festival draws thousands of students and faculty members

      Miscellaneous | Israeli Opinion

      Time to nix 'Palestine' - terrorists aren't entitled to a state - opinion

      The one-dimensional, tunnel-vision demand for the two-state solution (2SS) is a recipe for continuing the conflict, not for resolving it.

      Miscellaneous | Israeli Opinion

      There is no Temple Mount status quo – Wakf, Palestinians trampled it - opinion

      Jews have every right to freedom of worship on the Temple Mount – and no amount of deceit or dissembling can or will prevent them from doing so. 