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Books | Books

Can Israel 'Win by Winning'?: A review of Daniel Pipes' 'Israel Victory'

A week before the October 7 Hamas assault on Israel, Daniel Pipes, a longtime respected foreign policy expert, a former board member of the United States Institute of Peace and the president of the Middle East Forum, had turned in his manuscript for his

Books | Books

New Book Sheds Light on the Origins of Chabad

This book has been flying off store shelves since its release in 2022, and its publisher—Sichos in English—has now made it available to our readers online.

Books | Books

There's a word for how the world judges the Jewish state: Israelophobia

In the first of three weekly extracts from his new book, JC editor Jake Wallis Simons dispels myths about the country

Books | Books

Shiloh Musings: Book Review: Deceit of an Ally, by Bruce Brill

Israel, Zionism, Judaism, politics, Shiloh, Judea, Samaria, Jewish rights, settlement, peace, sovereignty, Bible, Tanach, History, archaeology.

Books | Books

Can the whole world be wrong? - Melanie Phillips

A new book is essential to understanding the lunacy over Israel and the global jihad

Books | Books

A new book challenges progressive Jews

David Bernstein’s “Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews” is making waves in Jewish communities across the Western world.