
News | News

'Things didn't feel right': Some SmileDirectClub customers report problems

NBC News investigation finds that SmileDirectClub's at-home dental aligner kits may do more harm than good. Some patients lost teeth, others needed braces.

Pets & Animals | pets and animals

Farmers should 'smile' at their livestock to produce better meat

Farmers should try to look happy around their livestock to make sure the meat tastes better after slaughter, a new study suggests.

Psychology | Personality

Smile! Happiness After 60 Key To Living Longer, Study Claims

Happiness could be the key to a longer life, a new study finds. Researchers from the Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore found that the happier a person is, the more likely they'll enjoy a greater lifespan.

Pets & Animals | pets and animals

Smile! Your dog’s brain will light up in response | Science | AAAS

Brain activity suggests that dogs really can read our emotions