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Gabe Ende – They’re even Demanding to Appoint Hillel Directors

Gabe Ende – They’re even Demanding to Appoint Hillel Directors The late George Steiner, a celebrated European Jewish thinker, was an anti-Zionist with whom I nonetheless felt a sense of kinship. He was opposed to the establishment of a Jewish

Politics | Opinion

The Dangerous Racializing of Anti-Zionism

The city of Chicago is coming in for much criticism and ridicule for passing a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, instead of doing something for the

News | News

Gabe Ende – Letter to a Niece and Nephew Struggling for Israel on Campus

Gabe Ende – Letter to a Niece and Nephew Struggling for Israel on Campus Letter to a Niece and Nephew Struggling for Israel on Campus: Is anti-Zionism always anti-Semitism?   If the question is philosophical –as it was in certain Jewish circl

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J-TV – 3 Reasons Why Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism

J-TV Jewish Ideas and Global Relevance Eylon Levy explains three simple reasons why opposition to the Jewish state’s existence is a form of Jew hate.

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – The Left/Right Circle of Anti-Zionism

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – The Left/Right Circle of Anti-Zionism At a recent anti-Israel demonstration in New York City, a placard was raised (among other similar ones): “Zionism Has No Place In My Judaism”. Question: was this a protest by rabidl

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Sheri Oz - It is Real Easy to Become an Anti-Zionist

Sheri Oz – It is Real Easy to Become an Anti-Zionist I think I am starting to understand how so many people are convinced of the anti-Zionist position and how they also become antisemitic. I have struggled with this for a long time, as have many oth

Miscellaneous | Religion & Spirituality

Last Year, Top Democrat Said Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism. Now Silence

Due to a surge in this new form of anti-Semitism, including in the U.S. Congress, it is time for Democrat leaders to speak out again against this bigotry.