I am an advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States & the Free World. I see Israel and the US as the last two forts of true freedom. If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

Nurit Greenger

Articles 128
Views 88K

Israel | News

News | Israel

My Visit to the Fire Fighters Haifa Command Station

Haifa Command Station fire fighters answer calls from central Israel, Netanya to Rosh Hanikra, on the Lebanon border, trained to respond to many threats.

    News | Israel

    The Star Mast to Stay Upright, Strong

    I am a Zionist; I believe Jews deserve their homeland after it was stolen 2000 years ago when their temple was burned to the ground and most were expelled.

        News | Israel

        Kfar Aza, Reality Check Visit and Photos

        Kfar Aza means Gaza Village, an Israeli community, a 220 member kibbutz type community, and a residential community of 600 men, women and children.

          News | Israel

          In the State of Israel: Guilty Before Found Guilty

          In the State of Israel there is no freedom of religion. Temple Mount is not free. Disrespected by muslims, managed for muslims by Israel, abusing Jews.

            News | Israel

            Six Day War, a Battleground Victory Lost in Words

            June 2016 marks the 49th anniversary of the Six Day War, fought June 5th, 10th, 1967, by Israel against its neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

              News | Israel

              Sheba Medical Center, an Oasis of Healing, Hope and Peace

              Haim Sheba Medical Center is ahead of the curve, the most comprehensive in the Middle East for leading-edge medicine and medical-scientific research.

                  News | Israel

                  JNF, Marketing Israel the Positive Way

                  I am 68, the Nation State of the Jewish people, Israel, is also 68. We were born 9 months apart. Together we attended the same schools, the schools of loving, building and supporting the reconvened Jewish commonwealth in the land of Israel. It could not

                      News | Israel

                      Yemin Orde Youth Choir Visits West Coast USA

                      Yemin Orde Youth Choir held this choir concert at Beth Jacob Synagogue in Beverly Hills, in support of educational communities for at-risk youth in Israel.

                          News | Israel

                          Some Christian are Better Friends of Israel

                          California Legislative Jewish Caucus: Daylight Robbers Blatant Anti-Christian Bigotry In California Legislative Halls The BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel) movement is fertile ground for anti-Semitism, the world over. It is using the very same practi

                            News | Israel

                            California Legislative Jewish Caucus, Stop the Corrupt Political Folly

                            California democrat legislators engage in Corrupt Political Folly, to take over anti-BDS bill AB-1552, so they can claim it as their own and water it down.

                                News | Israel

                                California Petty Politics Muds Israel and Jews

                                Many California legislators want to join the impressive club of states that have already passed a law banning the vile BDS movement. In a nutshell, the BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) movement is propelled by anti-Semitism and deep rooted hatred for the J

                                  News | Israel

                                  What’s With the California Legislative Jewish Caucus? - NewsBlaze News

                                  Legislator Travis Allen introduced California bill AB-1552 to squash the BDS movement. That sounds good, but what’s going on with the California Legislative Jewish Caucus? Good question, because apparently the Jewish legislators are reluctant to pas

                                    News | Israel

                                    Government of Israel’s Sovereignty Withdrawal - NewsBlaze News

                                    The government of Israel has made it a continued habit to give the land of Israel to its foes, the Arabs. History Of Giving Away Israeli Land Here is a short reminder of few detrimental cases, Moshe Dayan gave the Holiest of Holy to the Jews, Temple Mount

                                      News | Israel

                                      Announcing C.H.I.P Receives Endorsement Of Tennessee Legislators - NewsBlaze News

                                      Los Angeles, California, USA – February 29, 2016 – Nurit Greenger, Western Civilization Heritage Israel Program (C.H.I.P) Founder and President introduced the Program to the Tennessee Legislators in Nashville, Tennessee, causing a wave of great intere

                                          News | Israel

                                          The Meaning of Jerusalem

                                          To change the future of the world, show the children who will lead it one day what can be. Consider this: Jerusalem has presented us an open book, and it is up to us to turn the page.

                                            News | Israel

                                            Israel and Occupation: A Lie Supported By The United Nations

                                            When the enemies of Israel shout occupation, you can tell them it is a propagandized lie, orchestrated to achieve the destruction of the State of Israel.

                                              News | Israel

                                              Where Rock Music and Qassam Rockets Meet

                                              This is a close quarters expose of life in a town being the bullseye target of the wicked terror organization, Hamas, which fired rockets at the civilians.

                                                News | Israel

                                                When You Single Out Israel You Aim At Every Jew

                                                In Germany in the 1930s it began with creating an image of an evil Jew, it ended with 6 million Jews murdered. We are heading towards that scenario now.

                                                  News | Israel

                                                  Branding Israel, I am Blue and White Made In Israel

                                                  In May 30, 2011 I wrote an article The Blue and White Logo Signifies 'I Am Made......

                                                    News | Israel

                                                    Fiesta Shalom - Shortening the Distance Between People

                                                    Shalom means wholeness, and this event unifies diverse communities under the banner of the blue and white flag of the state of Israel.

                                                      News | Israel

                                                      AMIT To Youth, Never Give Up

                                                      My mother was to me what Kfar (village) Blatt is to many children; both my late mother and Kfar......

                                                        News | Israel

                                                        In The Very Best Hands: The Inspiring Medical Center

                                                        Be inspired by Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer's work, where they never give up and redefine life, supporting victims of terror in need of long-term care.

                                                          News | Israel

                                                          Branding Israel, I am Blue and White Made In Israel

                                                          Bring the awareness of Israel's contribution to the world to everyone's life; make it so well known that Israel's enemies cannot hide behind their lies.

                                                            News | Israel

                                                            Enough with the Double Standards Applied to Jews

                                                            The carnage in France puts a bright light on the nation state of Israel. Now maybe the world can see what is happening and we will see how it responds.

                                                              News | Israel

                                                              My Say: Jews Labeled/Marginalized Again ... By Who Else if Not the Europeans?

                                                              The antisemite European Union passed a law to label Israeli goods to dissuade people from buying them, thereby supporting the BDS movement.

                                                                    News | Israel

                                                                    This Is Our Homeland Too: Druze In Israel

                                                                    Israeli-Druze professionals are about to form Israeli-Druze advocacy group NGO to start ongoing public diplomacy campaign and be spokespersons for Israel.

                                                                      News | Israel

                                                                      Israel, You are The Main Culprit of Your Own Suffering

                                                                      Why, since 1967, there has been and continues to be Arab terrorism against Jews in the nation state of the Jewish people, Israel.

                                                                        News | Israel

                                                                        Magen David Adom, a Torpedo Shield

                                                                        Magen David Adom stands between life and death, saving lives in Israel, thanks to the generosity and support of people who clearly understand the predicament.

                                                                          News | Israel

                                                                          Borders, Fences and Israel’s Terrorists’ Dilemma

                                                                          Good fence makes “good” neighbors; good fences keeps a county safer.

                                                                            News | Israel

                                                                            Why Have We Forgotten Where We Are, Who We Are?

                                                                            The Nation of Israel, identity of the land is like a personal ID card that all Israelis must remember and maintain.

                                                                              News | Israel

                                                                              Beyond the Barbed Wire Encampment, A Story Of Unity

                                                                              Atlit, a Story of Jewish Unity, that should be replicated today, as it was in 1945, with Jews standing together, rather than quarreling among themselves.

                                                                                News | Israel

                                                                                A Letter to the Government of Israel After More Killings of Jews in Jerusalem

                                                                                After another killing of jews by arabs in Jerusalem, the government of Israel is encouraged to stand up to the killers and their international enablers.

                                                                                  News | Israel

                                                                                  Why King Abdullah II Is Angry With Mr. Netanyahu - a Rebuttal

                                                                                  Nurit Greenger responds to Nehad Ismail's response to her letter to Jordan's King Abdullah II who is furious after Amman was accused of destabilization.

                                                                                    News | Israel

                                                                                    A Letter to King Abdullah II of Jordan

                                                                                    In the 1967 war things did not go well for Hashemites. You were told not to enter the war, but did, and Israeli-Jews retrieved what belonged to them, Judea, Samaria, and the old part of Jerusalem

                                                                                      News | Israel

                                                                                      University of Haifa, Example for Collegian Coexistence

                                                                                      The library's task is to make an indelible knowledge mark on Israeli students. Now the University of Haifa needs to pass the volume of knowledge...

                                                                                        News | Israel

                                                                                        The Story Behind The Sorry Video

                                                                                        After years of suffering in Nazi concentration and labor camps, Jews went to Israel, where they were treated very poorly by the British government.

                                                                                          News | Israel

                                                                                          Celebrating the Jewish New Year

                                                                                          The Jewish nation looks forward to welcome, with blessing, the 5776 New Year. Israel is a beacon of light and truth. A happy country that protect the Jews.

                                                                                            News | Israel

                                                                                            The Pilots Who Helped Save Israel - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

                                                                                            In 1945, showing great foresight, then General Dwight Eisenhower made an effort to stop any possible attempts to deny that the Holocaust ever happened. With the allies’ victory over Nazi Germany, he visited one of the concentration camps near Gotha, Germany, and was shocked and horrified at what he saw. Though some of the sights made him physically ill, he inspected every part of the camps. He felt that it was his duty to see it all and be able to testify to the truth of the Nazi unfathomable brutality.

                                                                                            News | Israel

                                                                                            Why and The How Of The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

                                                                                            During the rise of the Nazis regime and throughout the Holocaust years there were many stories of heroism that were yet told. One is the story of Bronisław Huberman and his founding of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra, today is known as Israel’s Philharmonic Orchestra.

                                                                                            News | Israel

                                                                                            A reply to Rob Eshman, Jewish Journal Editor’s article, Sheldon: Improve Israel’s odds

                                                                                            Recently there was an impressive show up in Las Vegas, where money moguls got together to discuss the implications of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement against Israel and how to attempt to combat it.

                                                                                            News | Israel

                                                                                            Israel Goes Underground For Protection

                                                                                            Israel has an underground hospital and is building an underground blood bank. Israel's enemies have been allowed to point thousands of destructive rockets at her.

                                                                                            News | Israel

                                                                                            C.H.I.P (Western Civilization Heritage Israel Program)

                                                                                            C.H.I.P (Western Civilization Heritage Israel Program), was born out of the need to heal the world. It appears that schools do not teach our children much civility, compassion, tolerance or sensibility. That is where CHIP enters the arena.

                                                                                            News | Israel

                                                                                            A Curable Disease | Nurit Greenger | The Blogs | The Times of Israel

                                                                                            End the Wars of the Jews against Jews Discrimination of Jews by Jews is in the spotlight in Israel right......

                                                                                            News | Israel

                                                                                            It All Started With A Boycott

                                                                                            Today's boycott efforts, the vise that squeezes the Jews, looks different than the one in the early to mid 1900's. Today, it goes under the banner of BDS.