News | News
Activist Supreme Court president voted in, sparking coalition fury
Right-wing lawmakers blasted the selection of Yitzhak Amit as president of the Supreme Court.
Politics | Biden Administration/Congress
Is the Biden Admin Interfering in Israeli Politics?
JERUSALEM—The Biden administration is picking fights with the Jewish state over its opposition to a controversial new Iran nuclear deal, Israel's efforts to reform its judiciary, and build settlements in the disputed West Bank territory, veteran
Politics | Opinion
The Case For Netanyahu: Unelected judges should rule… Seriously?
Melanie Phillip makes the case for Netanyahu's reforms
Politics | Opinion
Elder Of Ziyon - Judicial Reform Would Allow the Israeli People to Get What They Voted for: Right Wing Legislation
"Large" protests notwithstanding, the debate over judicial reform in Israel has been ongoing for decades.
Where the Netanyahu government differs from its predecessor
The new government is prepared to stand up to the Biden administration when necessary.
News | News
Elder Of Ziyon - 12/28 Links Pt1: The European Union's deceit and the Israeli response; Israel’s New Government Isn’t What You’ve Heard; What’s behind Oman’s BDS push?
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Israeli Politics
Israel - the most extreme government in the history of the universe?
Many say that the Israeli election has given us 'Israel's most extreme government ever'. This article dismantles yet another false narrative
Politics | Opinion
Putting Netanyahu back in office can save Israel’s democracy
A majority of voters in Israel and a large majority of Jewish voters consider Netanyahu the most fitting candidate to lead the lone Jewish state.
News | News
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel cancels visit of 1500 Jews to Joseph's Tomb to avoid tensions with Arabs - Arabs learn a lesson
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.