Empowering consciousness in all whose lives I touch.


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Abundance | Business & Finance

Business & Finance | Abundance

Baked Avocado & Egg Recipe

This quick meal goes great with a healthy green smoothie.

Business & Finance | Abundance

19 Discounts Seniors Didn’t Know They Could Get – Life'd

There are many special discounts that are available to seniors. Retirees are offered discounts at most retailers, restaurants, parks, on public transport and at hotels. But you won’t get these ...

Business & Finance | Abundance

10 Things That Make Successful People Different From The Rest

They might just be one in the crowd. The successful person might be the woman sitting casually in a coffee shop while sipping her coffee quietly or the man who

    Business & Finance | Abundance

    What I Learned From 10 Years of Doing PR for Apple

    Five communications lessons from the biggest corporate turnaround.

    Business & Finance | Abundance

    How to Become a Gritty Professional

    Learn how to work hard and with passion from author Angela Duckworth.

    Business & Finance | Abundance

    New Rules Give Startups Access to Main Street Investors

    A new law, which goes into effect Monday, will allow small businesses and startups to sell shares to Main Street investors on crowdfunding portals.

    Business & Finance | Abundance

    Hired - Job Search Marketplace. Job Hunting Simplified!

    With Hired your job search has never been easier! Simply create a profile & vetted companies compete for you, reaching out with salary & equity upfront.

    Business & Finance | Abundance

    A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!

    Clearing is not something you 'do' or squeeze into your life. It's a way of life - a journey - that doesn't always add up, make sense, or go in a straight line. Clearing is not about 'getting rid of.' It's about letting go of the things and thoughts that

    Business & Finance | Abundance

    You Too Can Now Invest in Startups! What Could Go Wrong? | WIRED

    The SEC has finally approved rules to allow anyone to buy equity in a company–so-called equity crowdfunding. Here’s what you need to know.

    Business & Finance | Abundance

    Stand Out in Your Email to an Employer

    Hiring managers are inundated with resumes. Before opening a resume, they critique the email that it

      Business & Finance | Abundance

      How Much You'll Need to Retire in the Most Expensive U.S. Cities

      Many people move to affordable retiree-friendly places like Las Vegas and Florida when they stop working, but what if you want to stay in the big city? SmartAsset calculated how much you should have in savings for the most and least affordable cities in t

      Business & Finance | Abundance

      'I Read This 20 Times:' Five Founders Pick The Best Books For Startups

      Five founders pick the best books for startups. One French entrepreneur recommends a literary classic she's read 20 times and says the principles within it have everything to do with her business. Entrepreneurs from around the globe weigh in with their mo

        Business & Finance | Abundance

        5 Ways To Invite Love Into Your Home with Feng Shui

        Did you know that your home could be the thing that is stifling your love life? A redesign of your home using feng shui just might be the answer.

        Business & Finance | Abundance

        11 Feng Shui Tips to Overcome Debt and Deficiency

        In Feng Shui, its all about the chi (life energy). If you want to overcome debt, you just need to shift the energy to the right places.