Inspiring people with the truth about Israel, the Jewish people and the freedom-loving world one video at a time.

Avi Abelow

Articles 144
Views 108.9K

Jewish People | Family & Parenting

Family & Parenting | Jewish People

Wait to hear what Bill Gates said about this Sabbath-observant Jew

This is truly AMAZING!

Family & Parenting | Jewish People

Why the Difference Between Men and Women in Jewish Prayer? - Israel Unwired

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Family & Parenting | Jewish People

Men and Women in Jewish Prayer - Israel Unwired

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Family & Parenting | Jewish People

The story you will NEVER hear about on the mainstream media

It would ruin the media's agenda to demonize Israel!

Family & Parenting | Jewish People

The Muslim who Loves King David's Jerusalem more than the Jew - Israel Unwired

Share on FacebookTweet WhatsappIt might be hard to imagine, but in the following videos we meet a Muslim in Bahrain who is seemingly more connected to Jerusalem than the Israeli journalist who interviews him. While the journalist pushes the Muslim about v

Family & Parenting | Jewish People

The Wedding Clip of Two Terror Victims that Will Have You in Tears

Avigdor Gavish and Ayelet Dickstein both saw their parents murdered in terror attacks before their eyes. This wedding clip says it all.

Family & Parenting | Jewish People

Jewish shooting victim gives inspiring message at the White House

After such a tragedy, he spread so much light.

Family & Parenting | Jewish People

The 92-Year-Old Woman Who Who Stole the Show at Israel's Independence Day Ceremony

Marie Nachmias went up on stage to light a torch for Israel Independence Day. She did not speak, did not quote anybody, but simply said a prayer.