Miscellaneous | Other Stuff
For Society To Survive, Men Must Make A Comeback
Trying to subvert the natural order was always going to bring chaos.
Politics | Politics
Masculinity Isn't Toxic, Our Erasure Of It Is
Those who wrote off masculinity as 'toxic' never truly understood the concept — or why it mattered so much.
Psychology | Psychology
Today's Psychology Can't Help American Men - The American Conservative
Psychology, in general, is failing men.
News | News
China’s Ministry of Education Plans to Tackle ‘Feminization of Male Youths’ as West Embraces LGBT Agenda
As many Western countries advocate for transgenderism and LGBT issues, China is moving in the polar opposite direction, doubling down
Politics | Woke Insanity
CBS News searches for ‘a better way to raise boys to avoid toxic masculinity’
Maybe start by defining "toxic masculinity" before lecturing us on healthy, respectful masculinity.
Business & Finance | Business
Why Gillette's New Ad Campaign Is Toxic
While it focuses on important social issues related to masculinity, Gillette has alienated a large proportion of its target market. This article provides a historical perspective on Gillette's "Best a Man Can Get" campaign and explains what has gone wrong
Politics | Gender Insanity
American Psychological Association Labels 'Traditional Masculinity' as 'Harmful'
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), being a traditional man is now considered on par with a mental disorder.
Politics | POLITICS
Ben Shapiro: We need fathers to teach manliness | Opinion
Deprived of purpose, too many men turn to empty substitutes for true manliness: a macho culture that prizes sexual conquest or physical strength.