Love my family, dogs, nature, golf and gardening. And my country. I love my country.

Mary Newcome

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History | History

History | History

How the Biden/Harris Admin Helped Iran Get to the Brink of a Nuclear Bomb › American Greatness

Iran has made enormous progress in its nuclear weapons program during the Biden/Harris administration and reportedly can now enrich enough weapons-grade uranium…

History | History

Lynnewood Hall: America’s Versailles Makes a Comeback | National Review

Long a mystery, close to ruin, the Gilded Age Philadelphia estate is being lovingly restored.

History | History

Hidden tales from Titanic held in a secret warehouse

A handbag, perfume and other precious items recovered from the Titanic tell stories of the doomed ship’s passengers.

History | History

History Is More Complex Than Ideology - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Instead of recognizing the complexity of human history and achievement, today's youth cast aspersions on past generations.

History | History

Francis Drake's Circumnavigation - On This Day

Francis Drake's Circumnavigation with related historic events, famous people and historical context.

History | History

Settler-Colonialism: A Brief History | National Review

History properly started the moment modern humans, bastards the whole lot of them, first departed from Africa during the Pleistocene Epoch somewhere around 58,000 b.c. It’s all been downhill from there in terms of settler-colonialism.

    History | History

    The Marxists Won By Slowly Infiltrating Existing Structures

    Marxists rejected the outward revolution that Karl Marx had planned, and instead opted to subtly shape the way people thought.

    History | History

    Why Aren’t the Arabs the ‘Colonizers’? | National Review

    The people braying about the alleged “settler colonialism” of Israel conveniently ignore the Arabs' history of conquest and cultural imperialism.

    History | History

    American Despotism: The Great Upheaval Over Race Begins - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

    The great upheaval over race in America began in the 1950s and accelerated dramatically in the 1960s with the civil rights movement.

    History | History

    American Despotism: The Historic Roots of the Constitutional Crisis - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

    Those who support communism have received protective treatment while anti-communists and conservatives have been vilified.

    History | History

    Is Fascism Right or Left? | PragerU

    Every Republican president since the 1970s has been called a fascist. Ironic, no? After all, fascism has its roots in the left. Dinesh D'Souza, author of The…

    History | History

    What the Fourth of July Was Not › American Greatness

    Our national Fourth of July holiday—currently the nation’s 247th since the first in 1776—marks the birth of the United States. The iconic Declaration of Independence was published on the 4th and…

    History | History

    The Truth about Redlining’s History | National Review

    The dominant, left-wing narrative is rarely interrogated — and is false.

    History | History

    Victims of Communism, Victims of Modernism | National Review

    One year after its opening, many still don’t recognize the extent of the horrors documented in the Victims of Communism Museum.

    History | History

    Are We the Byzantines? › American Greatness

    When Constantinople finally fell to the Ottomans on Tuesday, May 29, 1453, the Byzantine Empire and its capital had survived for 1,000 years beyond the fall of the Western Empire at Rome.

    History | History

    The Perils of Historical Ignorance › American Greatness

    A while back, I came across an interesting, and disturbing, article written by the personal physician to the late David McCullough, a noted historian and author. The article was entitled…

    History | History

    Paul Johnson: Committed to Truth for Its Own Sake - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

    The study of history is a powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance. It is humbling to discover how many of our glib assumptions, which seem to us novel and plausible, have been tested before, not once but many times and in...

    History | History

    Without Christmas, There Would Be No United States

    As a Christian holiday, Christmas is foundational to America’s original character. It's affected our founders' understanding of human nature.

    History | History

    Mikhail Gorbachev Meets His Maker - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

    When I heard about the death of Mikhail Gorbachev, I sighed. He was one of the final remaining pivotal figures...

    History | History

    How the Science of Racism Led to the Holocaust - The war against the divine image in man

    Can the world survive on ethics devised by human reason? Well, we tried. It’s called the 20th century.

    History | History

    America's first socialist republic

    Paul A. Rahe holds the Charles O. Lee and Louise K. Lee Chair in the Western Heritage at Hillsdale College and is one of the country’s most distinguished scholars of history and politics. In view of his study of Republics Ancient and Modern, Professor R

    History | History

    Jeane Kirkpatrick and the Power of Her Ideas - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

    November 19th marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of Jeane Kirkpatrick in Duncan, Oklahoma. She was born Jeane Jordan into...

    History | History

    “Zuckerbucks” and the 2020 Election

    Zuckerberg’s help to Democrats is well known when it comes to censoring their political opponents in the name of preventing “misinformation.” Less well known is the fact that he directly funded liberal groups running partisan get-out-the-vote operat

    History | History

    The Disaster at Our Southern Border

    We are hearing more and more subsequently about root causes—especially from Vice President Harris, who President Biden charged with developing a “Root Causes Strategy.” But what we are hearing is bunk. The fact is that when the U.S. opens its border

    History | History

    Who Celebrates Che Guevara?

    Che Guevara is the face that launched a billion T-shirts. Even now, more than fifty years after his death, he inspires would-be revolutionaries and social justice warriors. Why is his appeal so enduring? Guatemalan radio and TV host Gloria Alvarez explain

      History | History

      Trump's 1776 Commission to Reassemble, Tackle Critical Race Theory in History Education

      Members of the 1776 Commission are reportedly set to meet again with a renewed focus on combating the critical race theory-based teaching of U.S. history.

      History | History

      American History Is Being Falsified to Sow Political Division: Mary Grabar

      Mary Grabar, author of the upcoming book "Debunking the 1619 Project: Exposing the Plan to Divide America," told Epoch TV's Crossroads program that the controversial 1619 Project skews American history for divisive political ends.

        History | History

        What Really Happened in 1776? | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

        The 1776 Report Larry P. Arnn, Carol Swain, and Matthew Spalding (Encounter Books, 120 pages, $15) An authentic civic education...

        History | History

        Opinion: The Founders Warned Us About Abuses Like H.R. 1

        Commentary H.R. 1, the bill that would seize control of federal elections from the states, comes with an ...

        History | History

        The Spirit of 1776 | National Review

        Joe Biden versus a proper understanding of American history.

          History | History

          How the 2000 Election Came Down to a Supreme Court Decision

          As Florida's electoral votes fell under dispute, controversy ensued over hanging chads, dimpled chads and butterfly bullets.

            History | History

            WATCH - Mark Levin's Closing Argument: Stand for Liberty Against Tyranny

            Mark Levin called the decision on Election Day a choice between liberty -- as represented by President Donald Trump -- and tyranny.

            History | History

            Celebrating Columbus

            Christopher Columbus, the most famous explorer in history, was once a celebrated hero. Now, many consider him a villain, a despoiler of paradise. So which version of Columbus is true? Michael Knowles answers this question and offers some much-needed histo

              History | History

              How United Flight 93 Passengers Fought Back on 9/11

              The cockpit voice recorder captured the sound of passengers attempting to break through the door: yelling, thumping and crashing dishes.

                History | History

                How To Disprove The 6 Most Outrageous Myths In The 1619 Project

                Nearly a year since anti-American 1619 Project was unveiled, far too many of its egregious historical falsehoods have been blindly accepted by the media.

                  History | History

                  The Founders Meant to Keep Government Out of the Church, Not God Out of the Government

                  The 4th of July makes us think of our independence and freedoms.  But when our Founders came up with the First Amendment, were they trying to keep government free from religion?   Or religion free from government?  

                    History | History

                    Lessons Not Learned From the Great Depression | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

                    Progressives are resurrecting FDR’s New Deal as a COVID-19 recovery model. “[F]or many Americans, the New Deal launched by President...

                      History | History

                      Sybil Ludington: The 16-Year-Old Revolutionary Who Outrode Paul Revere

                      Sybil Ludington's ride through the New York countryside to rouse the troops was longer and more difficult than Paul Revere's.

                        History | History

                        Bob Woodson and the Birth of the 1776 Initiative

                        Commentary Amid the coronavirus and stock market dips is a correction—seven months overdue—of one of the many distortions ...

                          History | History

                          Correction To The 1619 Project Proves It Is Not Fit For Schools

                          The New York Times has finally admitted a key error in the 1619 Project. It disqualifies it from use in our schools.

                            History | History

                            It’s 1776, Not 1619: Don’t Let the Times Steal America’s Birthday | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

                            The New York Times wants to teach your kids and grandkids to be woke. Don’t let them. Like most professional academics, I watched the launch of the New York Times’ “1619 Project” with a mix of genuine scholarly interest, an occasional desire to

                              History | History

                              Slanted 1619 Project Meets Competition From Black Academics

                              America was founded in 1776 on the idea that 'all men are created equal,' which led to slavery abolition and created the freest nation on Earth.

                                History | History

                                How Founding Fathers Who Loved the God of Liberty and Their Freedom Built the Freest of Free Nations

                                As we celebrate Presidents Day, it's important to remember the first five commanders-in-chief were also all Founding Fathers of the nation. What you may not know is how crucial was the role of The Founders' faith in America's beginning. And

                                  History | History

                                  America Wasn’t Founded on White Supremacy

                                  Revisionist Black supremacist history can't grasp our shared equality.

                                    History | History

                                    Why Clarence Thomas's Life Repudiates The Left's Hatred Of America

                                    Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas faced down a 'high-tech lynching' by the same people who now claim to be America's arbiters of racial justice.

                                      History | History

                                      Understanding the Roots of the War on History

                                      The "progressive" left's war on history centers on playing the victim and attacking American exceptionalism, undermining the virtues history once protected.

                                          History | History

                                          Slavery In America Did Not Begin In 1619, And Others NYT Gets Wrong

                                          The 1619 Project isn’t mostly about helping Americans understand slavery in our history, but convincing Americans that ‘America’ and ‘slavery’ are synonyms.

                                            History | History

                                            Left Completely Misses The Point Of Douglass's Speech About July 4

                                            Countless elites in the media this week have cited abolitionist Frederick Douglass' infamous 1852 speech as a condemnation of American ideals.

                                              History | History

                                              'O Lord, Give Us Faith': The 75th Anniversary of D-Day and FDR's Prayer Broadcast to the Nation

                                              Thursday, June 6, marks the 75-year anniversary of D-Day, the day of the greatest military invasion in modern history.  

                                                History | History

                                                Anne Frank's Letters From Early World War II to Be Published in Full for the First Time

                                                Anne Frank wrote the letters to her grandmother up to 1941: the year before she and her family went into hiding and she started her famous diary.

                                                  History | History

                                                  Cave Sealed for 1,000 Years Contains Mayan Relics, Archaeologists Say

                                                  A Mayan “ritual cave” that was untouched for 1,000 years was discovered by Mexican archaeologists. The cave system, ...

                                                    History | History

                                                    A Short History of American Medical Insurance

                                                    American medical care over this period has saved the lives of millions who could not have been saved before—life expectancy today is 78.6 years. It has relieved the pain and suffering of tens of millions more. But it has also become a monster that is de

                                                      History | History

                                                      Lasers Reveal 60,000 Ancient Maya Structures in Guatemala

                                                      “This is HOLY [expletive] territory,” tweeted one archaeologist about the discoveries.