Showcasing a variety of calisthenics exercises and techniques, calisthenics workouts, equipment reviews and health & fitness articles.

Calisthenics 101

Articles 20
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12 Tips on How to Properly Wash Your Gym Clothes

Smell good, stay clean and enjoy your workouts without any worries with these simple tips to wash your gym clothes!

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Sportastisch Doorframe Pull Up Bars Review

Recently, I found myself on the receiving end of two Sportastisch pull-up bars after the team got in touch with me and asked me to review a couple of their pull-up bars.  They sent me the Sportastisch "Powerful" Door Frame Chin Up Bar and the Sportastisc

    Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

    The Ultimate Guide to Different Pull-Up Bar Types

    Calisthenics 101's guide to the different types of pull-up bars available and the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

    Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

    Best Wall Mounted Pull Up Bar

    Our guide to the best wall mounted pull up bars from Amazon and the UK in 2018. We compare the Gymcor, Mirafit and DTX wall mounted pull up bars.

      Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

      Pull Up Mate Review - Is the Pull Up Mate a Good Portable Freestanding Pull Up Bar?

      The Pull Up Mate is the most versatile free standing, portable, pull up bar on the market. At around £100 it is a much more cost effective option than other "Power tower" alternatives.

        Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

        7 Fitness Sensations Who Will Inspire You For 2018

        We bring you 7 of the many fittest sensations who will inspire you to get into shape and be ready for the New Year

        Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

        A complete list of Calisthenics exercises

        Read our complete list of calisthenics exercises to try much more exciting exercises than your basic push-ups and squats.

        Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

        Common sports injuries and how to prevent them

        Frequent strenuous exercise can be good for the body, whether you are aiming to increase your general fitness or build muscle, but unfortunately, injuries do occur.

        Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

        Buyers Guide: What size Resistance Bands do I need?

        Read this guide to help you choose the correct Resistance Bands for your own bodyweight and goals.

          Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

          Calisthenics Exercises and Resources: A Complete List

          One of the reasons for creating this website was that I found it hard to find online information on Calisthenics exercises and workouts. This Calisthenics resources page aims to be a growing list of varied resources, covering areas such as exercises, wor

          Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

          Best Calisthenics Workouts

          Calisthenics is a great way to gain strength and get fit, and because you don't need a gym you can easily workout in various places and at no cost. Calisthenics workouts can be quick and simple, they can target a specific move or muscle-group, and

          Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

          Best Resistance Bands: Get the Right Band for Your Workout

          In this post we explain the difference between various resistance bands out there and recommend the best resistance band for your workout.

            Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

            12 Quinoa Recipes Which Are Both Healthy and Delicious

            If you haven't added Quinoa to your shopping list then that's about to change. The superfood is a fantastic source of protein, iron, and fibre, making it a great food for anybody serious about their fitness and nutrition. Looking for some inspi

            Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

            Resistance Band Exercises: 10 Calisthenics Exercises to Boost Your Workout

            Try these 10 resistance band exercises to build muscle and make huge improvements to your Calisthenics workouts.

            Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

            Video: Best of Calisthenics YouTube Inspiration 2015

            Looking for something to get you fired up and give you that 'get up and go' motivation needed for a good Calisthenics workout? Look no further! Below are a number of my favourite Calisthenics motivational videos of 2015 to help get you psyc

            Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

            10 easy life changes to lose weight and get ripped

            Rather than present you with the next diet craze, here instead is 10 life changes you can make which will help you lose weight without turning you into a Kale eating, depressed mess.