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Politics: TDS | Politics
Politics | Politics: TDS
80-Year-Old Man Run Down and Hospitalized Over Trump Yard Sign
Will Kamala Harris also call herself the unity president? Will she work with Joe Biden to "lower the temperature" (as Biden continues to call Donald Trump a threat to democracy)?
Politics | Politics: TDS
Actors John Leguizamo and Mark Hamill Spread Fake News Trump Wasn't Injured in Assassination Attempt
Hollywood star John Leguizamo has spread fake news claiming that former President Donald Trump wasn't injured during Saturday's assassination attempt in Pennsylvania.
Politics | Politics: TDS
How Trump Derangement Gave Birth To The Censorship-Industrial Complex
The Censorship Complex affects all aspects of governance, controlling the information available to you on every topic.
Politics | Politics: TDS
'The View' Turns Pure Evil With Disgusting Attack on Residents of East Palestine
When people tell you who they are, believe them.
Politics | Politics: TDS
It May Shock You to Discover That the Ukraine Situation Is All Trump's Fault
Apparently, Russia's plan to take over Ukraine began with "electing" Trump.
Politics | Politics: TDS
Canada's Justice Minister: Trump Supporters Could Have Accounts Frozen
Canada's Justice Minister David Lametti has told Trump supporters who donated to the "Freedom Convoy" to be worried about accounts frozen.
Politics | Politics: TDS
‘Enough with unity’: Harvard professor says we’re in the tactical phase of a counterterrorism effort against Trump
Trump is nothing but the leader of a group of domestic terrorists and must not be allowed to recruit more.
Politics | Politics: TDS
Liberal Snowflakes Want Trump Digitally Removed From 'Home Alone 2'
In the novel 1984, whenever the Ministry of Truth wanted to destroy or rewrite history, it was the job of party members at the Ministry of Truth to make the necessary modifications and then destroy th...
Politics | Politics: TDS
‘Indictments are sure to follow’: NBC/MSNBC legal analyst is as confident as ever that Donald Trump can be charged with manslaughter
"How many innocent people has this douche put in jail over the years? I’m betting it’s hundreds."
Politics | Politics: TDS
WATCH: Woman Driver Taunts, Flips Off Trump Supporters. Then She Plows Into The Car In Front Of Her.
For all of you Trump supporters who could use a laugh, this one’s for you. A woman who was temporarily stopped in heavy traffic decided to taunt Trump
Politics | Politics: TDS
BREAKING: SWAT on the scene after reports of a shot fired at a pro-Trump caravan in Woodland Hills, CA
"Suspect barricaded in apartment, per LAPD"
Politics | Politics: TDS
New York Times, Leftists Label Susan B. Anthony ‘Racist’ After She Gets A Trump Pardon
Leading suffragette Susan B. Anthony received a post-mortem pardon from President Donald Trump on Tuesday to mark the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, giving women the vote — a cause Anthony, of course, devoted her life to. Bu
Politics | Politics: TDS
Black Trump Supporter Shot 'Execution Style' After Marching Through Milwaukee With 'Vote Trump' Signs
Last week, someone killed 60-year-old black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell in front of his store covered in "Vote Trump" signs.
Politics | Politics: TDS
In 2012, Domino's Pizza Liked a Tweet from Kayleigh McEnany and Now They Must Be Canceled
Kayleigh McEnany thinks Domino's pizza is great and the culture warriors lose their minds. Now they want to cancel Domino's over an eight-year-old tweet.
Politics | Politics: TDS
Journalist who called President Trump’s tweet ‘ignorant snake oil drivel’ gets schooled by actual doctor
It's great news that journalists are playing doctor now and are experts on the latest medical studies.
Politics | Politics: TDS
NBC News and MSNBC legal analyst (and ex-federal prosecutor!) hopes Donald Trump can be charged with homicide over COVID19 response
COVID19 isn’t the only illness that’s spreading … Trump Derangement Syndrome is running rampant as well.
Politics | Politics: TDS
PEAK TDS: David Frum says ‘nobody calls the 1919-20 pandemic the Spanish flu anymore’
David Frum, while criticizing President Trump for calling COVID-19 the “Chinese Virus,” says “nobody calls the 1919-20 pandemic the Spanish flu anymore”:
Politics | Politics: TDS
Lemon Loses His Mind, Shouts Down Kasich for NOT Bashing Trump's Address
CNN Tonight host Don Lemon was out of control as he raged against former Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) for not bashing President Trump’s Wednesday night address to the nation about the coronavirus crisis. At one point, Lemon was so infuriated that he told
Politics | Politics: TDS
‘Complete and utter trash’: Washington Post gets shredded for ‘peak TDS’ hot take on SOTU military family reunion
"Imagine being this broken by Trump derangement."
Politics | Politics: TDS
Pelosi Violates Protocol By Refusing To Announce Trump Properly at SOTU; Rips Up Speech
On Tuesday, House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) broke tradition when she refused to announce President Donald Trump properly before the State of the Union address. Protocol, as decades of past SOTU addresses show, is for the House Speaker to announce t
Politics | Politics: TDS
MSNBC Contributor Goes Bonkers: Trump Could Shut Down Voting In California
On Friday, Jason Johnson. politics editor of The Root and MSNBC contributor, attacked President Trump, saying that Trump’s attorney Alan Dershowitz had asserted that Trump could do whatever he wants, and that because Trump would listen to Dershowitz he
Politics | Politics: TDS
Why Impeachment Is Killing Trump Derangement Syndrome
The Democrats had spent years building up to this climactic moment, but now no one’s even watching.