Politics | POLITICS
MSNBC Wonders Why Trump Called Justin Trudeau a ‘Governor,’ Blames ‘His Confusion’
Some punchlines are as obvious and as straightforward as Larry gouging the eyes of Curly and Moe (“Why, I oughta…!”). They either tickle your funny bone or they don’t.
Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism
Kamala Harris Campaign Gave $500k to Al Sharpton’s Nonprofit Weeks Before Glowing Interview With Anti-Semitic MSNBC Host
Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign donated $500,000 to Al Sharpton’s nonprofit organization just weeks before the anti-Semitic MSNBC host—who once said that "diamond merchant" Jews have the "blood of innocent babies" on their hands—conducted a friendly
Politics | Politics
MSNBC Panelist: 1 Reason Dems Lost Is Because They Don't Have a Feminist Version of Joe Rogan
The Democrat and media examinations into what exactly went wrong (some of the answers are pretty obvious if any of them decide to be honest with themselves) in the days, weeks and months leading up to Tuesday's election continue, but one MSNBC panelist had an observation that requires a beverage warning.
Politics | Politics
They Won’t Stop: MSNBC Guest Says Donald Trump Is 'Exactly Like Hitler'
Reverend Dr. Jacqui Lewis said on MSNBC's broadcast of "The Saturday Show" that former President Donald Trump is "exactly like" Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. | Clips
Politics | POLITICS
Shocker! Turns Out MSNBC's Programming From the GOP Convention are 'Cheap Fakes'
For some shows on MSNBC this week you might have noticed the familiar backdrop of the Republican convention but for some reason they haven't interviewed many people who are actually there:
Miscellaneous | News bias/fake news/media bias
Thank You, Chuck Todd, for Exposing What’s Wrong at MSNBC - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Thank you, Chuck Todd. All the backlash to the hiring of Ronna McDaniel has illustrated vividly what is wrong with the mainstream media.
Politics | Politics
Mara Gay: Republicans Criticizing Colorado Ballot Ruling Are Just Like Confederates
The Left, ever the defenders of democracy, have decided that if you oppose banning a candidate from a ballot, you are just like the Confederate soldiers who 'betrayed' their country.
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC Sidelines Muslim Journalists as Ratings Collapse During Israel War Against Hamas
Is it Islamophobia or pragmatism? It appears left-wing propaganda outlet MSNBC has been caught doing a bigotry – or perhaps they are just trying to salvage their ratings. A new report suggests that the network is silently pushing some of its Muslim journalists to the side as the war in Israel rages on.
Politics | Media Bias
Joy Reid and Her Guests Blame Israel for Hamas’s Massacre
It is Hamas's murderous ideology as expressed in its charter, and not any action by Israel, that led to Saturday’s massacre.
Politics | The Left
As Israelis are Slaughtered, MSNBC Says Palestinians in Chicago Also In “Pain”
At MSNBC, even when Jews are being cruelly slaughtered by the hundreds, they cannot be centered as the victims; after all, they probably had
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC Spreads Fake News About Trump and Chinese Spy Balloons
MSNBC's Mehdir Hasan spent an entire segment on the debunked claim that Trump failed to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon. Scarborough later repeated the claim.
Politics | Media Bias
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Broadcasts Antisemitic Dual Loyalty Trope | CAMERA
On the same day the Anti-Defamation League reported that disturbingly high levels of Americans believe in anti-Jewish tropes, MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace brazenly broadcasted
Politics | Media Bias
MSNBC Claims Ilhan Omar's Antisemitism the Fault of 'Right Wing Hatemongers'
Back in 2019, Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar issued an apology to the Jewish community. “Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Interrupts Her Own Network’s Reporter to Scold Him for Using the Term ‘Pro-Life’
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell interrupted her colleague Garrett Haake over his use of the phrase "pro-life" while reporting on recent comments by Rep. Nancy Mace.
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC, CNN Ignore 'Twitter Files' Revelations Exposing FBI Collusion
The far-left networks MSNBC and CNN have ignored revelations from the "Twitter Files" about the FBI colluding with Twitter employees.
News | NEWS
Once Again, MSNBC Invites Prominent Anti-Semite to Explain Why Fellow Anti-Semites Are Bad
What happened? MSNBC did it again. The left-wing network invited Al Sharpton, a notorious anti-Semite, on Morning Joe to explain why his fellow anti-Semites shouldn't be given a public platform. Seriously? Yes. Why? Because Al Sharpton supports the Democr
Politics | Politics
MSNBC’s (Apparently Insane) Katy Tur Floats John Fetterman as Potential Presidential Material: ‘I Know There’s Some Variables’
Katy Tur floated John Fetterman as a potential presidential candidate Tuesday while noting there were "variables" that might complicate such an endeavor.
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC's Beschloss: GOP Midterm Victory Will Bring 'Brutal Authoritarian System,' Our Children Will Be Arrested, Killed
MSNBC presidential historian Michael Beschloss said Wednesday on "All In" said that if Republicans take the majorities in Congress, American democracy will end, and "our children" will be jailed and killed by a "brutal authoritarian system." | Clips
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan asks if the 2024 election will be free and fair if black people are denied the right to vote
Hasan can't comprehend Trump winning in 2024 without foul play.
Politics | Media Bias
For Mehdi Hasan, Two Antisemitic Wrongs Make Ilhan Omar Right
Hasan’s lame attempts to cast Omar’s repeated employment of classic antisemitic tropes as merely “criticism of Israel,” alongside his constant efforts to politicize antisemitism,
News | News
The Roe Protests: The Hoodwinking Of The American People
The purposeful manipulation of the American people by the political Left continues in the anticipated Supreme Court Ruling in the matter of Roe v. Wade. Simply put – and it can’t be repeated enough – the Democrats and pro-abortion advocates are bald
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News | News
PODCAST | How Disingenuous Can Our Federal Government Be?
From their declarations about Ukraine and punishing Vladimir Putin with sanctions to their declaration that domestic terrorism is actually a threat to our country to their completely disingenuous and opportunistic moves against cryptocurrency, our federal
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Politics | Media Bias
False Equivalence: MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Compares Israel to China, Assad’s Syria & the Taliban’s Afghanistan
A man walks past a building destroyed by shelling, amid Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, in Chernihiv, Ukraine April 9, 2022. …
Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy
MSNBC's Cross: White People Don't Fully Understand Will Smith Slap -- 'There's a Nuance to What Happened'
MSNBC "The Cross Connection" host Tiffany Cross on Sunday attempted to explain the Will Smith slap of Chris Rock at last week's Oscars to white people, who she claimed did not understand why black people wanted them to refrain from opining on the incident
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC Commentator Likens Ted Cruz's SCOTUS Questioning to a 'Hate Crime'
MSNBC commentator Chai Komanduri claimed Tuesday that Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz questioning Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson about whether she supports critical race theory was like witnessing
News | News
‘Are you kidding me with this?’: MSNBC assembled quite the panel to discuss the hostage situation at Texas synagogue
They needed an expert in targeting Jews and found Al Sharpton.
Politics | Politics
Maya Wiley cites Confederacy in argument to allow noncitizens to vote
MSNBC and NBC News legal analyst Maya Wiley noted that the Confederacy allowed noncitizens to vote, essentially calling for modern America to be more like the Confederate States – at least when it comes to voting rights.
Politics | Politics
‘There Wasn’t Violence. There Wasn’t Bloodshed’: MSNBC Whitewashes Al Sharpton’s History
When you think of nonviolent protests, you may not think of Al Sharpton — but MSNBC does.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Joy Reid Dismisses Inflation as GOP 'Buzzword,' Insists 'The Economy Isn't Bad'
MSNBC’s The ReidOut host Joy Reid decided on Wednesday to channel NBC chief business correspondent and MSNBC colleague Stephanie Ruhle in dismissing the economic pain Americans are facing amid rising inflation, calling it a “buzzword bandwagon” by Republi
Politics | Media Watch
No Mainstream 'Journalist' Is More Racist Than MSNBC's Joy Reid
Joy Reid is at it again. She continues her anti-white bigotry each day, including Tuesday night.
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC’s Joy Reid Melts Down Over Youngkin Win: ‘Education’ Is Code For ‘White Parents Don’t Like The Idea Of Teaching Ab
MSNBC’s Joy Reid went into meltdown mode on Tuesday night as Republicans scored upset victories in statewide elections in Virginia, at one point claiming that parents being concerned about “education” was really just “code for ‘white parents don’t like the idea of teaching about race.'”
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace says the ‘Trump insurrection endorsed Republican’ won the suburbs because of CRT, ‘which isn’t real’
If CRT isn't real, why is it on the Virginia Department of Education website?
Politics | Politics
Nicolle Wallace claims that ‘95% of the American people will agree’ with her that Joe Biden’s speech was fantastic and showcased his ‘firm resolve’
"Nicolle Wallace is a bigger Biden shill than former top Democratic officials."
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC: Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan 'Relatively Peaceful'
MSNBC's Tehran bureau chief Ali Arouzi reported Sunday on the "The Mehdi Hasan Show" that the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan had been "relatively peaceful" as Americans were evacuating the chaos in helicopters. | Clips
News | News
Getting into the Subject of the 'Uncensored'
In this episode of Underground USA I introduce Pete D'Abosca, an independent journalist and political guy with National File. Pete and I will be doing a 3-times weekly podcast for National File so we decided to shake it down here. Don't worry, U
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Politics | Politics
As Joe Biden Calls for Unity, MSNBC's Chris Hayes Targets 'Thousands' of 'Normal Republican Staffers'
Chris Hayes joined the ranks of those on the left calling for retribution against members of the Trump administration, or Trump supporters.
Politics | Media Watch
Joe Scarborough tweets a quote from a ‘huge anti-Semite’ to encourage people to vote
"I am certainly anti-Israel, and I have become anti-Semitic."
Politics | Leftist Lies
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes says a Trump supporter ‘rammed a car on the highway driven by a Biden staffer’
Chris Hayes still maintains Trump supporters rammed a Biden staffer's car.
Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"
Chris Hayes Floats ‘Truth And Reconciliation Commission’ To ‘Deal With’ Those Who Question COVID-19 Protocols
MSNBC host Chris Hayes raised eyebrows when he floated the idea of a "truth and reconciliation commission" as "the most humane and reasonable way to deal"
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
MSNBC Host Suggests Trump Faking COVID ‘To Get Out Of Debates’
MSNBC host Joy Reid has suggested that President Donald Trump faked his COVID-19 diagnosis to "get out of the debates." "Here’s how wrecked Trump’s
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes already setting stage for ‘biggest legitimacy crisis since secession’ if Trump wins re-election in full accordance with the Constitution
Sounds like he's already planning on Biden to lose.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes thanks his mom for not letting him watch ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ because of the Confederate flag on the car
Chris Hayes' mom was pretty woke for her time.
Politics | Media Watch
Passerby’s own footage of no-mask-shaming MSNBC reporter Cal Perry makes MSNBC’s faceplant even more spectacular [video]
As Twitchy told you earlier, MSNBC’s Katy Tur tried but couldn’t save reporter Cal Perry from being called out for a passerby for criticizing people not wearing masks despite the fact that Perry’s own cameraman wasn’t wearing a mask.
Politics | Politics: TDS
NBC News and MSNBC legal analyst (and ex-federal prosecutor!) hopes Donald Trump can be charged with homicide over COVID19 response
COVID19 isn’t the only illness that’s spreading … Trump Derangement Syndrome is running rampant as well.
News | The News
BREAKING: MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Announces Retirement During TV Segment
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews announced on Monday that he was retiring effective immediately following controversy surrounding recent remarks that he had made on air. “Let me start with my headline tonight. I’m retiring,” Matthews
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
MSNBC’s Katy Tur: ‘Is Gerrymandering Something That Would Help’ Keep GOP Out Of Senate?
On Friday, MSNBC host Katy Tur appeared to believe that the Republicans controlled the U.S. Senate because of gerrymandering, or the lack thereof, even though gerrymandering has nothing to do with how Senators are elected. “In case you missed it, ma
Politics | Politics: TDS
MSNBC Contributor Goes Bonkers: Trump Could Shut Down Voting In California
On Friday, Jason Johnson. politics editor of The Root and MSNBC contributor, attacked President Trump, saying that Trump’s attorney Alan Dershowitz had asserted that Trump could do whatever he wants, and that because Trump would listen to Dershowitz he
Politics | Second Amendment
Fake-News MSNBC Host Claims 'Thousands' of 'White Nationalists' Are 'Swarming' Virginia 2A Rally
MSNBC host Craig Melvin claimed on television Monday that "thousands" of "white nationalists" and "militia groups" are "swarming the state capitol in Richmond," with "guns rights activists." I'd like to know what "white nationalists" and "militia groups,"
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC Host Celebrates Iranian Attacks On American Troops
On Tuesday night, the Pentagon confirmed that more than a dozen ballistic missiles were launched against U.S. military and coalition forces in Iraq from inside Iran, hitting at least two Iraqi military bases at Al-Assad and Irbil, which host U.S. military
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
MSNBC anchor declares that history will judge Mollie Hemingway harshly for naming whistleblower
Assuming any of this mess even makes the history books, that is.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Holy TDS, Batman! ‘Conservative’ MSNBC political analyst Rick Tyler spots something sinister in Melania Trump’s jacket in 9/11 photo
"Some people are irreparably broken."
Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism
OWNED: .@AG_Conservative calls Rachel Maddow OUT for excusing anti-Semitism and smearing Jews in EPIC thread
Rachel Maddow, the queen of conspiracies.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Falsely Claims Trump ‘Talking About Exterminating Latinos’ | Daily Wire
MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace promoted dangerous rhetoric on Tuesday when she falsely claimed that President Donald Trump was "talking about exterminating Latinos."
Politics | Donald Trump
MSNBC producer says there’s no evidence Trump was at Ground Zero after 9/11. He must’ve missed the NBC News video of it
"I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you."
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
MSNBC Panelist Compares Betsy Ross Flag To Swastika, Burning Crosses | Daily Wire
MSNBC regular Michael Eric Dyson rushed to Colin Kaepernick's defense on the network Wednesday, calling the "Betsy Ross" flag — the original American flag for the 13 colonies — a symbol of racist oppression akin to a Nazi swastika or a burning cross.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
MSNBC's Joy Reid: Trump Having July 4th Parade To Threaten Americans | Daily Wire
MSNBC conspiracy theorist Joy Reid said on Tuesday that she believes that President Donald Trump is trying to send a "threat" to "his fellow Americans" by having a July 4th celebration that
Politics | Media Watch
Free Beacon: MSNBC Mangles Facts on Trump's Rally, Biden's Segregationist Pals
The Washington Free Beacon reported two fact-manglings at the scene of MSNBC on Wednesday. Reporter Vaughn Hillyard weirdly claimed President Trump didn't mention abortion in his re-election campaign launch in Orlando on Tuesday night. MSNBC host Kasie Hu
Politics | The "Squad"
Even MSNBC Slams Ocasio-Cortez For Her ‘Concentration Camp’ Remarks. Ocasio-Cortez Responds By Lying.
MSNBC's Chuck Todd slammed socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Wednesday for her recent remarks comparing immigrant detention facilities on the border to concentration camps.
Politics | Media Watch
‘TOO PARTISAN’: New York Times Bans Reporters From Certain CNN, MSNBC Shows
The New York Times has started cracking down on the shows that its reporters can appear on as the newspaper has recently decided to ban reporters from multiple shows on hyper-partisan cable news networks CNN and MSNBC.
Politics | The Hall of Idiots
Joe Scarborough lashes out at the Washington Examiner for … quoting exactly what he said about Trump?
"...the short, fat, little man behind the curtain..."
Politics | Media Watch
WATCH: MSNBC's Brian Williams Challenges Trump's Lawyer On 'No Collusion,' Gets Smacked With Direct Quotes From Mueller
On Thursday, MSNBC's Brian Williams attempted to poke holes in Attorney General William Barr's summary of the newly released redacted report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Politics | Politics
Trump made Dems ‘look like fools’ by canceling Pelosi trip, MSNBC's Chris Matthews says | Fox News
President Trump made Democrats “look like fools” last week when he denied military aircraft to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for an overseas trip the day after she suggested he delay the State of the Union address until the partial government shutdown is
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
Guest Reminds Katy Tur About Democrats' Violent Rhetoric. She Freaks Out.
MSNBC's Katy Tur exploded at conservative talk radio host Erick Erickson on Thursday after Erickson suggested that people on both ends of the political spectrum needed to tone down the inflammatory political rhetoric.
Politics | Media Watch
MSNBC analyst finds Cherokee Nation's statement disavowing Elizabeth Warren 'problematic'
Yes, let's make the Cherokee Nation the bad guy in all of this, bullying poor Elizabeth Warren.
Politics | Leftists Are Insane
WATCH: This MSNBC Commentator Just Said The Most Disgusting Thing Anyone Has Yet Said About The Kavanaugh Allegations |
On Monday evening, Wonkette founder Ana Marie Cox let the cat out of the bag regarding the Left’s perspective on the allegations of sexual assault against Judge Brett Kavanaugh: it doesn’t matter whether he’s guilty or innocent. He’s guilty.
Politics | Media Watch
WATCH: MSNBC Reviews Trump's Approval Rating. Freak Out Ensues.
A panel on MSNBC's "MTP Daily" appeared to panic on Monday after reviewing President Donald Trump's approval rating — which stayed the same — despite the negative news that broke last week about Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen.
Politics | Woke Insanity
WATCH: MSNBC Guest Dismisses Mollie Tibbetts As Some 'Girl In Iowa' | Daily Wire
Fordham University Professor Christina Greer dismissed the memory of 20-year-old Iowa resident Mollie Tibbetts after news broke that she was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien, saying that she was some "girl in Iowa" that "Fox News is t
Politics | POLITICS
Joy Reid, Ben Rhodes, and the ‘Post-Truth’ MSNBC
On the network’s employment of Joy-Ann Reid, Ben Rhodes, and other champions of truth.
Politics | Media Bias
Israel News: Human Rights Watch's .@sarahleah1 retweets discredited "Map that Lies"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Woke Insanity
MSNBC's Joy Reid Attacked Wolf Blitzer For Being Too Nice To Jews
In old blog posts, MSNBC anchor Joy Ann Reid attacked CNN's Wolf Blitzer for being too nice to jews and pushed 9/11 conspiracy theories.
News | The News
FLASHBACK: This is the bigoted Al Sharpton who hosted MSNBC’s Racism Town Hall
Fighting racism with … racism?
Politics | Other Politics
MSNBC’s surging ratings fuel Democratic optimism - POLITICO
While Fox and CNN slump, left-leaning hosts on MSNBC help the network reap a 30 percent ratings gain.
News | News
MSNBC Claims Top Spot in Cable Weekday Primetime Viewers for First Time Ever
MSNBC scored an historic victory last week, finishing as the number one cable network in weekday primetime total viewers for the first time in the network’s 21-year history, according to Niel…
Politics | Politics
Morning Joe Spends 17 Mins Opening On “Sleazy” Doug Band ‘Bill Clinton, Inc.’ Memo (Part 1) - YouTube
Morning Joe Spends 17 Mins Opening On “Sleazy” Doug Band ‘Bill Clinton, Inc.’ Memo (Part 1) (October 27, 2016)
News | News
Poll: Fox News most trusted network in America - POLITICO
Fox News has the most trusted network and cable news coverage in the United States, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Monday. But network TV is much less trustworthy than it was in the days of Walter Cronkite, American voters say. In
Politics | Media Bias
Scarborough Stands By Remarks Accusing Israel of 'Indiscriminate…Killing of Women and Children'
Thursday morning MSNBC's Joe Scarborough accused Israel of "what appears to be indiscriminate killing … of women and children." Friday morning, Scarborough seemed shocked that he was criticized for accusing Israel of war crimes with no evidenc
Politics | Politics
MSNBC: Obama administration 'outright lying' about Obamacare enrollment numbers; government 'in crisis'
MSNBC continues to tear into their messiah's train wreck If you're part of the MSNBC brain trust, things are...difficult...right now. You spent the