
Politics | Healthcare

The Mainstream Media FINALLY Admits Obamacare Is a Failure

 The Affordable Care Act (ACA), more commonly referred to as Obamacare, was signed into law by then-President Barack Obama in March 2010.

Politics | Politics

Trump says he's "seriously looking" at Obamacare alternatives

Trump called the failure to repeal and replace the ACA "a low point for the Republican Party."

News | News

SCOTUS Again Invokes ‘Standing’ to Dodge a Constitutional Question

In a stunning abdication of its constitutional charge, the US Supreme Court upheld – by a vote of 7 to 2 – the Affordable Health Care Act...

News | News

Rejected by Senate, Failed Biden Nominee Is Still Forced on the American People

Apparently, when Democrat nominees are rejected the party decides it doesn’t matter and places them in high-level positions. This is...

News | News

Key House Democrat Admits His Party Wants the COVID Expansion of Obamacare Perks Permanent

With the American public distracted by COVID, gender-identity politics, the economy, and social justice totalitarianism, a key House Dem...

News | News

Democrats Pseudo COVID Relief Package a Boon for Obamacare

As Democrats crow about the benevolence of the just passed COVID relief bill, a cursory examination of the $1.9 trillion spending bill...

News | News

PODCAST: If You Feel Like You're The Only One, That You're Alone, You're Not

As we approach the opening day of "argument" in the unconstitutional second impeachment trial of Donald Trump - this time as a private citizen, the plague of untruths, fabrications, and outright lies by the neo-Progressive Left have to be addressed...

News | News

Biden’s ‘American Recovery Act’ Includes Hidden 150% Obamacare Expansion

Any mention of a temporary expansion that breathes life back into Obamacare was mysteriously missing from a summary of the

News | News

Biden Scraps Trump’s Executive Order Lowering Prices of Insulin, EpiPen For Impoverished Americans

In his ongoing campaign to expunge the Trump presidency, President Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) executed an

Politics | Politics

Still More Dem Lies About Obamacare

Then again, Obamacare was built on a Big Lie – “you can keep your plan.”

Politics | Corruption

Joe Biden Health Adviser Makes Money By Keeping You On Lockdown

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a chief salesman for Obamacare, is in the spotlight again with tuned-up public health priorities and a new leftist to serve: Joe Biden.

Politics | Leftist Lies

Fact Check: Kamala Harris Repeats False Claims About Amy Coney Barrett and Obamacare

Kamala Harris falsely said Obamacare depends on Barrett; that she'd overturn it; and 100 million with pre-existing conditions depend on it.

Politics | Healthcare

FACT CHECK: More People Delaying Health Care Over Costs Now Than Pre-Obamacare

A common myth being presented during the Amy Coney Barrett hearings is the notion that many Americans who couldn’t afford healthcare before the Affordable Care Act was passed and implemented suddenly could.

Politics | Healthcare

Health insurance deductibles soar, leaving Americans with unaffordable bills - Los Angeles Times

Soaring health insurance deductibles have strained family budgets, saddled many with debt and driven millions to skip care. It's the result of a revolution that has transformed U.S. health insurance, shifting a growing share of costs to workers and their

Politics | Politics

John McCain, Donald Trump, and the Sirens’ Song

Was John McCain a great American or a profound disappointment? Sensing another opportunity to berate and criticize a president they loathe, much of the media have championed the late U.S. senator from Arizona and excoriated President Trump for daring to c

News | Interesting Links

When It Comes To Health Care Costs, ObamaCare Was A Massive Failure, IBD/TIPP Poll Shows | Investor's Business Daily

What's the biggest concern in the country right now? Health care costs. That tells you everything you need to know about how ObamaCare failed to deliver.

Health & Fitness | Health

Health spending growth slows - CNNPolitics

It may not feel this way, but spending on health care actually grew more slowly last year.

Politics | Trump Politics

Health Insurance Premiums to Decline in 2019, CMS Predicts

Health insurance premiums are expected to decline on average next year, for the first time since 2014, the year the Affordable Care Act went into effect.

Politics | Politics

On ObamaCare: Ted Cruz Was Exactly Right All Along

Republicans vilified Ted Cruz for shutting down government in 2013 to stop ObamaCare. Turns out he was absolutely right to do so.

Politics | Healthcare

Obama: He Was Honest, Eventually

Last week, Barack Obama finally did what Democratic activists had been desperately hoping he would do—he reproached his successor ahead of the midterm election. It was a long, discursive oration, as Obama’s orations usually are, and it contained lots

Health & Fitness | Health

Exit From ObamaCare - WSJ

A new association health plan rule may spur better alternatives.

Health & Fitness | Health

Trump’s ObamaCare alternative to save small businesses big money | Fox Business

A suite of new rules will allow small businesses to offer insurance plans that don’t need to comply with all of the Affordable Care Act’s requirements.

Business & Finance | Economics

Uninsured Increase in 2017: ObamaCare Is To Blame, Not Trump

The ranks of the uninsured climbed last year. So, naturally, President Trump is taking the blame because of his attempts to repeal ObamaCare. The fault, however, lies not with Trump, but with ObamaCare itself.

Business & Finance | Economics

ObamaCare Premiums: As Insurance Costs Soar, Democrats Lie

ObamaCare regulations caused premiums for people buying their own insurance to more than double between 2013 and 2017, and then soar even higher in 2018, with huge hikes predicted again in 2019. But instead of telling the truth about why this is happening

Health & Fitness | Health

ObamaCare, Not Short-Term Policies, Is The Real Junk Insurance

We keep hearing about how short-term health plans are "junk" insurance. Really? Compared to ObamaCare's high-deductible HMOs, or Medicaid's long and often deadly waits?

Health & Fitness | Health

Obamacare premiums spike feared after Democrats balk at GOP stabilization bill - Washington Times

Congress failed to tamp down Obamacare premiums in last week's spending bill, shifting the burden onto states, where governors and legislatures are facing growing pressure -- but few good options -- to bring down rates before companies finalize their 2019

Politics | Healthcare

Why Some Americans Are Risking It and Skipping Health Insurance

Prices and deductibles are rising. Networks are shrinking. And even some well-off Americans are questioning what they’re paying for.

Health & Fitness | Health

ObamaCare's 8th birthday is an unhappy one for all Americans | Fox News

When ObamaCare turns eight on Friday, the law will have exactly one impressive accomplishment to its name: surviving as long as it has.

Politics | Healthcare

Yes, It Was The 'Affordable' Care Act That Increased Premiums

It turns out that across the board, for all ages and family sizes, for HMO, PPO, and POS plans, premium increases averaged about 60% from 2013, the last year before ACA reforms took effect, to 2017. In the four years preceding the ACA, premium increases

News | The News

ObamaCare: Trump Throws A Lifeline To Millions With Short-Term Insurance Plan | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis -

Middle class families who no longer can afford health insurance thanks to the "Affordable Care Act" — aka, ObamaCare — are one step closer to getting some

News | Interesting Stories

State launches Aetna probe after stunning admission - CNN

California's insurance commissioner has launched an investigation into Aetna after learning a former medical director for the insurer admitted under oath he never looked at patients' records when deciding whether to approve or deny care.

Politics | Trump Politics

Newt Gingrich: Trump has made great progress reforming ObamaCare and the media couldn't care less | Fox News

Don’t look now, but President Trump and congressional Republicans are making progress on their promise to repeal and replace ObamaCare with a more affordable, flexible and dynamic health-care system.

Politics | Politics

Report: Medicaid And Obamacare May Be Incentivizing Opioid Trafficking And Abuse

One of the largest entitlement programs in the country is incentivizing prescription drug trafficking and exacerbating the national opioid epidemic, according to a Senate report. The Senate Commit

Politics | Obamacare

Betsy McCaughey: The Democrats' Pre-Existing Condition Scam

The House vote on the GOP's ObamaCare repeal bill vote is down to the wire, with dozens of Republicans waffling as "undecideds." What's the hold-up? Ninety-six percent of people who have to buy their own insurance stand to benefit from this bill

Politics | Politics

House Republicans release long-awaited plan to repeal and replace Obamacare - The Washington Post

With income-based tax credits, the GOP is considering an approach to health care it has long been against.

Politics | Obamacare

Trump to nominate Georgia Rep. Tom Price as health secretary

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump has selected Georgia Rep. Tom Price, a leading critic of President Barack Obama's sweeping health care law, to head the Department of Health and Human Services, according to a person familiar with the

News | That's News to Me

Here's What the Average American Will Pay for Obamacare, by Age, in 2017 -- The Motley Fool

If you're not among the 85% of Americans currently receiving a premium subsidy, then these figures could scare you.

News | That's News to Me

Rising Obamacare premiums anger those paying full price

As premiums climb, nearly 10 million Americans who buy individual insurance coverage either on or off the Obamacare exchanges and do not receive federal subsidies, are paying a lot more for health insurance.

News | In the News

JAMA Forum: Why Are Private Health Insurers Losing Money on Obamacare?

By Uwe Reinhardt, PhD The report last week that Aetna, one of the major US health insurance companies, would leave most of the health insurance exchanges established under the Affordable Care Act (…

Health & Fitness | Transforming Healthcare

One of the biggest problems with Obamacare is only getting worse

It's going to be a lot easier for people to pick an Obamacare plan in 2017, if only because there...

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

The Incredible Shrinking Obamacare

Considering how it’s turned out, what was all the fuss about?

News | That's News to Me

Brace Yourself: How You Will Pay To Rescue ObamaCare - Forbes

Either through higher premiums or through a taxpayer funded bailout, Americans will pay for the disaster that the ACA is fast becoming.

News | News

How I Was Wrong About ObamaCare

Health-care expert Bob Kocher writes about how he got ObamaCare wrong. The law’s drafters wanted consolidation: 112 hospital mergers last year. But smaller practices have improved care better.

Politics | Healthcare

NPR and Harvard Say: Obamacare Is a Complete Failure | Power Line

National Public Radio collaborated with Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to survey Americans' recent experience with health care. As to the Affordable Care Act, the survey's findings are damning. They sugg

News | News

Report Uncovers Stonewalling of Illegal Obamacare Payments

The Obama administration has been illegally funding Obamacare “Cost Sharing Reduction” (CSR) payments for years over the objections of IRS officials, according to a report released today by the House Ways and Means Committee and the House Energy and C

Politics | Trump Politics


Content filed under the Health category.

Politics | Healthcare

NPR and Harvard Say: Obamacare Is a Complete Failure

National Public Radio collaborated with Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to survey Americans’ recent experience with health care. As to…

News | That's News to Me

How Much More Do Obamacare Enrollees Cost Insurers? This Much. -- The Motley Fool

When compared to members of employer-based plans, this new study shows just how expensive Obamacare enrollees can be.

Politics | Obamacare

Clinton sees ObamaCare’s ‘crushing’ burden — but has no way to fix it | New York Post

The Clinton campaign is finally owning up to what most Americans learned the hard way: The Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable. In fact, its costs are “crushing” people who have to buy health insurance. Hillary Clinton vows to fix the probl

Politics | Obamacare

CBO Misses Its Obamacare Projection by 24 Million People

Three years ago, on the eve of Obamacare’s implementation, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that President Obama's centerpiece legislation would result in an average of 201 million people having private health insurance in any given month of 2016. Now that 2016 is here, the CBO says that just 177 million people, on average, will have private health insurance in any given month of this year—a shortfall of 24 million people.

News | News

Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care, Despite Federal Policy

The Affordable Care Act provides no insurance for unauthorized immigrants, but officials in many large counties are treating them anyway.

Health & Fitness | Health News

How to Cut Your Health-Care Bill: Pay Cash - WSJ

Hospitals and other providers increasingly are offering prices far below what they charge though insurance.

Politics | The circus we run our country with

Speaker.gov | Weekly Republican Address: Putting an Obamacare Repeal Bill on the President’s Desk

In this week’s Republican address, Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) discusses the House’s ongoing efforts to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood. Next week, Congress will send a bill—the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation

Health & Fitness | Health News

The Health of Obamacare - WSJ

The best scholarly analyses of the Affordable Care Act suggest that it’s neither the triumph trumpeted by its proponents nor the disaster suggested by its critics

Politics | Interesting Links

How Government Killed the Medical Profession

I am a general surgeon with more than three decades in private clinical practice. And I am fed up.

Miscellaneous | NEW YORK CITY

Franny’s blames Obamacare for rise in pizza price - NY Daily News

President Obama is being blamed for the rising price of Brooklyn pizza.

Politics | Obamacare

The quiet unraveling of ObamaCare

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

News | That's News to Me

Obamacare Enrollees Are Reeling from High Deductibles - Yahoo Finance

From Yahoo Finance: First, the administration revealed that enrollments for Obamacare next year will barely hit 10 million, far below previous projections. Then last week, the consulting firm of McKinsey & Company estimated that premiums for policies

News | That's News to Me

This Unwelcome Aspect of Obamacare Is Going to Surprise a Lot of People in 2016 -- The Motley Fool

If you thought millions of consumers were shocked when they filed their taxes last April, then you haven't seen anything yet!

Health & Fitness | Health News

Millions facing a hefty increase in Medicare premiums in 2016

From Yahoo Finance: Nearly a third of the roughly 50 million elderly Americans who depend on Medicare for their physician care and other health services could see their premiums jump by 52 percent or more next year. While Congress is largely focused on ad

Politics | Obamacare

The newest Obamacare fail: penalties of $36,500 per worker

The Internal Revenue Service swoops in with a money grab, writes Diana Furchtgott-Roth.

Politics | Healthcare

You're about to pay A LOT more for health insurance

Health insurers are seeking steep rate increases, saying their new customers under the Affordable Care Act turned out to be sicker than expected.

Politics | Obamacare

Obamacare fails to bend the cost curve

The ACA is forcing health insurers to raise rates and consolidate. Will anyone learn their lesson from this?

Politics | Obamacare

Supreme Court rules in favor of Obamacare in King v. Burwell

The decision means that the Affordable Care Act stands unchanged and that the government can continue subsidizing coverage for millions of Americans.

Politics | Healthcare

CBO: Repealing Obamacare would boost economic growth | WashingtonExaminer.com

Repealing Obamacare would boost economic growth by an average of 0.7 percent after several years, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office released on Friday. CBO has determined what many in Congress have known all along, Republican Sen

Politics | The American Experiment

Feds Can’t Verify $2.8 Billion in Obamacare Subsidies | Washington Free Beacon

The federal government cannot verify nearly $3 billion in subsidies distributed through Obamacare, putting significant taxpayer funding “at risk.”

Politics | Healthcare

White House, HHS: We Want Your #HealthySelfie | Truth Revolt

The social media president is once again capitalizing on trending hashtags, and the latest, #HealthySelfie, has been seized to promote Obamacare and healthy lifestyles.

Politics | Illegal Immigration

CA Legislature Offers $1 Billion to Extend Obamacare to Illegal Aliens - Breitbart

The California Senate’s Appropriations Committee passed SB 4, giving health care to all illegal/undocumented aliens and costing $1 billion.

Politics | Politics

President Obama’s legacy is increasingly in legal jeopardy

President Obama's second-term agenda, it seems, is in the hands of the courts.

Same-sex marriage. Obamacare. Climate change. And now immigration. And in many cases, there is significant doubt about whether his signature initiatives will stand legal scrutiny.

Politics | Healthcare

‘Does the @WhiteHouse even know how Obamacare works?’ All signs point to NOPE | Twitchy

With all due respect, White House, shut up. This afternoon, the House passed a bill banning abortion — with notable exceptions — after 20 weeks of pregnancy. And that was enough to prompt the White House to weigh in like so:

Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology

New machine could one day replace anesthesiologists - The Washington Post

Four U.S. hospitals are using the Sedasys machine, which is limited to simple screenings in healthy patients.

Politics | The American Experiment

Obamacare program may be linked to ER opioid prescriptions | WashingtonExaminer.com

Experts say too many patients are being prescribed opioid painkillers by emergency room doctors, and a program created by Obamacare could be enabling the problem. A new study released this week found 17 percent of nearly 20,000 patients were discharged fr

Politics | The American Experiment

U.S. Emergency-Room Visits Keep Climbing - WSJ

Emergency-room visits continued to climb in the second year of the Affordable Care Act, contradicting the law’s supporters who had predicted a decline in traffic as more people gained access to doctors and other health-care providers.

Politics | The American Experiment

Rural hospitals, beset by financial problems, struggle to survive

Experts and practitioners cite declining federal reimbursements for hospitals under the Affordable Care Act.

Politics | Obamacare

Busted: Obamacare Co-Ops Are Underwater And Sinking Fast

When Democrats were ramming Obamacare down Americans’ throats, many of them wanted a “public option” that was supposed to demonstrate just how efficient and affordable government-run health insurance could be. What they settled for was something called “co-ops”—which stands for Consumer Oriented and Operated Plans.

Politics | Woke Insanity

Obama's Response to ISIS Burning Jordanian Pilot? Promote Obamacare | Truth Revolt

Yesterday, as the world watched in horror as ISIS burned Lt. Muath al-Kasasbeh alive, Obama took the opportunity to promote Obamacare by contrasting the need to destroy ISIS and his signature healthcare law.

Business & Finance | Economy

Thanks Obamacare: This Is What Americans Spent The Most Money On In Q4 | Zero Hedge

If readers need clarification on what was the primary source of spending-based "growth" for the US economy in the fourth quarter, the same source that bumped up final Q3 GDP from 3.9% to 5.0%, please ping us: we will gladly explain the chart bel

Politics | From the HuffPost

A Former Senator Just Dealt A Serious Blow To The Legal Case Against Obamacare

The former senator who nearly blocked Obamacare in Congress may have just helped save it from the Supreme Court. By now, you may have heard about King v. Burwell, the lawsuit brought by some of the Affordable Care Act’s conservative and libe...

Politics | Obamacare

Healthcare for Illegals Pushes CA Budget Billions Over Inflation

California Gov. Jerry Brown’s supposed “balanced budget” has no provision for another million illegal aliens.

Politics | Politics

Harvard Ideas on Health Care Hit Home, Hard - NYTimes.com

While Harvard professors oppose changes that will raise their health care costs, the university says the increases are in part a result of the Affordable Care Act, which many Harvard experts championed.

Politics | The American Experiment

Obamacare “Fail” Stories | Sharyl Attkisson

Politics | The American Experiment

The GOP Doesn't Have To 'Replace' Obamacare

You don’t have to replace Obamacare's bad ideas, you just have to get rid of them.

Politics | Healthcare

Rising Health Insurance Costs Thanks To Obamacare Hit Liberal Harvard Faculty, And They Are LIVID

Faculty at Harvard University are complaining that they will have to pay more for their health insurance under Obamacare, even though overall costs to faculty remain modest and employees of the Ivy Le

Health & Fitness | Health

Dilemma over deductibles: Costs crippling middle class

Physician Praveen Arla is witnessing a reversal of health care fortunes: The poor are getting care and others with high-deductible plans are putting it off.

Politics | Healthcare

Why You Can't Keep Your Plan Under Obamacare, in 3 Minutes

In a video Robert Graboyes of George Mason University's Mercatus Center explains in simple language why insurers cancel plans under the Affordable Care Act.

Politics | Obamacare

Supremes to White House: What about ‘death panel?’

The Supreme Court is telling the Obama administration to present its case for Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board – the provision that critics have described as a “death panel” – even if it doesn’t want to

Politics | Obamacare

As Medicaid Rolls Swell, Cuts in Payments to Doctors Threaten Access to Care - NYTimes.com

Just as millions of people are gaining insurance through Medicaid, the program is poised to make deep cuts in payments to many doctors, prompting some physicians and consumer advocates to warn that the reductions could make it more difficult for Medicaid patients to obtain care.

Politics | Obamacare

Iowa insurance co-op falters, is taken over by state

CoOportunity Health, a fledgling Iowa health-insurance company set up under the Affordable Care Act, is being taken over by the state health-insurance division because of a financial crunch. CoOportunity

Business & Finance | Economy

About that 5% GDP Growth Rate… | Power Line

Politics | The American Experiment

Paving the Way to Full Repeal - THE 2017 PROJECT

Under a winning alternative, costs would drop, liberty would be secured, and any American who wants to buy health insurance would be able to do so.

Politics | Healthcare

Congresswoman Lummis’ Heartbreaking Speech At Gruber Hearing [VIDEO]

WASHINGTON - Republican Wyoming Rep. Cynthia Lummis made a powerful personal speech in Tuesday's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing that featured testimony from disgraced Obamacar

News | That's News to Me

Oops! Administration erred on health law sign-ups

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration acknowledged Thursday it has been over-reporting the number of people signed up under the health care law, a discrepancy that congressional Republicans seeking to repeal the program say they uncovered.

News | That's News to Me

Bob Schieffer

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Nancy Pelosi says she doesn’t know who Jonathan Gruber is. She touted his work in 2009. - The Washington Post

Her office says she meant that she didn't know Gruber personally.

News | That's News to Me

Howard Dean: Obamacare Written By "Elitists" Who "Don't Fundamentally Understand The American People"

On MSNBC's Morning Joe today, Howard Dean had a terse reaction to Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber's recently unearthed comments about the "stupidity" of the American voter in regards to passing the legislation. "The problem is not that

News | That's News to Me

Obamacare Architect Admits Deceiving Americans to Pass Law

In a newly surfaced video, an Obamacare architects admits a

Politics | Obamacare

Jonathan Gruber Remains MIA as Obamacare Returns to Supreme Court

Ever since it was announced yesterday that the Supreme Court will once again take up Obamacare in the case of King vs Burwell, one figure has remained noticeably absent: Jonathan "Speak-O" Gruber. Since the case revolves around whether Congress

Politics | Healthcare

Barney, Frank: Admits Key Obamacare Clause Before Supreme Court Was 'Mistake'

Barney Frank lived up to his last name, and might live to regret it in Dem circles. Appearing on this morning's Up with Steve Kornacki, Frank admitted that the key Obamacare clause that the Supreme Court just agreed to consider was a "mistake."

Politics | Obamacare

Obamacare sends health premiums skyrocketing by as much as 78 percent

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to make health care more affordable, but a newly released study of insurance policies before and after Obamacare shows that average premiums have skyrocketed, for some groups by as much as 78 percent.

Politics | Obamacare

King v. Burwell: The new Supreme Court case that could gut Obamacare, explained - Vox

The Supreme Court is going to take up Obamacare again. And it could prove disastrous for the administration — and for millions of individuals and families who have found affordable coverage under the law.

Politics | Media Watch

Meet The Press Insists Repealing ObamaCare Is ‘So Retro’

On Sunday, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) spoke with Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd to discuss the future of the Republican Party. Following the conclusion of the interview, the MTP panel eagerly criticized the Kentucky Republican for daring to call for

Politics | Obamacare

Andrew Klavan: Obamacare - Lies or Crap?

In the series premiere of The Revolting Truth with Andrew Klavan, our cheerful host asks the really important questions about Obamacare - like is it based on lies or fantasy, and is the President's signature legislation actually the harbinger of Armag

Politics | Healthcare

Majority Say They No Longer Trust, Believe in Obama After Obamacare Fiasco | Mediaite

The White House could not be happy with the results of the latest CNN/ORC survey. The poll shows that, as a result of the problematic implementation of the Affordable Care Act, majorities no longer believe in President Barack Obama’s competency or trust

Politics | Obamacare

The Obamacare marketplace one year later: How you’re faring - Yahoo Finance

From Yahoo Finance: With the one-year anniversary of Obamacare's Healthcare.gov nearing, Americans tell us how they've been faring.

News | In the News

The Myth of ObamaCare's Affordability - WSJ

In The Wall Street Journal, Casey B. Mulligan writes that the law's perverse incentives will have the nation working fewer hours, and working those hours less productively.

Politics | Politics

LA Restaurants Enact 3% Surcharge For Healthcare Costs | Truth Revolt

On Tuesday, LA Weekly reported that several upscale restaurants in the City of Angels will be adding a 3 percent surcharge to cover their employees' healthcare costs, a trend that has been gaining steam since the Affordable Care Act launched nearly one ye

Politics | Healthcare

Obamacare Now Pays for Gender Reassignment - The Daily Beast

The nation’s health law opens the door for transgender people to gain coverage for gender reassignment surgeries they previously could not afford.

Politics | Obamacare

Obamacare Chief Ordered Official To Delete HealthCare.gov Emails - Yahoo News

From Yahoo News: Obamacare head Marilyn Tavenner told a top press official to delete an e-mail related to HealthCare.gov during the botched launch, according to documents released Friday. House Republicans are seeking emails from Centers for Medicare and

Politics | Obamacare

ObamaCare Exchange Enrollment Is Shrinking, Top Insurers Say

After reporting 720,000 ObamaCare exchange sign-ups in May, Aetna expects paid enrollment of just over 500,000 at year-end.

Politics | Healthcare

If You Like Your Obamacare Plan, It'll Cost You

Consumers could be hit with major price increases, without even knowing it, if they don't switch their health care plans.

Politics | Healthcare

Doctors Begin To Refuse Obamacare Patients

Obamacare plans have shrunk payments to physicians so much that some doctors say they won't be able to afford to accept Obamacare coverage, NPR reports. Many of the eight million sign-ups in Obama

Politics | Politics

Barney Frank 'Appalled' By Obama Administration: 'They Just Lied To People'

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama made a major political mistake by lying about the details of his health care plan, according to former House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.). "The rollout was so bad, and I was...

Politics | Healthcare

Women-Owned Businesses Hit Hard By ObamaCare Tax

What’s the harm in hitting businesses with another tax and regulation? Conservative economists lecture about costs rippling through, hitting consumers and employees as well as business’s bottom-lines. But their estimates are just numbers on a

News | Health Care

Appeals courts differ on Obamacare; Supreme Court case likely

The battle over Obamacare took a dramatic turn, with two federal appeals courts handing down opposite rulings.

Politics | Obamacare

1.3 million Obamacare 'enrollees' may not even be American citizens, admits HHS report

1.3 million Obamacare 'enrollees' may not even be American citizens, admits HHS report

Politics | Other Politics

Boehner Lawsuit Against Obama to Focus on Obamacare - NBC News

House Speaker John Boehner announced Thursday the Republican-led lawsuit against President Barack Obama will focus on the implementation of the Affordable Ca...

Politics | Healthcare

Video: Long wait times in ERs due to ObamaCare - Hot Air

Wait times for seeing doctors have become an issue even outside the VA, which was a totally predictable outcome of ObamaCare. What wasn’t predicted was that the impact on wait times would be seen in emergency rooms, since one of the arguments for ObamaCare was to shift patients out of ERs and into clinics with an expansion of coverage.

News | The News

Supreme Court backs Hobby Lobby in contraceptive mandate challenge

The decision was one of two final rulings to come down on Monday, as the justices wrapped up their work for the session.

Politics | Politics


WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court ruled Monday that some corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.

Politics | Healthcare

Obamacare Employees Behind Failed Oregon Exchange Now Getting Cushy Bonuses

Now that Oregon's Obamacare exchange has entirely given up on fixing or running its own Obamacare website, the state exchange is handing out hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funding as bon

Politics | Healthcare

Obamacare's Exchanges Fall Well Short of Enrollment Target

Fewer than 4 million newly insured “doesn’t put much of a dent in the problem,” says an Obamacare supporter. The Obama administration hoped for 26 million.

Politics | Healthcare

SC Woman Refused Medicine Because ObamaCare Says She Is a Man

SC Woman Refused Medicine Because ObamaCare System Says She Is a Man

Politics | POLITICS

Report: Obamacare contractors paid to do nothing

Private contractor has hired employees to process Obamacare applications, but there's little work to be done, employee tells CBS affiliate

Politics | Obamacare

Washington Approves Premium-Hiking Regulations Despite Insurer, Hospital Protests

Washington state's insurance commissioner has officially issued controversial regulations for insurers, dictating not only what services must be covered but how close providers must be, down to the mi

News | That's News to Me

The Coming Obamacare Shock for 170 Million Americans

Barack Obama declared victory this week as the deadline to avoid the penalty for the individual mandate to carry health insurance passed on Monday.  “The Affordable Care Act is here to stay,” the President insisted as he announced that 7.1 million pe

Politics | Obamacare

Obamacare architect: Law will cause ‘the end of employer-sponsored insurance’

Obamacare architect Zeke Emanuel claims in his new book that the health care reform law will result in

Politics | Obamacare

How Much Does Obamacare Rip Off Young Adults? We Ran The Numbers. Here Are The Results.

Obamacare is still struggling to sign up young people. In order to offset the high cost of the older, and probably less healthy people who are joining Obamacare plans, the White House must coerce a sufficient number of thirty-somethings to also join. Prob

Politics | Obamacare

Report: Obamacare’s regulatory costs more than double benefits

The annual costs of Obamacare regulations come in at $6.8 billion a year so far -- around 2.5 times the total benefits of its heavy-handed regulations, according to study released Monday. The feder

Politics | Healthcare

Doctor Wait Times Rise As Obamacare Rolls Out

Patients are waiting an average of 18 days to schedule an appointment for a doctor, according to a study of appointments for commonly used specialty physicians in 15 major U.S. cities. see photosDwight Nadig/Getty ImagesClick for full photo gallery: Citie

Politics | Healthcare

The Republican Answer to Obamacare

It’s been a rough two months for the White House since HealthCare.gov went live on Oct 1. In the weeks that followed, it soon became clear that the problem was not just one of technical incompetence leading to a shoddy website, but of bad policy. Mi

Politics | Healthcare

Individual Coverage - Cedars-Sinai

If you purchase a private commercial policy for your health care you can purchase a plan that includes Cedars-Sinai as one of its options. Includes list of plans where Cedars-Sinai is part of the network.

Politics | Healthcare

ObamaCare's Plans Are Worse

The Wall Street Journal explains how the Affordable Care Act raises prices and limits medical choices.

Politics | Healthcare

Will this court case shatter Obamacare?

A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997

Politics | Healthcare

New health plans sold through exchanges not accepted at some prestigious NYC hospitals

Politics | Healthcare

Obamacare: So, what could go wrong next? - David Nather

Busted website, canceled policies, lousy early enrollment numbers. And that could be just the warmup. Because the lesson of the last six weeks is that when it comes to the Obamacare rollout, if it can go wrong, it probably will. The stumble-filled debut o