I founded www.workplacecoachblog.com (still active) & ran for 39 years a nationally respected management consulting firm; authored four books, Beating the Workplace Bully, AMACOM 2016 & Solutions (both rated 4.8 stars out of 5 on amazon.com). I've written a "dear Abby for the workplace" weekly newspaper column for 38 years, love answering coach questions.

Lynne Curry

Articles 618
Views 431.5K

Books | Books

Books | Books

The Promise | LynneCurryAuthor.com

Sliding my key into the lock, I twisted the knob, but the door stuck as if warning me not to enter. I braced my shoulder against it and shoved. It groaned before yielding, the hinges protesting. I strained to catch any sign someone might have heard. Secon

    Books | Books

    Scam Whom? | LynneCurryAuthor.com

    Dating site scams: taking out the scammer; one woman's success story

        Books | Books

        Will I Save Her Life Or Will She Save Mine? | LynneCurryAuthor.com

        A dramatic flash fiction of a woman fleeing danger who parachutes to escape with herself and her baby...will she make it to safety?

        Books | Books

        Will I Save Her Life Or Will She Save Mine? | LynneCurryAuthor.com

        A dramatic flash fiction of a woman fleeing danger who parachutes to escape with herself and her baby...will she make it to safety?

        Books | Books

        The Ghost Drinking My Gin Wasn’t the Worst of My Problems | LynneCurryAuthor.com

        The ghost drinking my gin wasn't the worst of my problems. Did the crafty, smart-aleck ghost murder her husband? Was she set up?

        Books | Books

        The Real-life Writing Journey with Lynne Curry: April 2024

        Books | Books

        I Never | LynneCurryAuthor.com

        I’ve never harmed a living creature. I’ve never tied thread to a butterfly’s wings or pulled a daddy longlegs’ center from his wriggling legs. Thirty years ago, Ma gave birth to me on a rotting cloth cot strung up in a leaking tar paper shack in t

        Books | Books

        A Drama in 127 Words: Leaning Forward | LynneCurryAuthor.com

        A flash fiction drama in 127 words: Leaning Forward: one woman bushwhacking through the alder to find the search and rescue site where her love landed.

          Books | Books

          Real-life Writing | Workplace Coach Blog

          Real-life writing: a new site promising inspiration and stories not found elsewhere; I hope you'll join the journey

          Books | Books

          Would LOVE to know what you think: I’ve taken a risk | Workplace Coach Blog

          Real-life writing...would love to know what you think of this blog, with mountains, dogs, and writing from the cabin

          Books | Books

          Please vote: Which 1 sentence would most make you want to pick up my debut novel? | Workplace Coach Blog

          Novel: Which 1 sentence would most make you want to pick up my debut novel?

          Books | Books

          What They’re Saying About Navigating Conflict | Workplace Coach Blog

          Conflict & how to navigate it; here's what 30 individuals, including CEOs and attorneys say you'll get from Navigating Conflict

          Books | Books

          Navigating Conflict: Tools for Difficult Conversations

          Navigating Conflict: Tools for Difficult Conversations

            Books | Books

            Navigating Conflict | Workplace Coach Blog

            Navigating Conflict: the book's almost out!

            Books | Books

            SNEEK PREVIEW: My Favorite Short Story | Workplace Coach Blog

            Your Sneek Preview: My Favorite Short Story

            Books | Books

            Debut Novel Almost Ready…Your Gut Reaction Please:) | Workplace Coach Blog

            Debut novel almost ready--your gut reaction to these two pitch lines please

            Books | Books

            Two Free Months of After Dinner Conversation: an ethics & philosophy magazine | Workplace Coach Blog

            Two free months of After Dinner Conversation; a magazine that publishes stories, like mine, that have an ethics or unique philosophical message

            Books | Books

            Navigating Conflict: Tools for Difficult Conversations | Workplace Coach Blog

            Excited to announce this 41K word book will be out this fall. Please let me know if you want to …

            Books | Books

            Which is Your Favorite? I’d Love Your Creative Wisdom:) | Workplace Coach Blog

            To query agents, I need a one sentence log line for my debut novel. Which is your favorite (i.e., would …

            Books | Books

            Intriguing magazine focused on stories that illuminate ethical issues | Workplace Coach Blog

            Compelling short stories with an ethical punch.

            Books | Books

            Would Love Your Thoughts on My Debut Novel’s Synopsis | Workplace Coach Blog

            debut novel: what are your thoughts about this synopsis? does it grab you?

            Books | Books

            Straight Talk about Accountability: What It Means for the Workplace & How It's a Factor In Turning Around What Needs to be Fixed - Workplace Coach Blog

            Accountability in the workplace: what it means for employers & employees

            Books | Books

            The Game Changer You Need - Workplace Coach Blog

            Here's what accountability means to you and why it's a game changer.

            Books | Books

            Being Judged By A New Yardstick: Are You Ready? - Workplace Coach Blog

            accountability in the workplace, being judged by a new yardstick, are you ready?

              Books | Books
