
News | News Items

Rob Lowe on the California Wildfires and What Malibu Lost

Rob Lowe says the old L.A. he loved has been completely wiped out by wildfires. “I mourn everything in Malibu.”

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Disaster Readiness - Yes, Again! - Whole Dog Journal

If you have been following the weather news, you might have guessed what this post was going to be about, am I right? So, we had a little dress rehearsal for fire season a month ago. Here in California, we had a unseasonal storm that featured a ton of thu

Advice & Self-Help | Helpful Advice

5 Ways to Help Victims of the West Coast’s Wildfires

Wildfires across California, Oregon, and Washington are devastating communities—here’s how you can help victims.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

How You Can Help Victims of the Current California Wildfires

The massive wildfires taking place in Northern California have quickly become the second largest wildfires to take place in California’s history. With the government declaring it a Major Disaster over the weekend, it leaves many Southern California reside

News | News

After wildfires ravage Israeli homes, American Jews send emergency aid

After wildfires ravage Israeli homes, American Jews send emergency aid As wildfires destroyed most of the 50 or so homes in the town of Mevo Modi’im in central Israel on Thursday, Israelis from all around the country and Jewish organizations have sent e

News | The News

Sorry, Gov. Brown — Blame Bad Gov't Policies, Not Global Warming, For Deadly California Fires

California Gov. Jerry Brown blames global warming for his state's devastating fires. In fact, bad government policies, not climate change, are really to blame.

News | Interesting Stories

Firefighters Face Largest Fire In Los Angeles History

A historic brush fire ravaged almost 5,900 acres of land in California as over 1,000 firefighters continued to push back the flames, KABC, a Los Angeles-based ABC affiliate reports Sunday morning.