Politics | Campus Watch

At MIT, Administrators Allow Unlawful Encampment To Displace Lawful Israeli Independence Day Event

In the run-up to an annual Israeli Independence Day celebration at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, university president Sally Kornbluth assured student organizers that an unauthorized anti-Israel encampment—located in the same area where the Je

News | News

MIT becomes first elite university to ban diversity statements - UnHerd

In what’s likely to be a watershed moment, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has ended the use of diversity statements for faculty hiring, making it the first elite private university to backtrack on the practice that has been roundly criticised a

Politics | Campus Watch

Speaker at MIT’s ‘Standing Together Against Hate' Event Endorsed Hamas Terrorism as Lawful 'Resistance'

In an attempt to ease campus "tension" following Hamas's Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is slated to bring a series of guest speakers to campus—including one who endorsed Hamas terrorism as an act of lawful "resistance.

Politics | Education or Indoctrination?

Victor Davis Hanson: Can We Save our Universities?

It took the widely reported, repellent, and exempt wave of anti-Semitism and violent pro-Hamas protestors harassing Jews, finally to convince Americans that…

Politics | Campus Watch

Antisemitism on Campus: Jewish MIT Students Physically Prevented from Attending Class

 While the Biden administration is labeling parents and fitness buffs (but not antisemites) 'domestic terrorists' and focusing on Islamophobia, very bad things are happening on our college campuses.

Politics | Leftists Are Racists

MIT video game gets players to confront white Midwestern woman aboard airplane over her simulated 'xenophobia'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a video game where players can virtually signal their virtue. One academic has expressed optimism that this game signals an opportunity in the virtual space to inoculate users against purpor

News | News

MIT study challenges indoor social distancing, finds 'no difference between 6 feet and 60 feet'

A new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology challenges the widespread social distancing guidelines, asserting that the "six-foot rule" is "inadequate" in mitigating indoor transmission of COVID-19.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

MIT researchers turn water into 'calm' computer interfaces

Our lives are busy and full of distractions. Modern computing. with its constant notifications and enticing red bubbles next to apps, seems designed to keep us...

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

MIT uses Lego to prototype low-cost micro pumps

Lego bricks (or, if you're not a pedant, Legos) are highly precise and highly consistent plastic objects. Anywhere you go in the world the Lego is the same...

Science & Technology | Technology

Google teams up with MIT to make programming easier for kids

Google is teaming up with MIT's Media Lab to create Scratch Blocks, an updated version of the kid-centric programming language.