Interested in making experiences delightful for the user whether it's a website, an app or an everyday experience. Other interests include cinema, food and wine, LA History, live music and fashion

Experience Designer

Articles 203
Views 273.3K

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Chart: Here's How 5 Tech Giants Make Their Billions

These five companies combined for $555 billion in revenues in 2016 - here's a breakdown of each company's revenue by product or service category.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Global ransomware attack shows why Apple refused to hack terrorist's iPhone

Apple argued that if it were to hack an iPhone and turn over the technique to the FBI, there would be no way to make sure the bug wouldn't be discovered and deployed against the general public.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

These ER docs invented a real Star Trek tricorder

A group of doctors and engineers developed a sci-fi inspired device that can scan a patient, read his or her vital signs, and diagnose any medical problems in a matter of minutes.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Tech-Investment Advice From the Star of Silicon Valley

The HBO hit comedy has given actor Thomas Middleditch a foothold in the real-life Silicon Valley investment culture.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

The Russian App That Has Destroyed Privacy Forever

See a pretty girl or guy on the street? Snap a pic, and you can find out who they are. What could go wrong?

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Winston Churchill was also a prophetic astronomer

Many of Winston Churchill's 77-year-old ideas are shockingly modern, with many of them still held by today's astronomers.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Lessons on Aging Well, From a 105-Year-Old Cyclist

At age 105, Robert Marchand, a French amateur cyclist, is fitter than most 50-year-olds, and appears to be getting fitter with age.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Startups Put A New Spin On Record Players

Two startups are bringing record players into the 21st century. Check out these new-school ways to listen to vinyl.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

The mind-blowing AI announcement from Google that you probably missed.

Disclaimer: I’m not an expert in neural networks or machine learning. Since originally writing this article, many people with far more…

    Science & Technology | Science & Technology

    Timelapse Shows the Making of Life-Sized LEGO Batmobile

    A life-sized Batmobile made of LEGOs was unveiled today by Chevrolet at the North American International Auto Show. The 17-foot long vehicle is made up of 344,187 bricks.

    Science & Technology | Science & Technology

    Black Mirror Tech That’s Already Here! – Product Hunt

    “Black Mirror Tech That’s Already Here!” is published by Product Hunt in Product Hunt

      Science & Technology | Science & Technology

      How “Black Mirror” Gets Its Barely Sci-Fi Tech Just Right

      The devices and tech featured in “Black Mirror” aren’t designed to scare viewers—they’re designed to feel familiar, says longtime…

        Science & Technology | Science & Technology

        A Google Maps for the Human Body

        A group of scientists has taken the first important steps towards creating the Human Cell Atlas—a complete inventory of our staggeringly diverse cells.

          Science & Technology | Science & Technology

          How “Silicon Valley” Nails Silicon Valley - The New Yorker

          The absurdly deep research underlying HBO’s satire.

            Science & Technology | Science & Technology

            Don't miss the Perseid meteor shower 'outburst' this week. Here are good places to watch

            Sky-gazers, take note: The Perseid meteor showers will be bigger than ever this year as the Earth passes through the tail of Comet Swift-Tuttle and its debris turns into fireballs in the sky. reports that it’s an “outburst” year for the