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Angela DeGrasse-Smith

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Food & Drink | Food & Drink

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

How to make coffee smoothies: my new favorite health trend

Smoothies invigorate and coffees caffeinate, so blending the two together makes sense. Here's how to make coffee smoothies like the experts.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

The 7 Wackiest Restaurants In Southern California Where Dining Is A Blast

Why just eat when you can dine somewhere quirky and unusual? Get ready for fun when you visit these wacky restaurants in Southern California.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

Dolly Parton's Trick for Cooking Scrambled Eggs

Dolly Parton has a secret for cooking perfectly fluffy scrambled eggs every weekend.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

We Tried 10 Methods for Making Lemonade And Found One Clear Winner | Kitchn

Summer is almost here; with the arrival of warmer temperatures, there are whispers of it already in the air. Before we know it we’ll be faced with sweltering hot days, along with a thirst that needs to be constantly quenched.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

10 Hacks For Cheap Starbucks Drinks That'll Save You Big Time

While Starbucks drinks might as well be part of our bodies at this point, buying a Peppermint Mocha every day during the holiday season (and every day after that) can get pretty expensive over time. And while you could always cut back on coffee to…

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

5 Delicious and Healthy Bread Swaps To Try

Whether you’re looking to cut back on your bread intake or you’re newly gluten-free, we’ve got you covered.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

This Portable Coffee Machine Makes Cold Brew in Four Minutes Flat

With G-Presso, gone are the days when you needed a full 12 hours to make a delicious batch of cold brew coffee.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

A Simple Trick to Prevent Your Guacamole from Browning | Mental Floss

Don't let those delicious avocado leftovers go bad. Cooking experts have tried out different methods of preserving guacamole, and there's one that actually works.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

Seated App Will Pay You to Eat at Your City’s Best Restaurants | Mental Floss

For every reservation you keep through Seated, you can earn up to 30 percent of the value of your meal back.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

Cheap and Easy Meals Top Chefs Ate When They Were Broke

Daniel Boulud, Aarón Sánchez, Peter Serpico -- even culinary hot shots had to start somewhere, and that somewhere often involved hot d...

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

The Fish on Your Plate May Not Be What You Ordered | WIRED

A fifth of the fish sold at restaurants and markets is mislabeled, according to a report that documents the extent of seafood fraud.

Food & Drink | Food & Drink

The Only 10 Foods That All Nutritionists Recommend | MyDomaine

There's a ton of debate surrounding what foods are truly good for you. But all nutritionists can agree that these are the healthiest foods.