
News | Interesting Links

Consciousness Does Not Go to the Grave—So Where Does It Go? | The Epoch Times

Many verifiable details from organ recipients and near-death experiencers have informed medical guidelines, shedding light on the nature of human consciousness.

News | News Items

Scientists may be on brink of discovering fifth force of nature | Particle physics | The Guardian

Experts closing in on potentially identifying new force after surprise wobble of subatomic particle

News | Interesting Links

8 Popular Jewish Superstitions | My Jewish Learning

jewish,learning,judaism, magic, popular superstitions, JPS, Ronald Eisenberg, pooh pooh pooh, bubbe meise, sneezing

Food & Drink | Restaurants

30 Weirdest McDonald's Restaurants From All Around The World | DeMilked

Turns out that some McDonald's restaurants are known for more than just their food.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

Why CAPTCHA Pictures Are So Unbearably Depressing | by Clive Thompson | Aug, 2021 | OneZero

Part of it is the sheer hassle of repeatedly identifying objects — traffic lights, staircases, palm trees and buses — just so I can finish a web search. I also don’t like being forced to donate free…

News | Interesting Links

When Trauma Gets Trapped in the Body

If we don't face our pain and acknowledge our trauma, it continues to haunt us from the shadows where we let it reside.

News | Interesting Links

Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn ‘triple conjunction’ this weekend | KXAN Austin

Did you see the "Christmas Star" last month? Another astronomical event referred to as a "triple conjunction" will be visible in the sky this weekend.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

7 Early Signs That May Indicate A Future Divorce | Gonitz Experts

My divorce came as a complete surprise. This is what happens when you are not at home for 18 years. "This quote belongs to Lee Trevino, an American golfer

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

11 Things You Do Not Have To Do To Feel Loved In A Relationship | Gonitz Experts

After seeing and experiencing some relationships in life we ​​can tell you that most of us, if not all of us, have sinned on one level or another and passed

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

19 Secrets Women Wish You Knew

Can a guy expect the bedroom key on date number three? WebMD's slideshow lays out the secrets of dating, love, and marriage according to women.

News | Interesting Links

Differences Between Left- and Right-Handedness

Right- and left-handed people can differ in very noticeable ways. Find out how and why.

News | Interesting Links

Quiz: Birth Order and Personality, Relationships, Theory, and More

Take this WebMD quiz to find out how your birth order may affect who you are.

News | Interesting Links

How Chocolate Can Help Save the Planet

You can count on the fact that chocolate will, as always, be a mainstay of Valentine’s Day. You can also count on the fact that cocoa bean cultivation is bad for the environment—especially for the rain forests of West Africa. That, along with concerns

News | Interesting Links

Pentagon Working on Radical New Fighting Style: Mosaic Warfare

In the secretive labs of the Pentagon, top military minds are working on a new fighting style. Their ...

News | Interesting Links

Quiz: Birth Order and Personality, Relationships, Theory, and More

Take this WebMD quiz to find out how your birth order may affect who you are.

News | Interesting Links

China, Russia and US: New Power Dynamics in Middle East After Soleimani’s Death

The power-dynamics in the Middle East after Soleimani’s death is redrawn between Iran, China, and Russia vis-a-vis the US, according to analysts.

News | Interesting Links

Edible Insects: Bugs You Can Eat

If you can get past your initial reaction to them, insects aren’t only edible but also can be good for you.

News | Interesting Links

The 20 wealthiest counties in the U.S., including these Washington, DC, suburbs: Report | Fox Business

Nine of the 20 richest counties in the U.S. are suburbs of Washington, D.C., according to a recent report.

News | Interesting Links

Pictures of Cleaning Schedule and Tips; Home Maintenance

Are you keeping your home as healthy as you could? Find out from this WebMD slideshow when you should clean or replace these common household and personal items.

News | Interesting Links

Degrading Family Structures Contributes to Mass Shootings: Family Research Council

Ret. Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin of the Family Research Council told us that fatherlessness and a deteriorating family structure is linked to mass shootings.

News | Interesting Links

Where Millennials end and Generation Z begins | Pew Research Center

Pew Research Center now uses 1996 as the last birth year for Millennials in our work. President Michael Dimock explains why.

News | Interesting Links

Pictures of Body Language and What It Means

Learn how your posture, gestures, and expressions may shape how others see you.

News | Interesting Links

Red Sea–Dead Sea Water Conveyance - Wikipedia

News | Interesting Links

Sociopath vs. Narcissist: What's the Difference? - Health

A sociopath and narcissist are similar dangerous personality types, but there is a key way to tell them apart. Find out what an expert says about the

News | Interesting Links

Your ‘Third Eye’ Is Hidden In Your Brain. Here’s What Scientists Have Discovered About It

Did you know that there is a "third eye" buried deep inside your brain? Modern medical science has ...

News | Interesting Links

Are Birth Rates Set For A Rebound?

The current stubbornly low birth rates could be on the verge of a rise, away from the economically and culturally divided low-birth-rate society described in Charles Murray's "Coming Apart," and toward something suggested by Donald Trump's "

News | Interesting Links

George Soros Bet Big on Liberal Democracy. Now He Fears He Is Losing. - The New York Times

His enemies paint him as all-powerful, but the billionaire philanthropist believes that his political legacy has never been in greater jeopardy.

News | Interesting Links

Married woman and mechanic die from carbon monoxide poisoning while having sex in garage: report | Fox News

A married woman and her mechanic lover reportedly died from apparent carbon monoxide poisoning while having sex in a parking garage.

News | Interesting Links

Stonehenge secret: Did builders use Pythagoras' theorem 2,000 years before the philosopher lived? | Fox News

The famous ancient site at Stonehenge may have been built using Greek philosopher Pythagoras’ famous theorem two millennia before the mathematical equation was developed, experts say.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

5 Personality Traits That Make Life Better

There are many paths to a good life. Some are just more rigorously studied than others.

Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous

100 Viral Entertainment Websites To Visit When You're Bored

After two years of my search for viral, cool websites, i have found literally hundreds of viral websites that are cool as hell. Here are best 101 from them.