
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help!

The Most Crucial Skill Sets for Successful Communication

Learn to notice that the way in which you are interacting with someone can possibly interfere with their ability to listen objectively to what you are saying.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Apple could allow audio chat with no cell or WiFi needed

Apple is developing technology that would allow any number of willing people in close proximity to start an audio chat, using only an iPhone and a headset like AirPods, with no WiFi or cell service needed.

Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research

What Do We Mean by Three Kinds Of Time? - Gordon Training International

Many times, the cause of problems and conflicts in families is an imbalance in the way that parents and children spend time. In P.E.T., we talk about

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

The power of science communication: 5 questions for Heather Berlin

This neuroscientist is combining research, clinical work, and communication skills to bring science into popular culture

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

Six Verbs That Make You Sound Weak (No Matter Your Job Title)

Sometimes it’s the smallest words and phrases that shape how you’re perceived around the office. Here are a few to watch out for at every level.

Psychology | Personality

Researchers are using technology to communicate psychological science to a wider audience

Driven by a sense of purpose, psychologists are finding new ways to get research and clinical advice to those who need it

Psychology | Psychology

Your Sneak Peek of Navigating Conflict | Workplace Coach Blog

Conflict skills & self-training manual: 20 pages from the new release of Navigating Conflict; the full table of contents & chapter 1

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

Stop Ghosting and Start Saying No

Ghosting is a common phenomenon in both personal and professional relationships. While it’s easy to lament being ghosted, it’s harder to admit that many of us have ghosted someone else. You promise to make a business introduction, offer to review a re

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

How to Talk to People You Disagree With

Bridge the divide with thoughtful conversation techniques, next-level listening, and a dip into the science of changing minds.

Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices

How To Use the HALT Method When You're Grumpy | Well Good

The HALT method helps you to figure out what your body needs before you do or say something you'll regret.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Why Negativity Is Infectious

When we reframe negativity and instead focus on progress and positivity, we're all able to come together as a community.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Navigating thorny topic in therapy

Clinicians and ethics experts share guidance on maneuvering disclosures about politics, religion, and other hot-button topics that can affect the therapeutic relationship.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Constructive criticism that works

Psychologists are discovering how to increase the odds that feedback will lead to change, including categorizing strengths and weaknesses and creating a supportive work environment.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

10 Meaningful Questions to Ask Others to Strengthen Your Relationships

When we take the time to ask creative and purposeful questions, we create long-lasting bonds that are both deep and fulfilling.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

Advice on Learning a New Language From People Who Speak Up to 16

Anyone can learn a new language, no matter their age. Simply follow this expert advice down the sweet-talking path to success.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

10 Tips We’d Give Our Younger Selves About Communication

We learned a lot about healthy communication this year, and many of these lessons could have come in handy long before the pandemic began.

Psychology | Personality

This is How Tiny Changes in the Words You Hear Impact Your Thinking

In a fascinating look at language, a professor lays out how political parties can sway supporters with tiny tweaks in word choice.

Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous

3 Things Good Listeners Consistently Do | Psychology Today

If you want to improve the quality of relationships with your friends, significant others, and colleagues, find out what good listeners do.

Psychology | Personality

The Bias of Thinking You Can Nonverbally Decode | Psychology Today

It’s easy to read people’s nonverbal cues, tell what they’re feeling, and know if they’re flirting, right? Not really. Verbal communication is a better choice.

Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices

Why active listening will fix all your work problems

I want to convince you that creating a culture with active listening on its list of core values will benefit your team – and organization – in huge ways.

Psychology | Personality

Your Fear of Confrontation Is Probably Unnecessary

New research from the University of Chicago finds that most people react better to honesty than we expect them to, suggesting that the common fear of confrontation is unhelpful and unfounded.

Psychology | Personality

Surprising Facts About Body Language and Your Emotions | Psychology Today

You are undoubtedly aware that your face communicates your emotional state, but new research shows the surprising ways that your entire body language contributes to the process.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How to Deal With Your Seriously Stressful Parents | Thrive Global

Meghan Markle’s rocky relationship with her father is playing out on the world stage, so we asked an expert for advice on how to handle a fraught relationship with your parents.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Hard Words to Hear When You Live with Chronic Pain | The Mighty

A woman with reflex sympathetic dystrophy or complex regional pain syndrome (RSD/CRPS), a rare, painful condition affecting the nervous system, shares 13 statements that are hard to hear as someone with chronic pain.

News | Interesting Links

Why Male Dolphin Buddies 'Hold Hands'

Bottlenose dolphins in Australia call each other by name and touch frequently to maintain alliances with other males, a new study says.   

Psychology | Personality


Funny thing about this word… We use it to imply “merely” when what we really mean is just the opposite. “Can you just tweak this design?” “Can you just re-write this page?” “Can you just tell us wh…

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

The One Daily Talk That Will Benefit Your Marriage

Changing your approach to an end-of-the-day talk can ensure to help both you and your partner unwind.

Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting

When They Say This ... They Might Need You To Know This. How to Deepen Your Connection and Increase Your Influence With

When we see through their words to the needs and feelings beneath, we deepen our connection, expand our influence, and become more able to guide them.

Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices

The Secret to Small Talk

The rules of etiquette only count for so much, argues the author of a new book. You also have to care about people.

Politics | POLITICS

Trump has a dangerous disability - The Washington Post

People must let their representatives know just how dangerous this man is.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

The Accident No One Talked About

When a family tries to sweep tragedy under the rug, the damage is deep and lasting.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

10 Things Truly Confident People Do Differently

True confidence -- as opposed to the false confidence people project to mask their insecurities -- has a look all its own. One thing is certain: truly co...

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

Learn to Say No by Using 'Don’t' Instead of 'Can’t'

Whatever the temptation is, saying "I don't" can empower you to stay true to your goals.

Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research

Dog Behavior and Training - Important Lessons from the Presidential Election

The 2016 election is an example of how assumptions can cause us to develop tunnel vision. You may be wondering, what does this have to do with dog behavior

News | News Items

Remembering Childhood Trauma and Abuse That Never Happened

Memory is incredibly malleable -- which means that it's not that difficult to falsely convince someone they experienced something horrific.

Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research

Empathy by the Book: How Fiction Affects Behavior

The mental calisthenics required to live inside a fictional character’s skin foster empathy for the people you meet day-to-day. And, surprisingly, not all types of reading have the same effect.

News | Interesting Links

Facebook feuds over politics lead some to unfollow or even unfriend relatives and acquaintances | The Island Packet

In a historically volatile election year, Facebook can become too vitriolic for even the best friends, relatives and acquaintances.

Entertainment | Astrology

Venus & Mercury Enter Regal Sign Leo

Leo it's your time to shine as Venus planet of love and Mercury planet of communication takes its place conjoining your Sun sign in the month of July. With Mercury and Venus traveling at your…

Entertainment | Astrology

The Evolutionary Path of Gemini

The youthful twins of the Zodiac playing with planet Mercury. This is a chatty placement and is associated with short trips, communications, and writing/publications. This is where we learn to spea…

Advice & Self-Help | Empowering Tools for Growth

How to Communicate Effectively at Work

Master your workplace communicate with tips from Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

'Tell Me About When You Were Little'. Children and Storytelling

Children and storytelling were made for each other. Here are the stories that will intrigue them and expand their world more than any other.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Instantly Read Someone's Personality With One Question

One type of question can indirectly reveal a lot about a person's personality.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Seeing the benefits of failure shapes kids' beliefs about intelligence

Parents' beliefs about whether failure is a good or a bad thing guide how their children think about their own intelligence, according to new research. The research indicates that it's parents' responses to failure, and not their beliefs about intelligenc

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

An Age By Age Guide to Sex Education

When it comes to sex education, parents often have many questions. How do I start? What do I say? And when? Here is an age guide for what kids need to know.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

In-Sync™ Newsletter - April 2016

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links!

19 Truths That Are All Too Real If You're An Introvert

It can be a challenge to have a complex inner life. Introverts are often mistaken as unfriendly or shy when in reality they just prefer reflection and solitude. What’s so wrong with a little silence and alone time? (Answer: Nothing).

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

How to Be a Good Kisser – 10 Tips From Scientific Research

What Does Science Say About How To Be A Good Kisser? Regular readers might be saying “What the hell is this, Cosmo Magazine?” In all…

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

How to Answer the Salary Question During a Job Interview

Your starting salary sets the bar for your future earnings, from overtime to raises and promotions, so it's important to get it right.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Family Footsteps We Follow

The glory of a close family is that you never lack for cheerleaders, enveloping you in support. The flip side is that you never lack for judges, weighing you down with expectations.

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

When Friends Are 'Like Family'

The comfort of a close bond can sometimes morph into the restraints of bondage.

News | Interesting Links

Metaphors That Make Us Feel Clean and Dirty, Literally

Liars who want mouthwash? Research shows that our brains can’t always separate what’s reality and what’s metaphor, says Robert M. Sapolsky.

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

13 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married

There are certain intimate and awkward topics couples should discuss before the wedding — unless you prefer to be surprised years later.

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

A Slow-Motion Demise, a Fast-Forward Repair

As her own marriage crumbles, a sister plays matchmaker for her divorced younger brother.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

The Remarkable Power of Touch -

The power of touch is profound. It heals, connects, nourishes and soothes. It is a fundamental part of the human experience and can nurture relationships an

News | News Items

There's a Scientific Reason Why You're Ignoring People, Study Says

It's not your fault you didn't hear your partner while watching TV

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Phew! It's Normal. An Age by Age Guide for What to Expect From Kids & Teens - And What They Need From Us

Being a kid or a teen is not for lightweights - it's tough out there! There are important things that need to be done, that only they can do. The nature of these jobs depends on the developmental stage they are at. 

Psychology | Relationships

The Secret to Having a Good but Difficult Conversation

Do your difficult conversations seem to create more problems? Follow these steps to prepare, enter, and engage the person to increase your odds of having a good outcome:

Psychology | Relationships

6 Surprising Ways to Communicate Better With Your Partner

Are you having troubles talking about your feelings to someone you love? Does your partner run the other way any time you bring up the word “feeling”?

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

The Hormone That Bonds Humans to Dogs

The hormone oxytocin has evolved into playing a major role in bringing humans and dogs together, Robert M. Sapolsky says.

Psychology | Relationships

The 3 Things You Should Never Say to Your Partner

These three all-too-common phrases relate to remarks—whether well-meaning or not—virtually guaranteed to antagonize your mate. Regardless of your motive, the likely reaction to such ill-chosen expressions will range from their going completely silent

Psychology | Relationships

How Threat Emotions Cause Us To Misread Our Partner

Whenever we’re anxious or angry, we’re prone to misread our partner. By learning to recognize how emotions shape perceptions, we can restore close connections.

Psychology | Relationships

Body Language: Understanding Non-Verbal Communication

Learn how to understand and interpret other people's body language, and how to use body language effectively at work.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

How to be Über-Successful in Your Love Life & in Your Career

As the Communication Success blog celebrates surpassing 1 million views, below are the top 10 most read, Facebook-liked, and retweeted articles from its first year. May these resources help you become ultra-successful in your love life, in your career, an

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Random Acts of Kindness - Mental Health & Happiness

If today is a day where you feel that our world is more and more disconnected, angry, alienated and cruel then today would be a great day for you to spread some random acts of kindness.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

5 Ways to Cultivate Empathy for Others - Happify Daily

Did you know that empathetic people have more satisfying relationships and perform better at work? Here are 5 tips for increasing your own levels of empathy.

Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting

8 Ways To Maintain A Strong Connection With Your Kids

As we become more connected to our smartphones and other devices, there's an increasing sense of disconnection and loneliness that pervades our lives. While we may expect this feeling with

Psychology | Relationships

5 Tips for Avoiding Conflict in Your Relationship

My husband and I got into a fight over a pillowcase. It was one of those times where it was clearly his fault, and I was sure he would apologize. He didn't. Instead he seemed surprised that I wasn't apologizing to him. How could we have such different vie

News | Interesting Links

It's Not About The Nail